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About Me

Before becoming a writer I already was an avid reader. That started with me being about 8 years old and discovering Jules Verne and Greek Mythology. And it led to early attempts in writing some kind of fiction in elementary school. But my teacher didn’t approve my tales. As I know today it was because I already had a larger vocabulary than her, but back in the days it clearly discouraged me.

It took me about twenty years of reading and only writing stuff for role-playing games - you could call it kinda technical writing, though some amount of imagination was needed - to overcome that and finally present my wild fantasies to the world. But now I’m content that I am actually quite a bit talented and doing not as bad as it could be. At least in German, which is my native tongue.

Writing genuinely in English just started recently and remains second to my German work. But after staring to read the English stuff after absorbing nearly everything interesting in German that is going to change in the future.

I am writing adult stuff. Not exclusively, but I like writing it and I firmly believe that erotic or even pornographic fiction can indeed be literature. Authors like Auel or Guild or Zimmer-Bradley showed me that way.

Regarding fiction I lack morals on an almost worrying level. There’s almost no kink or perversion which doesn’t show at least some amount of potential to craft a story about it. But I’m able to restrain myself from things that I couldn’t possibly publish anywhere.

I sure have my personal limits. Things I don’t like or find utterly disgusting. And since I’m not on a mission from some god I don’t normally write about that stuff.

But that doesn’t include things like incest, bestiality or even rape fantasies for example. My morals are just… strange at least.

That is in fact a warning in itself. I often approach topics in a different way and sometimes try to provoke reactions. I like looking at stuff from the other side. I sometimes try to understand motivations of people like serial killers for characterization.

My fiction can and will cross personal hard-limits of other people sometimes. And I normally give a fair warning regarding those boundaries. At least when I deem them unusual - which means that I will not warn anybody if things like anal sex takes place, because I find that pretty normal. But I’m aware that not everything I personally tried and found one or more willing partners to participate in will be deemed normal by other people.

I’m perfectly happy to explain and discuss what fascinates me about certain topics. And even what arouses me in my own fiction. But not everything I write is personally arousing to me. And not everything that arouses me may be arousing for anybody else - except some rare weirdos like me.

So you may ask me about stuff and try to get me explaining things, but don’t try to show me where I’m wrong regarding my ethics. I will always let you live a life exactly the way you want to live it to be happy. And I want that freedom for myself.

Plus almost everything I write is at least partially fantasy of sorts. I’m not into hurting people or fucking animals or slaying dragons or fighting gunfights at noon with cowboys or midnight with vampires for real. But I can imagine things like that. And I love to share my imaginations and the characters I invent to experience those things.

I’m an author after all. And my imagination is a borderless realm where almost anything can happen at times.

Join me in discovering some of those events or leave it be. Nobody forces you to read my stuff.

For any German people here: I AM the one you may know as Kojote, Coyote or Mike Stone from Literotica, Sevac, Facebook, Google+ or what have you. And now I’m also here. ;-P

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