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Status Updates posted by Kurahieiritr

  1. Good grief! Thank all that’s sacred for 2017 being over and done! I’m so freaking exhausted mentally, emotionally, and even physically after that insanity of a year!

    1. BronxWench



      2017 is a year I’m glad to have behind me. The gods know it was a disaster from start to finish.

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Could not agree more if I tried. Reminds me of the Native American theory about the Age of Chaos where the world undergoes a massive shift that causes a lot of folks major grief and headaches. It’s part of the full Black Snake Prophesy stuff. The Age of Chaos is the make or break point for all life on land. So not a pleasant thought.

    3. GeorgeGlass


      Yeah, 2017 made 2016 look like 2015. :)

  2. Since I have been so ill everyone descended for Halloween bearing food to make my holiday brighter. I was struggling so much because of being sick only to have the pot luck gang save the traditional get together for everyone. I did get a few things made, but the kids and my friends decorated and made everything turn out beautifully while telling me to relax. rest and enjoy the goodies they brought.

    1. phoeyay


      yay for awesome friends! glad to hear :)

    2. BronxWench


      That is wonderful! :D

    3. Kurahieiritr


      I am very grateful for my group of friends. I managed to get my rum balls and truffles made because I could sit on a stool and roll those by hand to force my right hand to work better. Other things were totally beyond my hand's capacity, like decorating for the party. Gotta love my friends for all they did to get things together and uphold the decade long tradition.

  3. Finally getting better and should be able to get back to normal by end of week. Awoke with my right hand able to move and grip things consistently this morning for the first time in a month.

    1. BronxWench


      Oh, that's wonderful news! :D ::hugs::

    2. Kurahieiritr


      I certainly thought so because one thing I hate is having terminal dropsy problem. Spent the last month in constant clean up of my messes when I forgot and grabbed drinks with the right hand. Being able to freely use my right hand means I am finally able to function fully.

    3. Anesor


      Great! I'm sure it's a great relief and makes the day sunnier!

  4. So, I get to feeling better and get hit broadside with a cannon ball named first seasonal inner ear/sinus infection with a damned chest cold. Head desk. I just can't win!

    1. Anesor


      Go for the draw! I will say I got hit with walking pneumonia weeks ago, and it wouldn't go away. the good thing is that the symptoms are mild and FINALLY starting to reduce. Hope yours is mild too.

    2. phoeyay


      :( suxx0rz (do people do that anymore? did i do it right even?) anyhow, sending hugs & healing vibes!
    3. BronxWench


      ::lighting a candle::

  5. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the patience here. Bronx, you might want to make sure the candle is for the survival of my friends and family who insist that I need to go back to bed and won't let me near my laptop for more than 20 minutes in morning, and 20 minutes in evening so I have no option but to sleep all dratted day. Dear Gods but they are making me dreadfully insane!

    1. BronxWench


      LOL! I'll add a second candle. :D

    2. DemonGoddess


      yes, but they are well meaning in the quest to make you crazy!

    3. Kurahieiritr


      So very true, DG. My 21 year old son is the world's most aggravating/smothering mamma hen ever!

  6. I am not giving up hope on getting Alternate Tracks tagged as complete in the near future. Just have to finish the dratted communal yard etc cleaned up and weeded so the landlord can show the duplex attached to my place before I can get back to editing and posting. So sick of being the only tenent in the 5 units that the landlord relies upon.

    1. Lucy Ash Hawthorne

      Lucy Ash Hawthorne

      that sucks i feel for u

    2. DemonGoddess


      uhhh, shouldn't the landlord being doing this???

    3. Kurahieiritr


      My landlord is an old fart slum lord. ROFL. But he does give me tons of leeway. In the 10 years I have been here, he has let me build a rock lined fire pit etc. The only condition is that I have to help maintain the area. I have a really nice campground to play in with my pals because he lets me do all I want as a rule. ROFL. I don't mind the work so much as the 90+ degree heat before noon.

  7. Looks like life will finally start to settle down again into my definition of normal. Has been full of the weirdest crap to deal with at the worst possible time. At least folks are learning not to badger me to become a JW when I am ill at this point.

    1. DemonGoddess
    2. BronxWench


      :hug: Weird is never good.
    3. Kurahieiritr


      Weird is the description for most of this year to date. ROFL. Got home to JW driving my 21 year old son batty. I have told them repeatedly not to bug my home, but they won't listen. Wondering if there is a restraining order I can get against the organization so I have legal recourse at this point. 10 years of this is too long to be harassed constantly.

  8. Spent most of the day uploading Alternate Tracks chapters to my Deviant Art Writing folder.

    1. Lucy Ash Hawthorne
    2. Anesor


      gee, that always leaves me wanting a strong drink or three.

    3. Kurahieiritr


      Hi Aqua, all of the stories I am second housing at dA are getting loaded on AFFnet first in the Initial D section AFFnet archive. My dA name is azdesertlupine. I have a lot of non writing artwork at the dA site. Anesor, I do understand wanting a strong drink. I am ready to yank my hair out after spending 11 hours getting close to 50 deviations loaded. It was a massive job.

  9. Lots of clouds, Roof still leaks, and I've been run ragged keeping my dog from scaring the roofers who are not coming today. . . Because it is rainy yet again!

    1. BronxWench


      Grey and cold here...

    2. Anesor


      would a new toy or some peanutbutter distract the pup?

    3. Kurahieiritr


      Hope you are doing okay, Bronx. I understand the Eastern states are getting hit hard with ice like what happened in Texas. Anesor, Nothing distracts Wraith Shards from his Love me and I'll love you obsession of fast moving tongue flapping, not a violent dog unless made that way through harming him or me. I've already caught the non English speaking roofers trying picking on my dog twice and made it very clear to them that I won't play that game much to their newly evolving fear by...

  10. Have to get my stolen driver's license replaced today. Took most of yesterday to dig out the birth certificate/Soc Security card, and other documents to prove I exist. Today, I get to stand in long line at D.M.V.

    1. RogueMudblood



      And then they're going to charge you for the inconvenience, too.

    2. BronxWench


      Argh, DMV.... ::shudders::

    3. DemonGoddess
  11. Just learned that I am going to be an aunt again. :) Val's gonna have twins the doc thinks. And here I though I could finally toss out all the baby safety stuff. . . ;)

    1. RogueMudblood



      And keep the baby stuff - the attic needs to be used for something, yeah? :)

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Chuckles, a great idea if I had an attic. I live in Arizona so most places are stucco. Yeah, I was planning to yard sale or goodwill the stuff since my youngest turned 21 recently. I have had the stuffed animals, baby gates etc in storage for several years. Then again, I am the one most likely to get baby sitting detail so Val can work. She's in the beginning of a nasty looking divorce.

    3. SweetKagamineKiss


      Yay for being an auntie again. :)

  12. My BP has been stable for a full 24 plus hours. No drop through the floor then go through the roof misery on a daily basis. Crossing fingers that this latest attack is finally winding down so I can get back to everyday living.

    1. BronxWench


      I hope this is the end of this episode for you! Feel better! :hug:

    2. DemonGoddess


      Glad you're feeling better!

    3. phoeyay


      yes, good to hear - keep getting better and better!

  13. Thanks everyone who has been sending me positive feel better notes. I'm trying to get past this messy health problem as fast as I am able. I

    1. BronxWench


      Just take your time, and don't push too hard. :hug:

    2. RogueMudblood
  14. Added two more chapters to Alternate Tracks today. Also manage to force FFnet to accept a redirect to tmy stories getting moved to this site. Also announced it on my live journal and Deviant Art as to where things are moving. Will see who all comes to read my smut now. :)

    1. BronxWench


      I'm impressed that you got the Pit to allow that!

    2. Kurahieiritr


      It is not a true link, but I can get the HTML tag to at least allow the actual address to show after 4 hours of fighting nonstop. ROFL. The main story short cuts only show up by adding spaces between sections to redirect people to this site. example: adult fan fiction .net is how I typed it up.

  15. Well, after venting a lot of pent up ire yeserdday, I am feeling much better. Time to get back to work now that I am not half so furious with a plethora of nonsense, and bad behavior. :)

    1. BronxWench
    2. Kurahieiritr


      Thanks cause I probably need it more than I realize. When grumpy I am a pain in the rump for all. :)

  16. Looks like I need to read over the series again to insure I stay on track. I do not want inconsistencies to crop up without warning. However, I have the niggling feeling that I have a couple of them happening at the moment.

    1. Anesor


      I try to double back like that once in a while, too. Especially if the leads have been in a grim place and/or I've been away for a while for whatever reason. It reminds me of the lighter parts of their story.

    2. Kurahieiritr


      chuckles. Yeah, I hear you. The longer a series gets, the larger the possibility of making big mistakes in the overall tale created. I already know I have several mistakes to correct in the All For Love storyline. Have not had time to get around to it yet.

  17. Been a while since I have had a chance to stop by and say hello. Waves to everyone I know. Hi Guys! Hope everyone is doing well!

  18. I finshed repairing all the flaws in my ancient DBZ fanfic's Chapter 2. When I compare my old writing with my current style, I am horrified by the infantile mistakes within the old writing.

    1. Melrick


      It's good that you notice that. Too many people never do, and just keep writing crap.

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Call it my desire to always improve my skills to craft better stories. Those who choose to continue writing crap are incomprehensible to me. Making sure I give readers the best of my ability is very important. Only then can I be proud of my writing. People always adored this specific plot, so I wanted to use my new skill levels to bring the real strength of this story out as I could not when I was less skilled. The story really deserves this extra effort. IT has a powerful tone that should ge...

  19. Kind of lazy, damp, and hazy, gorgeous weather so rarely seen in my area that I can't stay indoors. I love it when monsoon rains finally arrive!

    1. Anesor


      Ain't it great when weather improves? Congrats and enjoy!

    2. Kurahieiritr


      I loved it and even got drizzled upon at one point. It only got into the low 80's today. After having to survive 118 degree heat wave from hell, I was so sick of being cooped up indoors that I was going stir crazy. :)

  20. On the heels of my ex trying to commit suicide, my son gets into a car wreck when getting a ride to work. Both the boys are more or less okay, but the car is a total write off. Can this year get any more obnoxious?

    1. pittwitch


      It probably could but I don't see how. Sending good thoughts.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Short of an alien invasion, no. Also sending good thoughts.

  21. Wading through research materials online is such a pain in the neck! Oh well, I need to get the info right, so back to the dratted wading through websites!

    1. kagome26isawsome


      have fun! I am doing that for pregnancy info for my story! Its not fun!

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Sorry to take so long to respond, Kagome. I've had two kids personally. Trust me, all pregnancies are unique. So everything you learn form research can be tailored to the character on some levels. :) Good luck with your research.

  22. Doing a happy dance. The hard yardwork is done! I got a lot of the gazebo/artwork station cleaned up yesterday. I am in the home stretch now! Might even build a fire tonight and cook outside after it cools down. Hip Hip Hoozah!

    1. DemonGoddess


      yardwork is never done....just ask my yard...

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Living in the desert makes yard work easier since there aren't many plants. The biggest problem is the goat head sticker plants that keep getting a toe hold in the fence line. They are the most tenacious plants I have ever seen. I don't have a lawn to mow or anything like that, just the meanest sticker plants and cactus imaginable to keep in check.

  23. Well, I'm certainly stunned this morning. I got a review for one of my original poems which was completely unexpected.

    1. Anesor


      Doesn't that make your day? :)

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Considering it was an original poem, I was taken aback by the review. Guess I never expected it to catch any attention since it is a pretty dark commentary about abusive relationships. :)

  24. As I shall be insanely busy tomorrow with temple/grove festivities, I wanted to say a huge Happy Yule to all who celebrate it. I hope everyone has a beautiful celebration with their covens, groves, temples, and family. Blessed be to all!

    1. BronxWench


      Blessed be to you and all you love.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Right back at you!

  25. Merry Christmas to all who celibrate the holiday this evening and tomorrow. Hope it is a wonderful celebration with tons of love/family fun.

    1. BronxWench


      Thank you! My family celebrates, and I'm cooking my draconic butt off... :D

    2. Kurahieiritr


      Most families do since we all have family that adhere to it as their main tradition. Get plenty of rest after you get done cleaning up, and stuffing yourself with yummy cooking. :)

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