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  1. I think this is the story your looking for: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5708111/1/That-Boy-Is-Trouble
  2. Another idea is some kind of bull orgy, where all of the wives, bulls and their cuck have a orgy party at somebodys place.
  3. I agree but it should be after naruto finds out about them doing it and have minato waiting on them or better yet have naruto discover them having sex and that is what starts him down the path, something like that.
  4. I'm sorry I do remember that, so i will ask my original question which was does anyone know if he uploaded it to any other site.
  5. Right writer wrong story.
  6. I'm looking for a harry/many story Something, Something by idon'tknowwhatever and i think it was on the Harry Potter FanFic Archive, does anyone know if he uploaded it to any other sites as i was just starting that to read that story when it was removed.
  7. Hi, The story i'm looking for starts in harry's first year when he is in the hospital wing and is greeted by Nicolas Flamel who thanks harry for saving his stone. The story goes on with harry being taken in by the Flamels, leaving hogwarts, starts dating tracy davis, discovering that the flamels are dying and finishes with harry and a teacher at his new school creating a de-aging potion that de-ages the Flamels to around 50 years. I think the story was on FFdotnet but i have be unable to find it so it might have be deleted. It's a great story and it would be nice to read it again.
  8. I hope this story gets written as their are very few of its type around.
  9. Hi, i'm looking for a harry potter and marvel cinematic universe crossover. From what i remember it has femharry the femharry is the reborn angel of death and the archangels are her siblings. One is a General and another is a doctor. Tony starts going out with one of the siblings. I think the femharry has a romance with the captain. Thats all i can remember at this point. Thanks
  10. Wow it's been almost a year since i've asked this but i will ask again, does anyone know the story i'm talking about.
  11. I'm looking for a story in which harry has a twin sister and they fall in love and decide to give themselves to each other as each others first but not to long into the story harry has sex with someone and the sister finds out and is hurt and decides that they can only be siblings.
  12. I'm looking for a certain harry potter and avengers crossover fic with some iron man. I don't remember much from it but theirs one scene that i do, harry is standing in a com room with fury talking to shield council members, (like how fury was at the end of the avengers movie), and one of the member identifies harry by his first name when nobody in that council should have known his name, harry calls out that person for knowing his and says that man is a spy for voldemort or somebody. the story might have some iron man in it also. It would be very helpful if someone could help me find it. Thanks
  13. Also are there any dom hermione stories at all.
  14. I'm looking for a story that has hermione dominating harry and ron, she makes ron blow harry in the first chapter i think. I also think the story was called tainted love and it was a sequel to another story.
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