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Everything posted by jelad

  1. Wow, this is one of my favorite chapters yet. I wish I could say I saw the cliff hanger coming but I didn't. I also will not say to much until others have read it. can't wait to see what happens next. glade you back and your not sick or hurt. please don't make us wait to long. jelad
  2. wow, it is like a ghost town here. I can see an old west town that is deserted and one person is standing in the middle of the street. can anybody hear me. echo, echo, echo (each one said softer).
  3. this week is taking forever to get over. after the week is over and he's back we still might have to wait a couple of days, if he didn't have time to write. I am seriously going through withdrauls,
  4. :Eye:just finished chapter 26 and I really liked it. I even liked the end and can't wait to see what happens with Petra, Suzie and Tatiana. I also agree that the girls are gonna be pissed when they find our that Tali got shot. Good luck to Max. Magus you get one week before we start hounding you, have fun LOL. Peace Jelad
  5. I have no idea what is going on, since I have been on 3rd shift, but hand me a pitch fork and I will back any move you make magus. like I told my boss sometimes you just have to be a dancing monkey. lol PS maybe Hans is the readers pov????
  6. great chapter and I don't know how I will pass the time till the next story. This cliffhanger is the worst so far, dude you are killing me. If you thank about it there is something, in the middle, of the chapter that could be a significant question or a minny cliffhanger. I don't want to mess it up for those that haven't read it yet. Meanwhile, great job next please.
  7. don't slow down, your die hard fans understand you have three stories going on at one time so you are bound to get messed up every so often. We just enjoy the story and know what you mean to say. keep them coming.
  8. that's just wrong dropping one hint about a 3rd book. now I am torn between liking GITG and not wanting it to end and wanting it to end so you could get to the next book. I don't know what to do so like a computer I should just shut down or I will blow sever computer chips.
  9. just finished chapter 21 of GITG and I agree with what someone posted, it was nice to see Max freak out a little. I wonder is anything going to happen on the road trip (shades of P.O.I story road trip)? I can see them either getting jumped by another kill squad or getting side tracked into someone else 's problem. keep the stories coming they are great and I will Max and the gang when it is finally over.
  10. magus. have you been in the beer again?
  11. I new it, you are using the cliffhangers to play with our heads. LOL
  12. just finished reading number 20 and I liked it. I liked that the girls had to take care of Max by telling him the difference between him the slavers. another good thing is that Max didn't almost die or loose a part of his body this time. PS the chaperones are needed so the kids don't do anything too stupid
  13. I really liked chapter 19, and I glade max is pain free but it scares me to thank what your gonna do to him next. to Angledust, I read skylar and I really liked it, I hope you write a few more chapters.
  14. nobody has said anything about the name LEGION, I don't believe it. Magus, I am assuming you are using that name for the religious reference. for those that don't know Jesus cast out a group of demons from a man into a herd of goats or pigs (I can't remember which on) and then they ran off a cliff into the ocean. I hope I didn't ruin an upcoming chapter, if I did I am sorry. great stories I would be ok with 100 more chapters. keep them coming.
  15. :spank:gee I know the hero has to have a hard time but shouldn't you give Max a break. almost everytime he does something heroic it seems to cost him. But maybe this Legion will help him but knowing you there will be consequences. Keep them coming, I love these stories.
  16. thanks Hundybunns, I forgot about Kenneth Hammond but the others I have or are reading. Woodward Accademy is one of my favorite stories. Did you know that the Bait and Switch story was rewritten by a friend of the original writer who passed away? he made small changes but really changed the ending a whole lot. both versions are really good. again thanks for all the recommendations and reminding me about Kenneth Hammond.
  17. Can anyone recommend another story or author to read? I am currently caught up on all my stories and I am looking for some new ones to read. I like adult sci fi (with or without sex) I am currently reading an author named "Captius" he has picked up one of his old stories "Eternal series" and "Defiance" both are good stories. I also read "hard93" "the ten of us". it was a good story I just thaught it could use a little more action. I am also reading "Path to our Future" and honestly the main character (Guy) is almost to violent for me sometimes but it is a good story. Thanks, in advance, for any recommendations.
  18. just read chapter 17 of GITG and it was great. I am a 40 something and I was in tears as Max was putting the dead girls in their beds. I liked what he let the twins do, it was great. how many times are you going to leave Max in a bad situation (don't want to give spoilers out to those who haven't read) and you know what I mean. can't wait to see what happens next.
  19. you know I would say "I told you so" but I am not that kind of person. I lied I am that kind of person, I knew Max would be ok with Mae and Rick. he does have a special bond with Marge and a deeper love for Emma then anyone else. he does love and care for all the girls but he would be ok with just Emma. Keep the stories coming, 15 is one of my favorites so far.
  20. Guys, you are reading way to much in to some parts and not enough into others. Max has said that he would be happy with just Emma and that he only spends time with the others because she wants him to. this is not to say that he doesn't have feelings for each and every girl. Remember when they decided to get pregnant with Marge was mainly because they were so depressed over June's death. again he does love them but he loves Emma most. Now on to May and Rick. June had been single for many years because she didn't want to get involved with anyone else because she was still hurting. she does love Marge but she instantly liked Rick when she saw him the first day of school. Suzy wanted to be with them but she wanted to be with Rick more. She really wanted to be with all of them but Rick was the hold out. Did June push a little hard? Yes, but this had been discussed for several chapters and frankly I am glade she took the decision out of his hands. I myself thank that there will be unforeseen things that happen because of that and probably not all good. again that is my hope and it sounded like it after they were finished. Will Max be downloaded or was he just knocked out, I don't have a guess, but I trust Magus enough and frankly I want to see how it ends. Stan Lee "show me a hero and I will show you a tragedy" but gee man give the boy a break. LOL
  21. this has nothing to do with magusfang but has anyone heard of a story called Genie Chronicles? it was a story posted on xnxx by a person who said she was not the author and found it on another site. the story stopped and it has actually spawned 2 more stories with different characters but I would like to know how the original story ended. If anyone could give me some info. I will be eternally gratefull. also has anyone read the author Captius on Watpadd? he has three stories going and has even started rewritten ETERNAL AWAKENING. he is a good writer but be warned he doesn't have any sex in his stories.
  22. on Mystic Wolfpub Eric Storm has a story called Woodward Academy. it is well written and a a developing story. He post once a month for the story and each year is a book. he is on year 4 now.
  23. has anyone ever told you that you have cruel streak in you? dropping that someone is gonna die, that's just wrong. I bet it's Naddi or Max's other girlfriend (I can't remember her name). keep them coming my life is so empty LOL.
  24. I agree with, that other site has lost its mind. KaHmnd took down his stories {under that pen name} and is posting them (real slowly) on storiesonline.net . Maybe he will get all his stories posted there. he still post under his name on that other site
  25. you are still scaring me. How many chapters do you see GITG going?
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