Challenge 1.
(title up to you)
Naruto / Negima / Bleach
Naru (female naruto) is rasised by Evangline (from negima) and Grimmjow (from Bleach), and becomes just as twisted as them.
Rule. 1. Naru must be a lesbian, who she ends up with is up to you, if she gets a harem thats ok to.
Rule. 2. How Evangline and Grimmjow meet, is up to you.
Rule. 3. Naru must wear a lot of black, she can have a little oragne, but mostly black.
Rule. 4. Naru must get a Zanpakuto at one point in the stoire.
Rule. 5. Naru having an Inner Hollow, is up to you.
Challenge 2.
Avater Ai (dont like the title, talk to me)
Hell Girl / Avatar LAB (Last Air Bender)
Ai Uzumaki (Ai Enma) is the daugther of Naruto Uzumaki, and because of that is bless with the power to control all 4 elements (seeing how lighting is part of fire). and like aang she winds up getting frozen, she is freed from her ice prision by Zuko (on accedent) and teams up with the current Avater, Aang.
Rule. 1. Ai still go's thought hand sighs when fighting
Rule. 2. Ai is a lesbain, who she ends up with is up to you, Harem is ok
Rule. 3. Ai MUST call Aang 'Airbender' or 'Avater', only after he gains her trust will she call him Aang.
Rule. 4. Ai must use or try to use the Ra-windshirken (but way bigger), during the battle at the north pole. (if used, she must say something like 'In honor of my father')
Rule. 5. Ai must have the intent to kill any enemy that attacks them. (if you want she can kill some, but she cant kill Zuko, Iroh, Azula, Ty Lee, or Mai)
Rule. 6. Ty Lee must be a desendent of Hyuuga, and Mai is a desendent of TenTen.
Rule. 7. Ai must act like her Mother and Father (who her mother is up to you)
Rule. 8. Ai must stand up for Toph after Appa is Appa-napped (lol)
Rule. 9. Ai must, must, ramen, like her father.
Rule. 10. Ai must try to one up aang at every turn.
Challenge 3
(title up to you)
Sengoku Basara
Magoichi Saica discovers that Oichi Oda is hiding in her storge unit and is wounded, feeling sorry for the poor girl, Magoichi take care of her...and end up falling in love with her.
Rule. 1. Magoichi helps Oichi bath, eat and dress. (remeber, Oichi is in a fragil state, so she proable cant take care of herself)
Rule. 2. Magoichi teams up with Ieyasu army.
Rule. 3. Magoichi must threaten to shoot and kill anyone being mean/rude/crule to Oichi, she must kill Yoshiaki Mogami in front of everybody 'AFTER' he talks about useing Oichi as Live Bait, or calling her a demon (or both)
Challenge 4
Frozen Blood (title can be changed)
Rosario Vampire.
What if, Moka didnt run over Tsukune with her bike...But Mizore, and the two accendtly kiss. Yuri.
Rule 1. When they choose to exept there feeling for each other is up to you, but must be before, during or RIGHT they defeat Kuro
Rule 2. Mizore is dominate to Moka with her rosario, but Moka is dominate to Mizore with out her rosario (Duh, anyone should know why)
Chanllenge 5
Ai Hikari (Love Light)
Sora falls in love with Tai little sister, Kari, During the battle with myotismon. this will contain Yuri and Lolicon. (Sora is 11 and Kari is 8) (if you choice to add futanari, sora must be the futa)
Rule. 1 Sora must chosen guard/protect Kari
Rule. 2 Sora must chase Gatomon away, the first time see visits Kari.
Rule. 3 Biyomon MUST digivoles into her mega form Phoenixmon, during the final fight agenst Myotismon, or agenst one of the dark masters.
Rule. 4 Sora must be like an over-protective mom to Kari, while they travling thought the digi-world.
Rule. 5 When Sora and Kari deiside to have sex is up to you, but must do it at lease 3 times before Kari gets sick.
Rule. 6 When and if Sora and Kari tell the other about there love or get caught is up to you.
Chanllenge 6
Frozen Chobits
Rosario Vampire / Chobits
Before Mizore got on the bus headed for Yokai Academy, she finds a shut-down andriod (Chi) in the trash, always wanting one, she take it...and ends up falling in love with it.
Rules. have fun with this one, and try to keep there personalitys original
Chanllenge 8
Love Be On Race (title can be changed) Bakugan
Zenet Surrow x Fabia Sheen.
unable to stand the stress of war any longer, Zenet Surrow runs away to earth, and joins the battle brawlers.
Rule 1. After Zenet gets to earth, Contestir MUST leave her, saying she is weak.
Rule 2. Zenet finds a new bakugan, Leonidas (Attribute: up to you)
Rule 3. Zenet must be a least as strong as Dan.
Rule 4. How Zenet reacts to Ren's arrivel is up to you.
Rule 5. Zenet MUST change her hair color when in human form, so Ren wont recognize her.
Rule 6. Zenet MUST stand up for Fabia in Bakugan interspace. (Whether Zenet shows/tell every one she's a Gundalian is up to you)
Rule 7. How Fabia reacts to a Gundalian wanting to help Neathia is up to you
Rule 8. Zenet MUST offer Fabia a place to stay, after they are forced out of Bakugan innerspace. (they MUST bond during this, and Zenet starts falling in love)
Rule 9. After the Battle Brawler go to Neathia, Zenet MUST confess her love to Fabia. (how Fabia reacts is up to you, but must except it after Zenet...(gotta ask me for this one, dont wanna spoil))
Challange. 9
(title up to you)
Maya x Zair
While fighting over Kairu, Team Stax's and Team Radikor make a side bet, winner get the famale member of the losers team.
Rule 1. the winner is up to you.
more coming soon
if interested, please tell me, other note, one universal rule for all my challanges. no weird stuff like - Scat, gore, piss, death, etc. keep it normal yuri/futanari sex