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Everything posted by phoeyay

  1. OK fine, I guess I better learn some grammar before trying to translate stuff :P (also: new chapter up today!)

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  2. Chapter 2 is uuuup! :happydance: ... I particularly like this one as it's a total tease, romance-wise. Also, introducing my first-ever OC ^^

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  3. New BB story "The Sorceress" is UP way faster than I thought... it wouldn't let me eat, sleep, or do anything else until I wrote it. Be warned - this deviates a bit from my typical fare.

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  4. Me: I want X to happen in my story. Logic: why would X happen? It makes no sense. Me: A-ha! I'll have Y be the case, then X will make sense. Logic: If Y is the case, you have to account for Z. How will you do that? Me: Screw you, Logic. Screw you.

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. phoeyay


      Strangely enough, my story does contain a sorcerer.

    3. phoeyay


      deus ex magician ^^

    4. BronxWench


      And there you go. Trust me, I have a wizard for a muse. It'll work. :D

  5. Morning Wood is finished! The last chapter is quite juicy. I am already being tormented by the next plot bunny, but don't expect anything quick. This next story may involve actual (shudder) plot...

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shunskitten


      OAO *runs to read*

    3. BronxWench


      Plot... I love good plot... :D

    4. phoeyay


      LOL Bronx, no one said anything about 'good!' (I will try though, I promise :P)

  6. Update: This fic is now COMPLETE! Enjoy Hullo all! I am here to promote yet another lovely SebasCiel smutfest I have written (well, I think it's lovely - you'll have to decide for yourself, obviously!) This is a just-for-fun type story. I pretty much decided to make a nice slow, luxurious chain of every sexy situation I could think of for this pair, and loosely connect it with some very basic so-called 'plot.' Author: phoeyay Title: Morning Wood Summary: It all started with a simple case of morning wood... Feedback: It's all good! Fandom: Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji Pairing: SebastianxCiel Warnings: AFFO, Anal, Angst, BDSM, CBT, COMPLETE, D/s, Dom, Fingering, H/C, HJ, Humil, MC, M/M, M/s, Minor1, Oral, PWP, Rim, S&M, Shouta, Solo, Spank, UST, WS Chapters: WIP with 7 chapters up, one to come. URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600054280 Thanks for your time. I love you lots & lots! But not in a squicky way! XOXO phoeyay
  7. Morning Wood is updated all the way to the penultimate chapter, my coursework is pretty much done, my muscles hurt from doing a trampoline workout without a trampoline, and I have gained a new appreciation for afternoon naps!

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    1. BronxWench


      LOL--awesome, except for the sore muscles!

  8. If you read my stuff, I love you, full stop. (Also, I want to read your stuff!) I am such an uke...

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  9. I write SebastianxCiel, and there is lots of other great Kuroshitsuji fanfic in the AFF archive as well as mine. Go to the main AFF site (www.adult-fanfiction.org), then follow the menus Archives -> Anime Archives -> Anime. On the left there is an alphabetical index, and it is under B for Black (rather than K for Kuro). There are currently a total of 148 stories for Black Butler. Hope that helps - I think our site is a little tricky to navigate if you don't know its quirks. Happy reading!
  10. Rogue, I see your point. Honestly I had not thought of it that way (now I'm wondering if that's what's happening to my current story lol)... For me, I think I am pretty decent at taking concrit, though it's not like I don't have a vain streak - I just have the restraint in my old age not to let my vanity barf all over people. I am quite scared of people who don't have that type of restraint, though, which is one of the reasons I am not likely to review something I disliked. Basically, I'm a wimp.
  11. His Valet de Chambre has 1000 hits as of today! Thank you, my lovelies! :)

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  12. I am totally with you on this. I love just hearing that people have read my stuff and like it, and the praise-whore side of me will cling to the belief that they are sincere even if the cynical side has no such illusions. I do prefer when people say something of substance, even if it is critical. I try to always give details in my reviews. I hardly ever review something I don't like at least a little bit, though, because I'll have stopped reading it before the end in that case, and I generally only review it if I've read the whole thing.
  13. Chapter 3 of Morning Wood is up. It has a couple of near-lemons, but it is more about the romance. Hope you likey!

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  14. I enjoy dubs and there's nothing wrong with them - sometimes they do really cool stuff with the dub. However, personally I am interested in knowing more Japanese, and I like being able to practice / pick up things by watching the subs. Also, I find the Japanese seiyu's are usually a bit more expressive, or at least seem that way to my Western ear. Oh, and Japanese guys' voices are sexy. So there.
  15. phoeyay

    Yaoi Anyone?

    Ai no Kusabi: So far I've only seen the recent anime remake. Loved it. Wish they'd finish it (sigh). I kind of don't want to ruin it for myself by seeing the original, even though people seem to love the original, I've 'bonded' with the new one now. Eventually I will probably get over it and track the original down. I am not sure how to get my hands on the novel (I am used to looking for manga online). 10 Dance: I am currently really loving this manga. If you like slash that is not formulaic yaoi with one guy obviously being the stand-in for the girl, you might want to check this one out. These are two very manly (and very beautiful) men with a nice competitive dynamic. For yaoi that is more pure BL style (for really girly people like me) Junjou Romantica was pretty good, but I actually liked Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (also done by Nakamura Sensei) better. It felt like there was a lot more thought put into the setting and side plots (apart from the romance) and there was a nice continuity to it. It's also possible I am biased because in the case of Sekaiichi, (1) I read all of the manga as well as seeing the anime, and (2) I actually read / watched it first, because the first scene of Junjou Romantica weirded me out so much I stopped reading (it got better lol). I did like Okane ga Nai, and the rape thing didn't bother me, though I can understand why people would find it offensive. However, I find that the uke is sooooo ridiculously girly that I don't really get a proper yaoi-boner from it.
  16. Hi, I'm phoeyay! I am review-whoring for this poor little one-shot that still doesn't have any. I think it's quite a lovely little piece of smut, really. I got some good ratings, lots of views, but no REviews. I know it takes guts to review something shamelessly porny like this and admit you've actually read it... so come on, baby, be brave! Author: phoeyay Title: For Me Only Summary: Pure crack lemon PWP. SebasCiel. Enjoy! Feedback: I am happy to have got so many views and ratings on this story, and you guys apparently like it... but it makes me kinda sad there are still no reviews! Please, just one? A single one-word review would make my day. Even if it's "Ew." Fandom: Black Butler / Kuroshitsuji Pairing: Sebastian M. x Ciel P. Warnings: AFFO, Anal, COMPLETE, D/s, Fingering, HJ, Humil, M/M, Minor1, Oneshot, Oral, PWP, Shouta Solo story or chaptered story: Solo / oneshot. URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600054255
  17. New chapter up for Morning Wood! I lied last status - I said it would be 9 chapters + epilogue, but it will only be 8. No less fun, though, just more condensed and coming to you faster XD

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  18. New story in process, it's my usual SebasCiel tripe, and it looks like it will be 9 chapters + epilogue. Total fluffy trash. ENJOY!

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  19. work, work, study, study, PORN, work, work....

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  20. Daisuke Ono makes my legs all melty...

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  21. muahahaha! yaoi-monger phoeyay strikes again XD

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  22. Who is up for some more SebasCiel? I can't seem to stop lol...

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  23. Tonight's plans: 5:00 yaoi, 8:00 dinner, 9:00 alcohol, 11:00 freak out the cat, 12:00 more yaoi

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