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Everything posted by Nanaea

  1. Actually, Red, I've simplified it. The fact that something abstract, something that can't be seen or touched, is a noun can be difficult for young children to grasp. That's why I added idea to the list.
  2. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am happy to see that Daz got another chappie done. I am not able to read it yet though as I have to go make breakfast. I am looking forward to reading it later.
  3. I was a Freshman in 1987... Where's the ancient & decrepit smiley?
  4. Actually, a noun is the name of person, place, thing or idea. Love is a noun. Nouns can be subdivided into Proper nouns (Nanaea), common nouns (forum), and pronouns (which take the place of noun - he, she, it - etc.) I made sure my kids all memorized that first sentence. Do I pass, Mad? And just to be on topic... I have thought about going back and finishing my degree one of these days. I'm hoping to become an IBCLC eventually.
  5. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am hoping that Daz gets some writing done. I am really not that cold. I am hoping that she gets some much need sleep too (after she finishes the next MSV chapie ).
  6. Nanaea

    Is it bad...

    Five? Wow, SJ, you really started young. I've always had a rich fantasy life (which I believe is what SJ was alluding to in her post). Why wouldn't that hold true for my sex life as well? When I'm by myself, an erotic fantasy is essential. Without it I can't get anywhere. When I'm with someone I try to be really with them, but sometimes the mind wanders. The thing is - when I do fantasize - it's always (except for the occasional Snape fantasy) about people who exist solely in my own mind. They don't have names and they aren't based on anyone I personally know. Fantasizing about celebrities squicks me out, and fantasizing about anyone else leaves me feeling guilty, so I don't go there.
  7. And who, exactly, will you be ogling?
  8. Happy 21st DC!
  9. Well, let's see if I can remember.... 'Trae and I went out to dinner with his Aunt and her husband (who are only a few years older than he is). They were planning on taking me out bar hopping afterwards, but I wasn't feeling well, so 'Trae took me home. They also bought me a bottle of Malibu Rum that I still have in a cupboard somewhere (aged 14 years). A few couple weeks later it was Peach Festival time and I went out drinking with 'Trae and his friends. His cousin wanted to get me drunk, but I only allowed myself 1 beer (a Killians) and 1 mixed drink (a greyhound). That was the first and last time I ever went to a bar to drink. Pretty lame tame, eh?
  10. Nanaea

    Title Share

    Don't You (Forget About Me) - song
  11. Nanaea

    The Anything Game

  12. What About Love? - Heart
  13. Fair weather so I can open the windows (finally!).
  14. 8962
  15. Nanaea

    I Have Never....

    I have, all the time - and I found a $20 once.... I have never bribed anyone (with money).
  16. Lust
  17. Hold the shell up to my ear and listen to the ocean. Chucks a bottle of sunscreen....
  18. No thanks, I'm trying to quit. Teeta?
  19. Nanaea

    If I Were...

    I'd charge you by the word. If I were a word....
  20. Nanaea

    I Am...

    I am giving Daz a I am hoping she feels better soon. I am thinking I should get off the forum and get some housework done.
  21. You're welcome, hun.
  22. 9856
  23. A fellow fanficer sent this link to me and I just have to share it here.... Hogwarts Staff Meeting I haven't gotten through all 20 of the 'meetings' yet, but what I've read so far is hilarious!
  24. Yes, very beautiful. Me likey. <--- Made by me, 'cause my plot bunnies are holding my muse hostage. I wanted it to say, "Nanaea, We have your muse. Write what we want and nobody gets hurt. ~The Plot Bunnies" but there wasn't enough room to do it and still have it be readable.
  25. Let's Pretend We're Married - Prince
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