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Status Updates posted by Crystalandra

  1. Arghhh epic fail! From now on I will be sticking to things I know about. *Crosses off erotical from the list and ticks off blood-filled horror.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DemonGoddess


      hey, at least you have the ability TO write. I agree with Silly, don't give up yet.

    3. BronxWench


      Exactly. I was reading Stephen King's own comments on "The Shining" since he is releasing a sequel to it. He talks about how his writing has matured and improved, and yet I think The Stand is so well written. But even an author like Mr King seeks to improve and grow, and that means taking chances on new things.

      You can do it! :D

    4. Crystalandra


      Thanks everyone :)...Okay I am going to give it one more shot...Pulls sleeves up and concentrates LOL!

  2. Can't believe I was told in a review the words are "too big" in my story which forced them to look them up in a dictionary to understand what I meant. LOL wow that cracks me up...I feel so bad for making them use a dictionary...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BronxWench


      I had someone tell me the same thing. I made a point of using bigger words in the next chapter. This isn't kindergarten, after all. :D

    3. Crystalandra


      LOL good point made by all. *rubs hands wickedly together--I shall do the same and find some more really 'big' words to astound more readers LOL!

    4. DemonGoddess


      Well, as this IS a reading site, if they have issue with "big words" one has to wonder at the level of literacy, yes? Nothing at all wrong with using "big words". Dictionaries are readily available.

  3. Finally got a Chapter up on my story...Adding monthly updates to my story as I have decided the race is not for the quick...As long as people are reading it, that's good enough for me.

  4. Finally, finally, finally, found a site where I am getting the reviews I need to improve my writing.

  5. For the first time in a long time I'm on a roll today working on three chapter updates for three different stories...Let's see how long I can keep this up!

  6. For the first time in a long time I'm on a roll today working on three chapter updates for three different stories...Let's see how long I can keep this up!

  7. I am currently struggling with the idea of following a reviewers suggestion to take down my story, re-edit, and post for more people to read. I already have at least 30 chapters up...I have to think this over carefully.

    1. Crystalandra


      Oh and I am fed up of Winter...Tired of these damn wind chills of -35C...I intend to move to a warmer climate--enough is enough!

    2. magicmau5


      I don't think it's necessary to take down your whole story. Thirty chapters is a lot of work to post. Don't worry about how many people read your story. The point is to share it, not to compete for ratings.

      Reviewers try to help us generally, but in the end you don't need to write just to please them. Work on your story however is easiest for you. Readers don't understand how hard it is to edit and publish our works.

    3. Crystalandra


      Very true what you have said...I'll just continue pushing through it...The most important thing is that the story is being read :)

  8. I can't believe the weather is 7C--Is the cold snap gone or is Mother Nature just fooling us into thinking winter is over?

    1. kagome26isawsome


      i think she is screwing with us....

  9. I feel quite humble that I have been contacted to review someone's work because they like my writing style.

  10. I'm still alive and kicking...Haven't abandoned my story--still working on it just distracted by other things.

  11. I'm taking a bit of a gamble here but I am thinking of killing off my OC, Derrick...I personally think readers won't care too much if I did.

    1. JayDee


      Can always make it an ambiguous "Nobody could have survived that!" death, and then you can bring 'em back later if you need 'em.

    2. Crystalandra


      That's a brilliant idea...I like that very much--thanks!

  12. My old story, "Cursed" is gone forever...Deleted and tossed in the garbage...New story, "The Curse" is up.

  13. Oh my God the critics are killing me but I'm a tough broad!

    1. magicmau5


      what doesn't kill you makes you stronger... :)

  14. Okay, currently working on a complete re-write of one of my stories...Will be deleting old story from Originals shortly...Have been inspried to start over again.

    1. Crystalandra


      "Cursed" will soon be scrapped and replaced--yay!

  15. Since I haven't been satisfied with my writing, I have gone back to basics and taking a writer's 101 course. I've disovered I basically suck writing adult material. With that being said I plan to stick with writing fantasy and Sci fi--no more adult fic writing for me.

    1. Crystalandra


      Currently re-writing, 'The Companion' as a regular fantasy story and going extremely well.

  16. What an unexpectedly productive day--got lots of writing done for once plus getting ready to put up a new chapter...Hope this good feeling keeps up.

  17. Winter, enough is enough...Stop torturing us with the snow and the sub-zero weather--haven't we had enough? I am about ready to jump ship--leave Canada and move to Australia!

    1. Slayitalldown


      Oh, you don't want to do that! We've been having a heat-wave, the Hades threw open the gates of the underworld and it's been threatening to get as high as 50 in places that usually top 30!! No one is being spared right now!! I want to move to Canada, it's that bad! At least in the cool you can warm up, the reverse is rarely true!

    2. LockedBox


      I second that! It topped at 43 yesterday, and I'm only a few KM's away from the ocean. I'd hate to get the temperatures the interior is dealing with.

    3. BronxWench


      Those temps are a bit excessive, but I'd take 30 - 35 right now. Celsius OR Fahrenheit...

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