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    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from SillySilenia in I'm a Homophobe 'cause WHAT?   
    Somewhat Rant Oriented thoughts, so feel free to answer or ignore. I have many people to answer with this post. Complicated topics always take time to untangle also so please bear with me if you do read this thought provoking post.
    After reading all three pages of this topic, I must say there is a plethora of concepts getting touched upon. What homophobia is, and the way it is diversified is the core problem in coping with the subject matter. Many people lump too many variables into the definition without forethought. Homosexuality is an irrational fear of same sex male relationships as I understand the concept. Yet, as a whole, there is a massive double standard involved. Much of it is religious dogma based and smacks of the Organized religious sector's need to brainwash those too lazy to crack their own bibles and read them cover to cover so they get the inconsistencies of their own religions. Evangelical bible thumping variety Christianity tends to be the biggest hypocritical forum of this bad habit. They pick and choose forums to preach as their only truth from the Bible and rarely even know the full spectrum I have found. Those alone are the brainwashed variety, so I am not bashing the whole spectrum, just the moronic types who make the rest of us miserable by preaching we're all condemned to hell. I believe God himself said "Judge not lest thou shalt surely be Judged". Would this classify as automatic certainty that those hypocrites will never make it to heaven since they love to judge others which willfully breaks God's own reserved laws?
    My youngest son, 21 years old, is bisexual. Due to his torment, I began writing yaoi, or homoerotic fan fiction to help him come to terms with his sexuality. Since he is too shy to sit down and talk about things openly, I put up fanfiction that he reads when he is at a friend's house. It helps him without forcing him into any corners. He recently thanked me for my insight to his specific uncomfortable problem. (His words, not mine) Because my younger son is a bisexual, he feels he is inferior thanks to the ignorant, and brainwashed element within our society. How does a mother with children age ranged later twenties down to recently turned drinking age cope with such a gentle, yet deeply conflicted soul? I've had to walk a few miles within my suffering son's shoes! I never gave any thought to what is or is not homophobic before my youngest hit puberty and almost had a full blown mental breakdown over his multiple faceted conflicting sexuality. In spite of his homophobic and vicious Father, my son has found stabilizing ground because I accept, and still love him regardless of who he chooses to settle with when the time is right for him.
    My Point: The Bible is frequently invoked by those who hate same sex male relationships. Even here I saw such points made as if to validate those who practice blind hatred. The Jewish laws spoken of were squarely based in Hygiene Safety measures. It is called the Kosher Laws for a reason. Kosher more or less should be equated with cleanness or Hygiene measures to promote longevity in an unhygienic place. I have read them over and do understand the underpinnings very well. All of those laws are about preventing everything from food poisoning (hence the different cooking pots for different things like meat and vegetable) to premature sickness induced deaths of other scope.
    Before soap and water, gay sex led to premature death because they did not have modern plumbing etc. However, we have evolved to a point that we have these wonderfully designed bathrooms and plumbing so that specific fear of death rarely holds valid meaning in our modern era. Soap and water work very well to promote good hygiene which makes that part of an irrational fear of being around a gay person idiotic. Condoms prevent scat related illnesses, and STD problems. As to staying clean, Soap is that oh so ingenious evolution since the Old Testament was written to preserve the Kosher laws of the Jewish people who did not have baths, nor soap, nor condoms to keep their bodies clean so they would not get sick.
    Historically there were "pro same sex" religions, mostly found in ancient "Gentile" nations before the overwhelming spread of, at the time excessively militant, Christianity. Reason for mentioning this; those religions that accepted same sex relationships believed that their God(s) had exempted the gay or lesbian from breeding duties to fulfill a vital role somewhere else within their community. Such religions thought parenthood would stifle the important roles such gays and lesbians were meant to fulfill for the whole community's benefit. Most people blindly clump over 300 faiths into the category of (Neo or classic) Pagan/Wicca. However, these faiths are very diverse. This systemic lumping of religions is another form of the hypocrisy disease that has infected so much of the human race.
    My point is this: Religious organizations should be the ones who determine who can and can not get "Married" as it were. If a religion has Government Tax exemption, then the government should grant those "married" under any "Christian" "Muslim" "Jewish" "Buddhist" "Pagan" (and into infinity) church that has exemption status identical legal rights. IF the Church has legal stats, it is only fair to treat all separation of Church and State rules equally. That means validating all heterosexuals, homosexuals, and lesbian couples married under the different recognized religious churches without drawing lines in red tape. If a church believes in same sex couples, then the government that gave it exemption stats ought to recognize all the couples who get married there without making any specialized exceptions.
    Next Thread topic: As to men who are terrified of getting attacked by other men, . . . I've known three during my longish life. The underlying problem with 2 was that they were actually bisexuals afraid they would convert to gay if they allowed the opportunity to arise so knee jerk hated all gays as a self defense mechanism. Their greatest fear was being alienated by their peers and family if they stumbled. The fear of being isolated plays a fairly strong role in many gay basher's actions. They are prayed upon by an often irrational fear of abandonment by their longest standing friends, and/or family is one thing I have discovered over several decades. My bisexual son is hated by his homophobic father. Never mind that the homophobic father is a "closet gay" terrified of facing his honest sexuality because his mommy and buddies might dump him for daring to step out of line with the group mentality. Daddy can't tolerate the notion of being reviled by his rather brainwashed buddies.
    Shedding light on the double standards involved in this specific phobia and prejudice realm is such a huge underlying problem. How can anyone define genuine Homophobia from Hypocrisy and Prejudice in this day and age? I have met several men in the last thirty some odd years whom are extremely violent haters of same gender male relationships. Here's the Kicker; those same men insisted on anal sex with girlfriends or wives! Who has guts enough to explain that irrational, inconsistent hypocrisy within this forum?! These are men whom cop out with "it's a woman so it is therefore fine to do it to her whether she wants it or not." Some of these same men have been known to rape gay men in brutal ways to prove themselves superior in their own minds. I was pleased to see one go to jail for his twisted logic that raping another man who was gay was a richly deserved punishment. HE went so far as to justify his actions with the Bible no less. I divorced such a "Woman hater" man eighteen years ago. Excuse me, sticking your dick into someone's butt is the same no matter which gender you happen to be banging. Stop attempting to rationalize doing the very thing you have condemned in others who decide that they like the anal deal.That is the height of hypocritical bull, and I think it should be revealed as such.
    Also, we have the straight man who adores watching lesbian Pornography. Still happens to be same sex, only it is condoned because the hetero leaning man gets his nut bust. Far as I'm concerned, that equals another double standard that should not exist. Men can enjoy masturbating to girl on girl, but women are not supposed to masturbate to guy on guy is another double standard hypocrisy I am sick of seeing. I abhor such behavior.
    Hypocrisy is my biggest pet peeve in case anyone missed that. IF a person is uncomfortable or turned off by gay sex, that should be fine. I'm not into BDSM, and find pain a huge turn off. Does that make me BDSM phobic? Not at all. It means I do not like pain, so refrain from placing myself into a painful relationship. It does not make a person a hypocrite if they are turned off by same sex ideals, nor does it make them homophobic. When people screech that nonsense, they cross into the hypocritical zone. If you do not want to watch a stupid movie, then don't watch it. I watched part of Brokeback Mountain and thought it among the most dull things I had ever seen. Then again, I though the same of Twilight number one. Could no more finish watching that movie than Brokeback Mountain. Torturing others to prove yourself superior is wrong, Immoral, and tyrannical. People are diverse in their thoughts, feelings, sexual orientation, and cultural heritage. Intolerance is the ultimate communicable disease. IT is found everywhere, and it is the only thing that genuinely needs to be eradicated from the world! Homophobia, and all other forms of group hatred are Intolerance disease masked with polite little tags such as Alternate Universe in fan fictional writing.
    I apologize that this is so long, but like Mary Sue/Gary Stu, Homophobia is one of those topics I have been studying for some time and have formed a very strong opinion about due to all the stupidity so many spout in it's defense.
  2. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to sumeragichan in Is there an point where story content is not accepteble?   
    Thank you! Fucking thank you for that. A crime should be a crime regardless of who did what to whom.
    Yes it is libel to print an opinion that may not be true as if it were a fact or to print a lie as if it were the fact. Slander is its spoken equivilence. They exsist to protect people's reputations and memory from such acts.
    Which does nothing to fix the problem, only cover it with a thin veneer and say there. It's all better now. No, it's not. Ignoring the issue doesn't make it go away. Racism is a minor form of xenophobia and all groups suffer from it. To be honest, it's a double standard as well. If you are of a group that is seen as an "oppresive majority" you are expected to follow it. If you are from a minority you are not. If you are disabled you are not while a perfectly healthy person is. This doesn't work. Legislating politeness and any from of kindness isn't a government's job.
    It is to:
    1. Make sure the country runs and doesn't go bankrupt
    2. Provide for national defense
    3. Resolve disputes between regions if they can't do it themselves
    4. Deal with international trade agreements and disputes
    The fact is, the politeness isn't becoming second nature. It's a forced attitude that you have to conciously think about everytime you open your mouth. Even some of these "pc terms" are viewed as offensive to some groups. That's why is still a self-defeating thing. It fixes nothing, doesn't become second nature, and only makes others aware of the differences that could bother them but isn't supposed to. It's not just about speech, a majority of its proponents want to dictate it to the thought level as well. I believe a person's thoughts and opinions are their own, even if I personally believe they stink. Opinions and assholes after all.
    To be painfully honest, it's all the same at its core. People protesting and stating their beliefs. It doesn't matter what is being said, the actions and intent are the same. To have your views known and to try and provoke change. There are many types of protest to be sure, but they share this at their core.
    However, to back up wasn't addressed. Governments shouldn't be trust with the level of power to restrict such things because protests and opposition to them are usually some of the first things they gun after. No, I trust no corporate entity to not abuse power wether it be religious, governmental, or business. There are too many examples of such power being used to restrict what they don't want.
    Why should one group of people be more special and of more concern than another? No one deserves to be harassed and harassment is a crime that can be reported. No one is more special than anyone else. True equality is when everyone is treated the exact same in the eyes of the law, job requirements, and education. That person can be taken to task for harassing the other, although that doesn't mean he deserves less protection under the law than the others. For legal matters, I honestly believe the gender, race, and prefences should never even have to be put down period. Still, few people hold this view it seems.
    You may not like his works, he uses very sexual and depraved means of it at times to state things. It can be seen as glorifing it, but it was used to express libertine political, social, and religious views. He was imprisioned a few times for his writings.
    That is a problem that well... There's no real good answer to. I don't believe schools and government are the ones to do it. I don't know who should try, maybe people willing to be mentors.

  3. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to sumeragichan in Is there an point where story content is not accepteble?   
    Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and opinions. Sometimes writing horrid and controversial things is a catharic thing, maybe even symbolic. It doesn't justify the actions in real life or even make them acceptible. That is the difference. I don't expect it to ever be any otherwise.
    Words can hurt yes, but that is the risk you take to be able to speak your own mind as well. I've lived having to watch every word I say for years and I fucking hated it. It wasn't because I was in another country or trying to be nice, no it was out of fear for my mental health and well being. I was put down and degraded for contrary opinions for that period and it was a necessity to bite my tongue and not argue back. Many other people live through simillar conditions if not worse still. That's why I feel so strongly that is a right everyone has. Living without it makes you realize what it really meant.
    If it offends you, well bravo for speaking up about it. I fully support your right to do so. Your reasonings do have some sense, and I can admit there are crueller people than some and even those more sensitive than others. The issue would be where do we draw the line? Do we do it for the majority or a minority that is more sensitive and easily hurt or offended? That would have to be answered.
    Also in fictional writings, how do you determine what is and isn't acceptible. Not everything that has a controversial topic in it is glorifying it. Sometimes it showing an ugly side of it, sometimes even demonizing it. It can be used to show the corruption of a character or even how evil they can be. They do have a legitimate purpose and place still. That's not glorifying or making them seem acceptible, that's using them as a tool to show a down slide or cruelty. How would this figure into some of what you said? I am honestly curious on what you think about this side of it.
    Tl:Dr- Living without freedom of speech sucked and those horrid things can be used to show cruelty and corruption as well as not being used to glorify things. Bravo for speaking your mind, first off. Second off, how would such uses fit in to how you feel?
  4. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to Tigro Spottystripes in Is there an point where story content is not accepteble?   
    There are lots of things i enjoy that would make the stomachs of average people churn, but at the same time there are some things i don't feel confortable reading or writing about that seem to be quite popular and/or acceptable to most people; but instead of being an asshole and blaming other people i take responsibility for my own actions and just don't go read stuff that displeases me.
  5. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from Anesor in Character Development sheets To beat Sue/Stu Problems   
    Worksheet Number 2 is a psychology heavy profiling tool to understand the Character's Motivations and responses. If you still come with a Mary Sue/Gary Stu after doing this worksheet, then it is a chronic disease on the reader's end of the spectrum that makes the Sue/Stu accusation. Sorry these posts are so long, but these are fairly in-depth tools.
    Traits and Personality section
    Attitude toward Animals (Pets, horses, etc):
    What does this Character care about most?"
    What does (S)he carry with her/him the most? (EX; Memento/jewelry/money?:
    This section defines expected, or unexpected, deeper personality factors and Quirks. These questions help determine critical points of character depth.
    Psycho Analysis of Character
    Introvert/Extrovert section:
    1) Would character prefer to work behind the scenes to promote change, or be in the lime light as a community leader that gets all the credit?
    Is this Character a Leader, Follower, or a dropout whenever things get difficult?
    2) Does this character feel that many occupations do more harm to the population than Good?
    3) Which is more important in leaders? To be tolerant and encouraging, or discriminating about the roles people should maintain for the public's good?
    4) If character had the choice to work as a receptionist, or be their own boss which would character choose?
    5) Does this character feel that a doctor should put personal feelings aside while determining the treatment of patients, or should feelings be one of his/her main guides in developing treatments?
    6) Does character find it easy or difficult to adapt their behaviors according to the specific company they are in?
    7) If this character went on vacation would they prefer to spend most of their time alone, or going out to meet new people?
    8) Would becoming a hermit come easily to this character or be very difficult?
    9) Would this character prefer to marry someone who is thoughtful, or very sociable?
    10) Are most people likely to be trustworthy or untrustworthy to this character?
    11) Would this character like, or dislike to throw parties/coordinate social gatherings?
    12) Would this character prefer to do things involving travel, or working in an enclosed environment?
    13) Would you describe this character as an optimist, or a pessimist?
    14) Does this character enjoy big noisy gatherings/parties/social occasions or not?
    15) would this character find it easy or difficult to make a public speech?
    16) is this character quick or slow to make a witty reply during most conversations?
    17) would you describe this character as being full of energy or predominately lethargic?
    Emotional Stability section:
    18) Has this character ever walked in his/her sleep that they are aware of?
    19) Does this person take more sick days off, or never gets sick days, compared to others in their work setting?
    20) Does this character get confused if interrupted while working on a project or not?
    21) Does this character exercise hard every day, or tend to be laid back?
    22) When this character learns a new skill does he/she feel confident of mastering it, or not?
    23) Does this character get irritated by trivial problems, or does the character brush them off?
    24) Does this character agonize for hours over felt humiliations, or do they brush it off as a learning experience and move forward?
    25) Would other characters regard this character as a sensitive person, or not?
    26) Does this character fall asleep easily and sleep well through the night, or are they an insomniac?
    27) Would other characters consider this person shy or outgoing?
    28) Does this character feel deeply disturbed if a friend does not greet them, or not?
    29)Does this character feel happy or sad without any discernible cause?
    30) does this character find themselves daydreaming when they should be working, or not?
    31)Does this character have a habit of nightmare dreams or pleasant?
    32) Does this character have a fear of heights, tunnels, or going outside?
    33) Does this character believe him/her self to be an emotional or rational person in everyday life situations?
    34) How do other characters perceive this person during every day living situations? Emotional or rational?
    35) Does this character frequently worry about their health or not?
    36) can this character recall specifics of having annoyed others during the past year, or do they not care to recall any such transgressions made?
    37) does this character perspire a lot even though they have not exercised heavily enough to warrant the perspiration?
    38) Does this character's mind go blank in the middle of doing a job?
    39) Has this character met three or more people that they felt were unfriendly toward them within a short amount of time over the previous year?
    40) Has this character had shortness of breath unrelated to exercise strain? (Psychological anxiety Que)
    41) Is this character tolerant of other people's idiosyncrasies or not?
    42) Is this character normally self confident, or not?
    43) Does this character believe they can or cannot manage the situations of life as easily as other people?
    44) Does this character get headaches, sour stomach, chest pains, and other symptoms of stress once a month or more?
    Mental Strength or Submissiveness Factors:
    45) Does this character prefer their life to be full of change or static and unchanging?
    46) Is this character ambitious?
    47) Does this character hide their true motives from others when doing things or allow others to know their feelings?
    48) Would this character rather dream about success, or work hard to gain concrete success?
    49) Would this character rather be a coward that stayed alive or the dead heroic figure?
    50) Which would upset this character the most; Hearing about a friend's illness or losing a material possession?
    51) Does this character seek to get their own way without regard for others feelings when pursuing their objective?
    52) Does this character feel/pursue vengeance if another character hurts them?
    53) Would this character worry about work if they were on a vacation?
    54) Does this character tend to compare their work/contributions to that of other characters? (Performance/Competition)
    55) If this character gets into a heated discussion/debate, do they find it difficult to calm down and stop discussing the topic?
    56) Would this character take a shortcut in their tasks to get the job done faster?
    57) Is this character inclined to keep their goals set too low because of a fear of failing to produce a positive result?
    58) If this character was called upon to witness an execution, would they be pleased or uneasy about the task?
    59) In the above situation, would this character feel that the punishment was justified?
    60) Is this character cool minded or hot headed when dealing with others?
    61) Would this character prepare thoroughly before facing a situation?
    62) Does this character tell white lies?
    63) Does this character enjoy dancing?
    64) Would this character be the type to enjoy traveling at 150 MPH or faster in a race car if they had the opportunity?
    65) If confronted with another character obstructing their view of a play or similar situation, would this character ask the obstructing individual to give ground so that they could also continue to view the situation?
    66) Does this character hold stronger opinions than most people?
    67) Would this character prefer flattering others in order to improve their status in life, or would they choose hard work?
    68) As a child, did this character always do as they were told., or rebel against parental authority somehow?
    69) Did this character like to embark on dangerous adventures to push the limits of their abilities, or stay within expected childhood games?
    70) Does this character place their achievements among the most important things in their life? Do they place people in this position?
    71) Does this character work hard to get ahead?
    72) Would this character be the type to walk on a moving escalator to get there faster, or would they quietly stand in place until they reached their level?
    73) Would this character feel it was best not to respond to a rude person, or would they confront the rudeness?
    74) Does this character prefer even temperature climates, or fluctuating temperatures?
    75) would this character ask someone to stop doing something they disapprove of or feel uncomfortable about being around?
    76) To this character which is more important, Love or success?
    77) If this character witnessed someone cutting into a line before them, would they allow the rude transgression, or confront the offender?
    78) If this character were put on some kind of committee, would they be in charge, or in another role?
    79) If this character disapproved of their friend's behaviors would they remain silent or make the friend aware of their feelings about the behavior?
    80) Would this character try new innovations rather than stick to older tested methods if given the chance?
    81) Would this character get so angry with another character they would shout at them over a perceived transgression, or try to find a solution in a calm and rational manner?
    82) Does this character have a creative bent that they share with others freely to enrich their lives through color, form, or other methods?
    83) Does this character see the world and all the things that happen within it is being black and white, gray scale, or color?
    84) Would this character hesitate to go up to a stranger and ask a question?
    85) Does this character crave excitement?
    86) Does this character believe there are better reasons to get married than love?
    87) Does this character targetr socialization toward individuals who can most help them?
    88) Would this character consider mountain climbing too dangerous, or an interesting challenge?
    89) Does this character tend to win people overt by telling them things they want to hear, or by their actions which demonstrate sincerity?
    90) Does this character seek out a conspicuous place in a room, or seek to avoid notice from others?
    91) Does this character know/care about the differences between right or wrong?
    92) Does this character like to shock people?
    94) Would this character be the type to think every man for themselves, or group cooperation is more important?
    95) Is this character the type to take care of things today, rather than leave them for tomorrow or even later?
    96) Does this character find another character's ignorance appalling, or treatable?
    97) Does this character have a burning ambition to be of great importance within their community?
    98) Does this character dislike foreigners, or try to strike up conversations so they can learn more about this other way of living?
    99) Would this character advocate force to stop a crime when necessary?
    100) Is this character fond of rougher, physical activities such as wrestling, football, and other rowdy sports?
    101) Can this character work while listening to others, or must they do one or the other activity?
    102) Is this character inclined to be lazy, or very active?
    103) Did this character mold their behaviors after someone they know and respect?
    104) Does this character take excessive pride in their work?
    105) Can this character persuade other characters to do things their way by being eloquent?
    106) Would this character think most people are good, or think people are hiding bad intentions most of the time?
    107) Is this character a natural organizer, neat and tidy, or are they sloppy?
    108) Does this character think before speaking, or let things spew from their lips without regard to others feelings?
    109) Would this character believe that individuals with extreme views have the right to inflict their opinions upon others?
    110) Does this character believe all religions are basically the same?
    111) Does this character concentrate upon one great cause through their life? (Great causes are things like saving souls for God/Feeding the hungry)
    112) Is this character willing to compromise with their opponents?
    113) Does this character get annoyed when other characters refuse to admit that they are wrong?
    114) Does this character enjoy being the center of group attention, or try to avoid attention whenever possible?
    115) Does this character fear boredom or prefer it?
    116) Is this character aware of the beauty surrounding them, or is everything viewed as a commodity to use?
    117) Would this character feel that playing is more important than the winning of the game, or vice-versa?
    118) Would this character criticize someone they felt was conceited?
    119) Would this character go to a spouse swapping party?
    120) Is this character often furious with other characters?
    121) Is this character often drawn to unfortunate people?
    122) Does this character state their opinions with vehemence?
    123) Does this character hurt other people in order to get what they are after?
    124) Does this character feel that pacifists are actually cowards?
    125) Does this character believe it is best to always be honest, or do they tell white lies to protect other people's feelings when required?
    126) Does this character try to understadn another character's view point when in conflict, or simply refuse to listen to the other side nad come up with an alternative that respects both sides of the conflict?
    127) Is this character easily startled?
    128) Does this character like top take orders or resent receiving them?
    129) Does this character continue to argue even when they know they are wrong?
    130) Will this character help someone in need without coercion, or self gain?
    131) Is this character slow to trust people?
    132) Does this character fear people in authority or resent their authority over their lives?
    133) Does this character often think about falling in love?
    134) Does this character believe there is much to be learned from other cultures?
    135) Does this character find it difficult ot say no to others?
    136) Can this character make up excuses to get out of doing something they do not want to do easily?
    137) Does this character prefer a peaceful or a risk taking life?
    138) Is this character easily swayed to jealousy of other people's successes?
    139) Is this character inclined to active forms of protest against things they do not agree with?
    140) Does this character blame someone else when things go wrong or accept responsibility for their part in creating the negative situation?
    141) Would this character prefer to convert others to their religious views, or tolerate different faiths?
    142) Does the sight of blood make this character queasy? IF so, what created the aversion?
    143) Will this character tend to scold others when they do something offensivce?
    144) Does this character surropund themselves with people who are unpredictable and non conformist?
    145) Does this character fight for their rights, or give them up without struggles when in a confrontational situation?
    146) Is this character always amiable around others?
    147) Does this character grind their teeth when emotional?
    148) Does this character frequently question their own beliefs and actions?
    149) If the character knows they are right, do they argue with the opposing person, or walk away?
    150) Does this character's sympathy lie with the underdogs, or the winners in any situation?
    151) Does this character cry at times in private or public?
    152) Is this character regarded by others as being too good natured?
    153) Does this character have a sarcastic streak?
    154) Is this character prone to cynical judgments of others?
    155) In any argument, is this character firm an forthright with their opinions?
    156) Does this character tend to change their mind frequently?
    157) Does this character like jokes of all kinds, or only a few types? (Meaning practical jokes with physical components that could potentially hurt might be viewed as vulgar)
    158) Is this character patient or impatient with people and situations?
    159) Does this character prefer to get closely involved with people or keep their distance emotionally?
    160) Does this character believe that it is most beneficial to a group's cohesion if everyone believes the same things, or is differences in opinion good for progression of the group's growth?
    161) Is this character good at bluffing their way out of situations?
    162) Is this character prone to forgive people who have wronged them, or hold grudges?
    163) Does this character stick to their decisions long term?
    164) Does this character wish to improve themselves?
    165) Does this character pay attention to other people's view points during a discussion?
    166) Does this character put their interests before others?
    167) In a burglary scenario would the character shoot the burglar with or without hesitation to preserve their possessions?
    168) Would this character believe that there is some referential truth to everyone's views, or only in a set of criteria that can be proven through analytical means?
    169) Does this character prefer to agree instead of argue for their beliefs?
    170) Is this character prone to repeating themselves?
    171) Is this character the type to stamp their foot or shake a fist when angry?
    172) If given the opportunity would this character participate in an orgy?
    173) Does this character stand up for themselves?
    174) Does this character feel comfortable singing around others?
    175) Does this character tend to get pushed around despite trying to stand up for themselves?
    176) Does this character prefer to listen to their internalized intuition, or wait for concrete actions to guide their judgments?
  6. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from devoid in Character Development sheets To beat Sue/Stu Problems   
    I am doing a bit of condensing to take up less space. Here is the first worksheet. Feel free to copy it and use it all you want. I got it free from a pro writing site, and have used it for over a decade personally.
    Character Developing Worksheet
    LEGS & HIPS:
    Habitual Expressions:
    Favorite Colors:
    Taste in Jewelry:
    This is a psychoanalytical tool. This focuses mainstream values and character behaviors. This is the inner world workings of characters that evoke emotional responses to each situation.
    Language Spoken:
    Political Affiliations:
    Social Class:
    Father's Name: Profession: Living or dead? If dead, how did he die?:
    Mother's name: Profession: Living or dead? If dead how did she die?:
    Are parents happily married, or divorced where applicable?:
    # of Brothers:
    # of Sisters:
    Description of family escutcheon (Coat of Arms) where applicable:
    Interesting information regarding family (Idiosyncrasies/historical significant background such as starting a company that was successful/ war hero ancestors/Scientific innovators etc.):
    Marriage to whom and when.:
    Number of children, ages, and names if any:
    Character's relationship with family:
    Thoughts and feelings about their family:
    CHARACTERISTIC GESTURES (Habitual Mannerisms are Actions that are somewhat compulsive to emotional cues) Name 4 minumum:
    QUIRKS Name 3 or more:
    TEMPERAMENT: Emotional Level (i.e. Cries at the drop of a hat/ angry at the drop of a hat):
    NEGATIVE TRAITS= MINIMUM OF 2 preferable to have 3 or more:
    What do friends and neighbors really think of him/her?:
    What does (S)he value most in his/her friends?:
    Who are his/her worst enemies and why?:
    HOBBIES: Hobbies or Past times, MINIMUM OF 3(Can these activities show characterization or influence story?):
    INTERESTS: (Not Romantic) MINIMUM OF 2
    Favorite Non Alcoholic Drinks:
    A: Restaurant:
    B:Ethnic Foods:
    SKILLS/ABILITIES/ & TALENTS: I left numbers because all O.C. characters need these to be realistic.
  7. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from GeorgeGlass in Mary Sue How-to   
    Awesome way to learn characterization. I was into D&D years ago. Got me started with creating characters, and led to writing. I'm not a frequent back story O.C. writer. I prefer to throw my O.C. characters to the proverbial rabid wolves form line one. Brings out lots of flaws, and shows the subtle sicknesses so to say. Then again, I tend to write the psycho loner that thinks He/she has to save the world. My O.C. characters last only so long a necessary to carry off the plot requirement. Most of my characters tend to be somewhat psychotic with illusions of grandeur that make them easy enough to kill off as soon as they finish their job.
    I did enjoy your how to Mary Sue though. That made me smile. It usually is the oh so perfect that irritates everyone around. Then again, I've known an FBI lady my uncle worked with for several months who was damned near perfect. Took nearly four months to find a single flaw in that one. She was scary perfect. All I can say is that when I found out she had driven herself into a really huge emotional hole from the stress, she finally became human. It took her needing emergency surgery to put her damaged guts back together because she had so many bleeding ulcers for people around her to recognize that there is such a thing as an imposter of perfection. One thing I would love to see is the Cannon that sees and O.C. as perfect. Then show the O.C. away from the Cannon do something like bulimia fits or any kind of huge emotional crack up where the other characters can't see the supposed perfect one completely lose it. the O.C. resumes his or her spotlight on the stage with the cannons, and voila, you have seen how imperfect and fake the O.C. is pretending to be.
  8. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from Anesor in Why Do We Hate Mary Sue?   
    I posted two in depth development tools to prevent Mary Sue/Gary Stu Original characters from forming. It is the main character development heading of these forums. Since someone mentioned an interest the two long posts got made. Hope they help everyone who wonders if they have a Stu/Sue character on their hands.
    Character Development sheets To beat Sue/Stu Problems is where the cribs are located. I really hope they help everyone who is interested in them.
  9. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from Wilde_Guess in Why Do We Hate Mary Sue?   
    Actually I was a published Writer and a Professional Editor through the 90's with a two page listing of Published Works added to my resume's credit. No valuable input explanations are given about my Female O.C., except the one person who ranted she did not act Native American enough because she is half blood Native American. Sounded like she felt Sam should be a clone of her, the reader. I'd say that is a perfect example of the rants I get. Not enough like me is the biggest underlying message in my Mary Sue bashing reviews.
    Therefore, I'm quite certain my supposed Sue is not a Sue. However, she was designed based upon a real high-level female FBI agent I knew a few years ago. I twisted Samantha's personality considerably so she's not completely like the real woman I drew off of to create the same kind of strong, willful, and highly obsessed with personal performance/honor personality. Nor is my Sue a good Girl, or particularly sweet. She speaks Japanese, but is sometimes snappy when a native or cannon Project D character does not speak slow enough that she can do mental translations. Samantha could not follow the Sue script if her life depended on it. She's way too violent to ever fit a Sue mold. I never state that she's pretty, only that she strikes the members of Project D as being very unusual. She's dressed in Neo-Vamp Gothic clothes and has tons of braids in her long hair when they first meet her. One reason for her design was to point out the horrific plethora of non mechanical know how stupidity that overwhelms the vast majority of Initial D fan fiction online at all sites. I know automotive upgrades and other things. Even her car reflects such know how. So I am pretty sure that it is a huge bunch of Bunk. Most of the readers are so incompetent in the mechanical aspect of writing Initial D they do not understand what they are reading or writing in the genre. Initial D is also the biggest offender in fanfiction to date with Sue/Stu characters who beat Project D and then conquer the rest of Japan. Worst of all, They always seem to be from America. I wrote this at first as a tongue in Cheek Hey morons, the impossible needs to be realistic. ROFL. However the demand to continue this saga has been rather pressing.
    Samantha Singing Wolf is a trained body guard who was in her introduction actively working for the American Embassy in Japan. Of all the expanding number of O.C. cast i have produced through 4 novel sized stories to date to play good guys and bad guys alike, Sam is the one all the morons want removed. My suspicions get firmer with each flaming Sue bash that it is her refusal to be a Sue that angers the readers.
  10. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to foeofthelance in I'm a Homophobe 'cause WHAT?   
    Eh, I figure I should apologize as well then. Taker wouldn't have anything to respond to if I wasn't posting replies back. Can't blame a fish if it takes the bait, after all. I just can't resist a good debate though!
    AS for the three questions, I answered the first two in my original post I believe, but in regards to using Homophobia in regards to those with a prejudice against homosexuals, I think that the term is rather acceptable. Why not? We have terms to identify just about any other interest group out there. My only objection is when it is applied to people who simply don't care, or those who only get aggressive when the matter is shoved in their faces. If someone wants to voice their opinion that is fine, but if someone is hounded for it, I would only expect them to be angry with the hounds.
  11. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to BronxWench in Why Do We Hate Mary Sue?   
    One of the classic GaryStu characters, and I will admit to loving him anyway, is Drizzt Do'urden. Salvatore is obviously living out a rich and marvelous fantasy life through his worthy drow, but the books are fun and I'm willing to suspend disbelief to enjoy the escapism.
    Twilight is just poorly written as well as having characters I just can't care about. Bella and Edward are largely one-dimensional, and were they characters in any of the gaming 'verses I enjoy, I'd be prodding the writers and devs mercilessly for subjecting us to such an onslaught of cardboard.
  12. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to Helluin in Why Mary Sue Litmus Tests Suck   
    Yes. I was still taking every comment too danged seriously back then.
    Concrit is useful. I guess those litmus tests are useful as a checklist of things to watch out for, not so much as things to avoid, but things that you shouldn't do without a very, very good reason, keeping in mind that you may alienate readers who are burned out by bad examples of all of the above. If you choose to use badly-abused fanfic tropes and clichés, you have to be a better writer than most, as you're starting off with a handicap.
    I do wish that readers would be a little more careful not to scream "Mary Sue" at every OFC in fandom.
    The funny thing is, my worst offenses are never OFCs. It's writing canonical characters I love. Sometimes I make them too perfect, too KEWL.
  13. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to Silvyraven in Why Mary Sue Litmus Tests Suck   
    I have actually put myself into the limitus test once, just out of morbid curiosity. Apparently I am a Mary Sue, but my RP character isn't... O.o... W.. T.. F?
    So yeah I take these tests with a grain of salt. I figure they are a nice guideline if I am unsure if the character I am making is too over the top, but then most the time I don't care. I tend to get an idea for a character and run with it. Mary Sue/Gary Stu be damned. If people don't like it, Its not like i have their eyes taped open forcing them to read it.
    Probably why I don't post anything I write. I write for me cause I like it. I write my dreams cause they are hot/interesting and I write stories that are fantasies, things I would love to have happen. Are they any good? well I dunno. Is the character a Mary Sue? well since it's me sometimes I guess it's a self insert which is just as bad or something.
    um.. I think I was trying to make a point and lost it.. hold on.. *shuffles around*
    Ok, yeah.. Honestly I wouldn't take any of them seriously. You should always write for you, not for anyone else. If you like it, then thats really all that maters.
  14. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to BronxWench in Why Do We Hate Mary Sue?   
    I'd have to agree to a large extent. Female OCs tend to bear the brunt of these sorts of accusations, and as someone who writes both het and slash, I can honestly say that a lot of the people that read and/or write slash or yaoi are inclined to hate any female character on sight. There is also a great deal of wish fulfillment that comes into play with the female OCs. For some, they are who the author would love to be, and that causes the author to exaggerate the OC's abilities. For others, I've seen it degenerate into a sort of virtual self-loathing, with the OC representing everything the author would change about themselves. Either way, the accusation of "sue-hood" is one that is used too widely, in my opinion, to bash any character that a reader doesn't like, even if only because that character is the "wrong" gender.
  15. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to Bandito in Why Mary Sue Litmus Tests Suck   
    I think the litmus test is really for 14 year old writers.
    Personally, though, I'm irked about the male/female option. How many people are born in the third gender for god's sakes? Granted, alot of these people were irreversably changed by surgery at birth, but that doesn't mean mentally that they feel out of place.
    Like for instance, a girl who is under extreme pressure from school for not having her period or breast growth at 17. Then she finds out, after taking dangerous medications to try to promote female puberty, she finds out waking in a hospital that she was really a hermaphrodite.
    It's a plot that's already something to read about. When I heard of cases like these, I sympathise with these people, I want to know if they had a happy ending or become finally comfortable with themselves. But no, the 18-20 year old wimmin always have to be the one shouting the loudest to be heard. "Oh, lookat me, I'm a girl and I hadn't had a boyfriend yet." What a standard plot device, ugh.
  16. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to Maiafay in Why Mary Sue Litmus Tests Suck   
    Litmus tests are for those with either little or no skill in creating OC's, too insecure in their writing and character creation, or for those who want a laugh on how high or low their character will score. All anyone has to do when creating characters is read one of the numerous creating-character books out there, or learn from their mistakes.
    Maybe the litmus test can be a guideline on what to avoid with OCs, but I never bother with them. I did one or two for fun and got a low score, but even if my score was high, that wouldn't change how I had the character. The Sue is in the writing, not the traits.
    Took three years to be where I'm at now, and none of those skills I gleaned from the litmus test.
  17. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to SillySilenia in OCs... what do you think of them?   
    For me, it depends on the kind of fanfic it is.
    One-shots and drabbles generally are canon-character centric. This does not exclude them from having OCs completely, but I usually use them only if there is a need for them. As in, we know a person must have existed but we don't know anything about them, or for the sake of the one-shot must assume there has been such a character even if canon's logic alone does not necessarily dictate that. With that I mean, logic dictates that if we have a canon character that has been born, they must have (had) parents, even if canon does not tell us anything about them. Or that if character is a teacher, they must have had students.
    On the other hand, if I want to write a one-shot about a canon-character angsting about, say, the death of their pet rabbit, and remembering how they bought it at a pet shop, how they used to pet it, etc. the one-shot's logic dictates there must have been an employee at that pet shop that said character met. Canon's logic does not dictate such a thing unless canon explicitly tells us that a. canon character had/has a pet rabbit and b. character bought that rabbit themselves/was there when it was bought.
    Multi-chapter story depends on the time-period and the plot. If it's set in pre-story times, chances are we know the names of a few people from then and the personality of even fewer. Which means OCs are basically unavoidable in most cases. Same if it's set after the story's end, or in un(der)developed/"glossed-over" parts of the story, which happens when there are time-jumps, etc.
    Otherwise, it comes down to the plot. The further you deviate from canon, the more likely it is that there is need for OCs. In such cases, the OCs are in my case never the main-character of the story, but they can play an important role. Say, a character turns down a job they accepted in canon and did something else, that means one will have to deal with different characters. Some may be canon (especially if the different job is also established in canon, possibly even with the character debating which of the two jobs to choose, but just picked the other one in one's fanfic than in canon) but others will not be, especially if it's a job where a character has to interact with not just colleagues and their boss, but customers as well. There are thousands of examples like that possible, and that's when still dealing with fanfiction that's mostly character-centric and where the OCs' existence is dictated by in-story logic. (Can't be born without parents, can't teach without students, can't sell clothes without customers, etc.)
    Sometimes, OCs are necessary not because the story's logic dictates they should exist, but because you need a character to fill a role and all of the existing canon characters are for various reasons unable to fill that role. (Couple of possible reasons: wrong personality, wrong morals, wrong personal circumstances, wrong gender, wrong age, wrong appearance, race, religion, culture, nationality, etc. Yes, several of these may seem shallow or even prejudiced, but they can nonetheless be valid reasons why specific characters cannot fit a role. If for whatever reason you need a neo-nazi, that would exclude people of jewish faith, people of colour, etc. If you need a teacher at a male-only school, that would exclude females, newborns, children, teenagers, animals, aliens, prisoners, etc.)
    At that point, you have a limited number of choices - slightly change a canon character (preferably while giving enough in-story reasoning that their behaviour makes sense, even if it would be OOC for their canon counterpart to do such a thing), bend a canon character so out of shape that it's an OC-pretending-to-be-canon, or add in an OC. Depending on the reasoning why certain characters won't fit, the former may not even be an option. The second option is hard to do in a way that won't infuriate anyone who has a passing familiarity with the canon character.
    TL;DR: OCs are okay where OCs are for various reasons either needed or preferable to other options.
  18. Like
    Kurahieiritr reacted to Raphaella in OCs... what do you think of them?   
    I am writing an original character in a Forgotten Realms setting. I wanted to avoid the classic Mary Sue syndrome, so I put her in with only the pertinent references to her background and then stuck her in some rather humorous situations.
    I needed another cause for strife in the life of one of the main characters and for the other main; I needed a way for him to get what he originally wanted… A trade partner in the city of Calimport. So I made up Malehedectar and she seems to be doing well so far.
    It is difficult to write an original character with any substance in a well established fandom. You get a lot of people who will drop a fic for an OC, no matter how well written you think the original character is.
    The classic assumption is that no matter what, you have made the original character a fictional version of your self, and while that is sometimes the case it is not always true.
    The reason I wanted to write a fan fiction in the first place was to test the waters, establish my literary prowess. Which, as it turns out, seems to be getting on swimmingly, but I have had a lack of really critical reviews, so it is a bit skewed.
    But I do intend to write some fully original works just as soon as I crank out the rest of The Shifting Sands of Calimshan. When I am safely out of this fandom I will then have time to check out some of the original stories here, and I just can’t wait!!
    I would love to see what some of you fine writers have thought up, all original cast and crew!! No worries about the sticky Mary Sue!!
  19. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from Anesor in Why Do We Hate Mary Sue?   
    Boring reading is sometimes a problem in fan fiction writing with or without an O.C. character addition. I get all the people speaking about this topic's point quite clearly. Yet I would also like to point out a fallibility to the Sue/Stu write off so prevalent within fan fiction readership prejudice. I probably won't make any friends by making this case based upon personal experience, and yet I have long been bothered by this topic of what is a Mary Sue specific character.
    I highly doubt all writers are producing Mary Sue characters despite the all to quickly spouted accusations to the essence that any female O.C. is a Mary Sue. To me, Reviews containing the word Mary Sue equals a huge chunk of double standard cop out that people do not even recognize within themselves. I see a huge amount of prejudiced thought in the fan fic reading community, and it is easier to fob off a character you don't like by calling it Mary Sue.Stu than to consider giving a review than points to specifics about an O.C. so a writer can become aware of concrete problems in development. If a reviewer yells Mary Sue at me, I figure them too immature to give me a concrete review that addresses a genuine and fixable storyline flaw. That, or a flaw in development does not actively exist, and they simply want to hate the Female specific O.C. because it is a girl in my opinion.
    Parody away to one's heart's content is my ultimate philosophy since that is the spine of all fan fiction that has ever been written. I think Profile development might be about the character evolution within a story? But can't be absolutely certain as to the prior poster's thoughts. Perhaps my experience as a 20 plus year career editor/Ghost Writer gives me a vastly different perspective about Mary Sue/Stu concepts from the hobby specific writers. I have read original novels that contain Sue/Stu characters also. Twilight series is nothing but a Mary Sue fantasy that caught Hollywood's eye and catapulted it into the fame sector. So there is even "Mary Sue" characterization that can be done to gain positive results on occasion. I see Mary Sue specific accusation, not just in my work, but in plenty of other fan fic writer review pages posted here and at FFnet also. It is almost universally the female characters that get scorned, not male characters which I find highly insightful also. People do not seem to recognize that this is a symptom of something deeper, It has become my theory that is only the female OC that gets open scorn, or my male characters would likewise get tons of Stu hate, which I do not see happening in mine or other writer's story reviews.
    All my Original Characters are meant to push the cannon characters into action. Some are even supposed to be hated.
    However, my specific experience is that Mary Sue accusers always add a please keep writing this story line to every complaint I get about my O.C. female character. To me, their please continue writing this fic means it is a bunch of crap that I wrote an actual Mary Sue. I have to laugh when I get accused of Mary Sue writing since I have a diverse cast of O.C. characters in all my fan fiction, mostly male O.C. characters.
    Nobody ever calls the male original characters I write to give back story to the Canon anime characters, or to anger the Cannon, any form of Stu tags. Only the Female o.c. ever receives that particular whine in any review I have ever received in the two years I have been training in a new genre of writing through using fan fiction as a re-training tool. I can't help but wonder why all the complaints center around the female Original Character with zero love Interests in any of the cannon Anime series characters. Considering I am writing Yaoi, or boy love, it makes even less sense to cry Mary Sue in reviews. Only "she" ever gets Mary Sue tag and accusations, which is complete nonsense because the lady is obviously crazy from the introduction on. Based on this two year analysis, I have decided it is a dysfunctional problem on all sides, and not genuine Mary Sue characters in some cases.
  20. Like
    Kurahieiritr got a reaction from BronxWench in Why Do We Hate Mary Sue?   
    Boring reading is sometimes a problem in fan fiction writing with or without an O.C. character addition. I get all the people speaking about this topic's point quite clearly. Yet I would also like to point out a fallibility to the Sue/Stu write off so prevalent within fan fiction readership prejudice. I probably won't make any friends by making this case based upon personal experience, and yet I have long been bothered by this topic of what is a Mary Sue specific character.
    I highly doubt all writers are producing Mary Sue characters despite the all to quickly spouted accusations to the essence that any female O.C. is a Mary Sue. To me, Reviews containing the word Mary Sue equals a huge chunk of double standard cop out that people do not even recognize within themselves. I see a huge amount of prejudiced thought in the fan fic reading community, and it is easier to fob off a character you don't like by calling it Mary Sue.Stu than to consider giving a review than points to specifics about an O.C. so a writer can become aware of concrete problems in development. If a reviewer yells Mary Sue at me, I figure them too immature to give me a concrete review that addresses a genuine and fixable storyline flaw. That, or a flaw in development does not actively exist, and they simply want to hate the Female specific O.C. because it is a girl in my opinion.
    Parody away to one's heart's content is my ultimate philosophy since that is the spine of all fan fiction that has ever been written. I think Profile development might be about the character evolution within a story? But can't be absolutely certain as to the prior poster's thoughts. Perhaps my experience as a 20 plus year career editor/Ghost Writer gives me a vastly different perspective about Mary Sue/Stu concepts from the hobby specific writers. I have read original novels that contain Sue/Stu characters also. Twilight series is nothing but a Mary Sue fantasy that caught Hollywood's eye and catapulted it into the fame sector. So there is even "Mary Sue" characterization that can be done to gain positive results on occasion. I see Mary Sue specific accusation, not just in my work, but in plenty of other fan fic writer review pages posted here and at FFnet also. It is almost universally the female characters that get scorned, not male characters which I find highly insightful also. People do not seem to recognize that this is a symptom of something deeper, It has become my theory that is only the female OC that gets open scorn, or my male characters would likewise get tons of Stu hate, which I do not see happening in mine or other writer's story reviews.
    All my Original Characters are meant to push the cannon characters into action. Some are even supposed to be hated.
    However, my specific experience is that Mary Sue accusers always add a please keep writing this story line to every complaint I get about my O.C. female character. To me, their please continue writing this fic means it is a bunch of crap that I wrote an actual Mary Sue. I have to laugh when I get accused of Mary Sue writing since I have a diverse cast of O.C. characters in all my fan fiction, mostly male O.C. characters.
    Nobody ever calls the male original characters I write to give back story to the Canon anime characters, or to anger the Cannon, any form of Stu tags. Only the Female o.c. ever receives that particular whine in any review I have ever received in the two years I have been training in a new genre of writing through using fan fiction as a re-training tool. I can't help but wonder why all the complaints center around the female Original Character with zero love Interests in any of the cannon Anime series characters. Considering I am writing Yaoi, or boy love, it makes even less sense to cry Mary Sue in reviews. Only "she" ever gets Mary Sue tag and accusations, which is complete nonsense because the lady is obviously crazy from the introduction on. Based on this two year analysis, I have decided it is a dysfunctional problem on all sides, and not genuine Mary Sue characters in some cases.
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