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Everything posted by Slutcow

  1. Christ, I'm glad I didn't get Meyer or Rowling. But I suppose one's writing style is a reflection of what one reads. James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Clarke. Inconsistent writing style, woop.
  2. >in my humble opinion that was meant to be a joke, but it just came out awkward askdf;askdf; Anyway, here ya go http://theboxfairy.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3rdtoi
  3. From what I've gathered, sexism is more prevalent among females than males. Self-loathing has always been a woman's most tragic constant.
  4. A few months ago I had a long, overdrawn debate on the subject of homophobia and its literal and social implications, the argument closing with 'homosexuality is simple prejudice, not fear'. Indeed, the word homophobia was coined around the time homosexuality was deemed a mental disorder, rendering the argument that 'homophobia is a fear of homosexuals' worthless. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder, and in my humble opinion, homophobes are more stupid than scared.
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