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Posts posted by Iggy_lovechild

  1. Something I've always seen as odd.

    Inuyasha's very "Paradox free" for a Time travel show.

    thought I'd throw that in.

    laugh.gif Very good point. So perhaps it could be pushed as canon, a complete lack of paradox. I mean, Kagome has technically interacted with a version of herself, albiet an undead one....And, you know, the world fabric of reality hasn't imploded--yet.

  2. Ugh yes, I need to hear no-so-good things about this game. I don't really play action/adventure type of games (at least not with any real skill) and am annoyed with my unfailing interest in the game. A part of me is so knowing that it will only bring frusteration.

    Still...When the price drops, I too will prolly succumb.

  3. Eh...You know, I don't mind that Crisis Core is coming out on PSP. As the rumours go, it's prolly going to go the way of Gamegear soon enough, which means...price drop! biggrin.gif Now if Before Crisis is slated for release on the PSP as well...Shit, no contest. Guess I'll be buyin' a PSP. laugh.gif

  4. *raises eyebrows* So it's a game? Huh. Cool. The trailor in the AC extras that I watched made it seem more like an anime. I'm very intruiged about that, though a little sad to think that most of the new FF7 games will prolly be on the PS3. sad.gif

  5. Just say it this morning (boy nothing like modivation).

    Despite a few nagging plot holes, I thought the movie was fine. And yes, it was so cool to see Rufus alive and well. He was second favourite character in FF7 to Reno.

    Of course, I'm desperately curious about what Cloud was doing for The Turks....

  6. I mostly write by third person limited (or whatever it's called), mostly because I find omniciant jarring. At least when I write in it anyway. If I'm very fond of the character (and very close to him or her), I will write first person.

    I'm rather obsessed with dialogue. I love the way characters relate and have a special fondness for snarky bastards. As for my smut, well...I'm obsessed with details. I love the expression of words, gasps, scents, sounds, tastes, sensation, and of course visuals.

  7. Hmmm...Well, sex is a complicated thing for me right now. To be perfectly honest, I'd rather write about it than enact it these days. I don't know what that says about me emotionally.

    As for the whole love and giving up parts of yourself to each lover.... Hmmm, I'm inclined to call it a bit too sentimental, but I can be a bit too sentimental when it comes to sex and desire. I tend to romantisize it at times. But honestly, I think it's completely unfair that so many believe that "casual sex" is a cry for help or the act of desperate sluttishness. It's not always like that, though it takes experience to learn that there can be meaning in pleasure, just as much as love.

    And I hope all this makes sense. My brain is a little distracted at the moment.

  8. It's not a matter of pretending to be a vampire. It's actually a legitimate subculture with it's own religion and morals now. Not just Goths are into it either.

    Does anyone else burst out laughing after reading that?

    tongue.gif Alright fine. So I got a little bit uber-serious on that one. Still, don't be so narrow-minded.

    I'm gonna shut up now before I dreail this thread any more.

    *psst* And in a round-about manner DarkVampWriter just proved my point.

  9. I'm replying to this thread mostly because a friend of mine recently got me into FF7 fanfiction (even though a lot of her stories blend nuances of AC and I haven't gotten my lazy ass into gear when it comes to seeing it).

    Forgive the predominace of yaoi pairings.


    -CloudxRufus (blame Holo)


    -RufusxReno (ooohh...lordy, that's all Holo's fault laugh.gif )


    -TifaxScarlett (don't ask)

    Of yeah, and I guess I should acknowledge pure canon with CloudxTifa and CloudxAeris, butI'm also not adverse to CloudxTifaxAeris....

  10. Ehhh...I work off public access at my local library so most of myspace's nifty features would be lost on me. Anyway, dealing with all the stupid teen-agers that squeal and gossip around their page has really killed it for me.

    And Big Brother is seriously watching that site so...no thanks. I'll stick to my lj.

  11. My other avvie broke, so I dragged this one out of my photobucket. It's random SO:3 fanart, not anything of mine, and one of the most honest, not-at-all coy avvie representation of the AlbelxFayt relationship. Points, er look...they're making out. laugh.gif Okay, fuck my rationale to represent my current ship and fandom: I just think the image is hot.

  12. Naaahh, she's just some weepy, dumb brat who got turned onto fanfiction. Honestly, I love the concept of fanfiction and the odd freedom of it as a way to perfect and hone writing skills and express love for a fandom, but sometimes the quality of most fics out there...Let's just say I've privately imagined that it gives people the idea that readers don't really give a shit about the technicalities and will just be happy to read whatever the hell strikes their fancy or about their otp getting it on in every position. That is to say, these fanbrats come up with their "masterpeice" of storytelling, uneven plotline and shitty grammar and spelling, warts and fucking all, and then get pissed off when people actually point out their problems or point out that it's just fanfiction and doesn't matter.

    Ooooh-kay, then let's talk about all those "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" novels out there, tell me they're not fanfiction as well, and then show me one with the same atrocious spelling, formatting, and grammar. Right...not gonna happen.

  13. The god-fearing worms of Christianity (mind you, not all Christians are like that, just that assholes), have been trying to ban HP for ages now, pretty much since the series began. The Onion had a really hilarious pseudo-article about that.

    What I find profoundly ironic is that this woman requesting The Chronicles of Narnia to replace it. I read that series when I was young, and it was only very recently that I realized the strong Christian imagery (and also because someone explained it to me). It was all rather amusing: I was like, "what? Really?"

    And I wasn't raised pagan or by an atheist. My mom was Catholic and for a long time we were as regular church-goers as any modern family. Not god-frearing or Bible-thumpers but certainly not entirely secular. While I never was confirmed, I did my First Communion and all that crap. Anyway, long story short (how did it get so long anyway? blink.gif ), there was no reason why I shouldn't have gotten the underlying God-and-Jesus stuff in Narnia. So why didn't I? I believe that the Narnia series' imagery is a bit too vague and what are you left with? A story about a fantastic, bloody war and magic....Hmm? How different is that from kids reading HP?

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