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Status Updates posted by magicmau5

  1. Body, y u no lose weight?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. magicmau5


      LMFAO BW, you're the closest to the truth

    3. BronxWench


      Of course, I did gain weight when I was going to the gym regularly myself, despite losing inches. Muscle weighs considerably more than fat and is denser. :)

    4. magicmau5


      Yeah my jeans fit better and I can lift heavier weight so it's probably the more muscle scenario.

  2. I hate it when you read a romance and then there's absolutely no sex whatsoever. It's like, what's the point? At least one time, right?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Danyealle


      Not all romance has to involve sex. Some of the best ones I've read have none.

    3. magicmau5


      Lol no kagome it wasn't lethal, it was Underlying, and I think I would have been satisfied w/o sex but the ending really sucked. It left me wanting so much more, and it pissed me off! It's like, there was no resolution whatsoever. BW, innuendo is fine...Dany, I actually don't like romances much at all. Which is probably also why I didn't like the story! lol. I'll stick to what I know from now on - raw, violent, angsty action-filled fiction.

    4. magicmau5


      Argh I realized I said the word "like" way too many times - damnnit magicmau5!

  3. New years resolution: lose 77 lb over 12 months. I suppose that's better than 50 over 3 mo like last time. I've always wondered since the biggest loser started how those ppl don't end up w/ eating disorders after.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. magicmau5


      I mean, it's not safe to lose more than 2 lb a week, and the trainers always are disappointed when the poor guys don't lose like 9 lbs in one week. That's pretty hard to do without starving yourself.

    3. BronxWench


      40 pounds here, although 35 would still please me, and 42 would make me ecstatic. Depending on your own metabolic rate, the number of calories you consume daily (and the source), and the amount of exercise you get daily, weight loss can vary, but 9 pounds a week is excessive. Also, what people forget is that daily use of exercise equipment can do more damage than good. Every other day is best, with straight cardio on the off days.

    4. magicmau5


      I lost 50 lb in 3 mo because I was walking about 4 mi a day due to the fact I didnt have a car and lived in a large city. Also I made myself walk up 10 flights of stairs in class instead of taking the lift like other students. I didn't use the gym, but ran hills about 3x/wk. Other than that, I ate about 1000-1200 kcal a day b/c I was poor. Now that I live in the states again, the portions are huge, I have a car, and I've stopped purging. Plus bulimia, contrary to popular opinion, end...

  4. Finally finished a chapter of SOMETHING, god that was like pulling a tooth. It's like I do 98% research and 2% writing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. magicmau5


      I'm not that good with smut, tbh. Maybe I could learn a thing or two from you!

    3. BookMaggot


      lol! Oh no, I am no expert on smutt >_> I just pretend I;m good at it to make myself feel better when I suck at everything else ^_^ BTW, I see you reviewed FC, I'd just like to say thank you! I'll try to review one of yours sometime this week when I get a chance :)

    4. magicmau5


      Yeah it made me cry! Then I realized its still a WIP and was really happy. Off the Wall is probably your best bet as far as my writing - The Invasion of Ian is pretty hardcore, and Crave needs some work on grammar/punctuation. Damn, I still gotta get to that!

  5. Not sure what to do with a little cut on my laptop power cord...

    1. DemonsAngel


      The cord has a cut in it? Wrap some electrical tape around it.

    2. WillowDarkling


      Do not lick it... I hear that's bad.

    3. magicmau5


      lol. Now there are 2 cuts in it. I put packing tape on it :(. Now it looks ghetto.

  6. Are you there God? It's me, magicmau5.

    1. JayDee


      God's call centre has been outsourced to Bangalore. Hold please to be connected.

    2. WillowDarkling


      Hello, and welcome to God's call center. We appreciate your call. You are number 4.873.264.987 in line. Please hold, and we will answer your call promptly.

    3. magicmau5


      Finally got God on the line after waiting 2 days on hold. He said I need to go back to church and then give him a call back.

  7. Oye mi canto! La cucaracha, la cucaracha / ya no puede caminar / porque le falta, porque no tiene / marihuana pa' fumar!

    1. EnergizeMe
    2. magicmau5


      Segundo verso: Ya murió la cucaracha / ya la llevan a enterrar / entre cuatro zopilotes / y un ratón de sacristán.

  8. It sucks when no one likes your story. Feel like humming the "nobody likes me everybody hates me guess I'll go eat worms" song.

    1. botticelliangel


      Is it just me or are some of the lyrics to that kiddy song disturbingly phallic?

    2. magicmau5


      I don't remember all the lyrics...

  9. Insomnia is so ANNOYING

    1. Raymy


      There is a story titled "Insomnia" and the only thing annoying about it is that it's not finished!

    2. magicmau5


      really? haha when I have insomnia I get more work done...

  10. magicmau5, y u eat so many cookies??? why????

    1. Raymy


      Mmmn. Thanks for the suggestion. *off to get a giant Ginger snap*

    2. magicmau5


      I swear I ate like 15 of the damn things. And then I woke up hungries during the middle of the night!

  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all AFF users and mods!

    1. DemonGoddess
    2. BronxWench


      Thank you, and the very best to you and your loved ones. :D

  12. omfg made oatmeal cranberry cookies tonight, ate the dough (of course) and now mine tummy feels awful :(

  13. ¡Ayúdame! La policía de gramática son después de mí!

    1. BronxWench


      What did you expect from a site full of writers? ::grins::

    2. magicmau5


      *headdesk* true that

  14. hahaha and ppl told me I was wrong...found a 1000+ rated fic http://original.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600103352

    1. RogueMudblood


      We never said they did not exist; what we said was that the ratings system has no value as it currently stands because of the severe amount of abuse. Which is why it will not be included when the code is updated.

  15. editing editing editing...

  16. How many mistakes can I find in one view of my fic? The world will never know.

  17. Been AFK for a bit now, and I'm itching to get back to writing.

  18. The WORST neck pain from sleeping in an awkward position. I've used Aleve and medicated pain reliever cream but it doesn't help for long. I wish it would just go away!!!

  19. Gave blood today at a Red Cross blood drive. The ironic thing is that my blood type is B+. God was cracking a joke when he chose that one.

  20. I wonder if it's too cruel to crochet a stormtrooper costume for my dog.

  21. Another Sat afternoon & I ain't got nobody; I've got sum $$ cuz I just got paid; Now, how I wish I had sum1 to talk 2; I'm n an awful way

  22. C is for cookie, and cookie is for me

  23. Going to watch the Oscars - not sure if it's worth it, since I've only seen two of the ones nominated!

  24. Who would have thought an atheist would use the Bible to write science fiction?

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