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Everything posted by Dr_Jackal

  1. Thanks again. I'm making use of them right now.
  2. You know, I used to watch that show with a friend, but it got kinda old after a while. That being said, it was fun seeing the "reenactments" and them testing the weapons, of course. When I first saw chakram I mistakenly thought of chakra so I was confused for a little bit. Xena was another fun show. Anyway, I hope these ideas can help the OP.
  3. I just wanted to create this thread as to have feedback with readers who take time to leave reviews, as that's not something they have to do. Reading someone's stuff is an investment in of itself and to take the time to do a review is truly helpful and an honor. Aysha: Thank you! I'm definitely working on fleshing out more details to make this encounter make sense in the overall context of the story. The Todd: Fair enough. I wanted their level of comfort and trust with each other to come across to balance that out so I've obviously got both some story and tag work to do. Thanks for the constructive remarks. Thanks again!
  4. These worksheets do seem really helpful, but I'll admit that when I first saw them I thought of character sheets I used in role playing way back in high school. That last one I'll put to good use and definitely echoes things I've seen in screenwriting books. Thanks for these!
  5. Yeah, even though I'm not religous now I was always intrigued by Ezekiel's vision of the wheel as it had the most interesting description of what I believe are generally accepted to be angels, even though they're called "creatures" in the book. The angle guarding the way to the Tree of Life with a flaming sword was pretty cool too. These can be used for atypical depictions of angels. One could also reference the Lesser Key of Solomon (more commonly called the Goetia) to get more very interesting descriptions of vairous types of celestial beings. Heh. In the comic series Mercy Sparx, the removal of an angel's halo immediately subdues them. Didn't know some of the Hindu deities had such weapons. Neat.
  6. This is definitely good to know, thank you all for both the question, answer, and confirmation. I was wondering about this myself.
  7. Basically this. I definitely feel what a lot of people are saying for not having OC's eclipse the established characters. I feel that said OC's roles will vary in their involvment depending on their relationshp with the main characters.For example, if they're acting as an unsettling/unfamiliar outside force it could be interesting to see how this affects established group and relationship dynamics, but if this becomes the focus of the story for too long it may be hard for people to continue seeing it as fanfiction. I'll have to keep an eye out for this in my own writings.
  8. This is what I'm trying to get to. I'll admit I did share a part of an ongoing story I want to do with characters from ATLA, but like many have said if I'm not organized enough (outlines, synopses, ect) and/or run into writer's block and/or lack of inspiration or motivation, this can kill any interest in the story so I'll try to avoid this. I'm re-writing other sections of the story that can still be tied together in order to give the first chapter I uploaded some sense of continuity.
  9. True. I feel the same way a lot of times. After reading Deep Sleeper by Jawelik I was instantly hooked and that made me wanna write/keep writing an ATLA fanfic I had started around the same time. It may have actually inspired me to write it, but I can't recall for sure now. I'd written some things after watching The Hunger Games and inserted a character I'd made into their world, but I recently moved and left the notebook with those stories in a friend's basement. It's weird how stuff can just come to you "randomly."
  10. I still use both. I actually prefer to use pen and paper but am not very organized either and have to go back through and label different things (plot ideas, random ideas, backstories, ect) so I can compile them later. Occassionally, I'll actually want to start off writing on the laptop and I so somewhat periodically as to give the writings a little more permanence. I'm from the computer age but still prefer to write stuff out by hand first. Plus, having two formats can help with proving a copyright violation if one should ever come up. I just recently started a completely seperate ff notebook. I'll definitely have to check out scrivener so thanks for that!
  11. Well, I'll be honest and say I read this because the word "comics" was in the title. :-) But seriously, I'm not sure where to go with this idea as far as the recommendations go. Would recommending characters to pick from be a good place to start? The only characters I know that are LGBT from the Big Two are Obsidian, Batwoman ( and Detective Montoya ), and that guy from the Authority.
  12. I'll definitely have to keep these in mind, not that I intend to violate any of them, but it's still good to be able to refer back to this.
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