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Everything posted by capcomfreak4life

  1. ---keeping it clean is still a major requirement for good business. If a hedgehog was taped killing a gorundhog on groundhog day, then...
  2. ---the dark witch down the street opened an all night brothel and bar. gawd! i likey some perfume to spray on my lady, after all...
  3. dipped in the finest honey the queen can produce o__o apple! banana! orange! ----
  4. ---werewolf panties fall as that time of year comes around which we affectionately and sarcastically dub "the heat of the night" If someone tried to play spin the bottle with a camel....
  5. ----to the AFF whore-house and empty their wallets... pardon eh moi but my language...
  6. 2330 (uh-oh! here comes C3P0 )
  7. 2323 yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! wait till 2525 rolls around *starts replaying opening theme of cleopatra 2525 in imagination* awww god, it's stuck in my head now. thanks alot
  8. --- then you finally cum and pass out x__x When land-creatures start laying eggs.........
  9. Wade (Beyblade i think and i believe he's a football player? does this count? if not, please ignore my post)
  10. __death is a bottle of laxative disguised as fresh milk. When fate grabs you by the neck and throws your ass into the cane field...
  11. ----get some antiseptic and KILL THOSE LIL BUGGERS! air is to leaderhosen as---------
  12. umm, very informative. very. ...but what's the purpose of all this?
  13. 1857 can i get a hug firestar? i'm back and in need of refreshment for my love of AFF
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