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Everything posted by jelad

  1. glade to hear things are going good. hope they keep inproving for you all.
  2. thanks samslam1000, I had already found that story and saved it but I lost the address to the site. his wizards story are great and I look forward to reading them again.
  3. To all that served thank you. You sacrificed your time with family and friends and some even their lives. Again thank you.
  4. glad to hear you are doing better. don't push to hard, you can do more damage if you force it. we will wait for quality.
  5. i caught the last end of a conversation in the SB and i got the impression that something health wise is wrong with Magusfang. please let us know if anything is wrong.
  6. does anyone else feel sorry for poor Max? I mean he has been stuck in the same place for several months. How about it Magus, when can we expect an update?
  7. Hello, is anyone there?
  8. all praise DirtyAngel
  9. what he (angledust) said, and I hope all is good with the family.
  10. happy anniversary, and I hope you have many more.
  11. now that's funny.
  12. glade to hear that the whole family is doing better. best wishes for a full and fast recovery.
  13. she's adorable. hope all is well
  14. hope all is well with the whole family and I send them my best wishes and prayers.
  15. Has anyone heard from Magus or his family? they have dropped of the site completly. Let us know something.
  16. angledust, i came to the same conclusion they (magus and family) have even stopped spending time in the shout box. i hope the real world stuff works out good for them. who knows if that works out maybe his muse will come back. even if it doesn't i send him my best wishes.
  17. it's been so long, isn't it about time for Max to lay some waste on the bad guys or have they gotten to old? lol. i hope everyone had a nice Christmas and new year.
  18. it sounds like to me you all have alot to be thank full for. glade all is well.
  19. i hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving and nice long nap.
  20. thought i would post to see if anyone knew what was going on? it's been three days.
  21. Rescue25 have you read POI on the other site. at first his main character is a little brutal but he does chill out a little. it's a pretty long story. his posts are long to so it takes me some time to get through it.
  22. Rescue25 thanks. he actually posted it a little early we usually have to wait till 1 or 2 in the morning. i wonder if daylight savings time ending had something to do with it. i really like the W. A. series.
  23. give him a break. a huricane messed up their vacation, he messed up his back and had surgery, meds, and has a baby on the way. i love the stories but i can also understand that the real world does infringe on our entertainment. that being said i really wish he would post. POI ended his story on the site that will not be named, Eternal Destiny author is sick so he isn't posting and Eric Storm only posts once a month.
  24. isn't he teaching now? who knows some student might do something stupid and get his blood pumping. in my opinion (everyone has one) give him a break after doing something forever it's hard to stop, but he's trying.
  25. My mom died of cancer. she died almost 9 months after they diagnosed her. In the end she was in pain and had some dementia. that was over 10 years ago and even though i miss her I feel she is in a better place.
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