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Everything posted by Savvat

  1. My birthday is March 2nd, and my husband and I are projected closing on a house March 3rd I am so excited to get the hell out of this small ass apartment.

  2. Did to much with my hands/wrists today, hard brace for the rest of the day -_-

  3. It really does look like they stomped all over my poor hands...


  4. Welp, I can say for a fact now that intubation sucks really mfing bad. Other than that my surgery went well and some tall dude nurse got to help me put my panties back on...wasn’t in my prime tho.

    1. WillowDarkling


      Here’s to a speedy recovery and good healing. :hug:

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Good to hear you’re doing better!  :hug:

      Now, that dude nurse… could be the start to a good story on this website :)

    3. BronxWench
  5. I absolutely cannot wait until I get this surgery done on my hands and am incapable of doing anything for myself! Said no one ever.

  6. Ate to much for dinner, ended up puking till I got to blood.

    1. GeorgeGlass


      Do the letters T, M, and I mean anything to you? :)

    2. Desiderius Price
    3. Savvat


      I was pretty damn terrified at the time that I didn’t care about it being TMI

  7. 37345
  8. I am glad everyone is alright. Taking a break from all things is sometimes just what the doctor ordered—Just know you were missed very much and welcome back. I am glad you relaxed. You and your family needed it.
  9. Have to have a Liver Ultrasound done on August 1st. At my local hospital. I am kind of scared. 

    1. Desiderius Price
    2. BronxWench


      Oh, sweetie! :hug: I am sure it’s going to be okay, really! :licking-cat:

  10. 36596
  11. Psst, anyone alive? -pokes with stick-
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