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Everything posted by capcomfreak4life

  1. 3854 I like Nanaea's Y! avatar.
  2. --as many dicks! as can fill the disc! changer. (a PS3 has a disc-changer, right?) You just called me dickless, why I oughtta--
  3. 3561 this is gonna be a long count O.o
  4. may often-times be where you should begin. But then, given the statement you may end....
  5. Nile (is there a lake to this? if not, ignore my post ^^)
  6. ---mortifiying. I'd rather ferment apples for---
  7. --poltergeist of both realms! If that's the case pumpkins aren't as sweet as---
  8. ---read them That was so funny I forgot to---
  9. ---condoms again. If I had a grape vine, ripe with grapes I'd---
  10. ---bathing suit in sight! That little wench has been---
  11. ---his name can suggest great power, redsilver is still human and not endowed with such ability to bang entire crowds at once. (though that might turn out awesome ) I told her to wait her turn, now I gotta---
  12. baby-back baby-back ribssssss. I didn't know the staff here could be so--- ((Hey redsilver XD )
  13. --you could lose something you held so tightly like that. Lord knows what these girls will lose next, their--
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