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Status Updates posted by VannuroRB

  1. Just spent the last month away from my laptop because it got a virus and white screened me -hugs laptop- I'll never abuse you again Toshi!

  2. So I just realised I got a message from a roleplayer who wanted me to join in roleplaying vampires and such about four months back. Kinda wished I knew about it sooner 'cause I would've loved to have joined, proper RPG and stuff as well. Sounds like fun :D

  3. Yay! Welcome back AFF! :D

  4. Just spent the whole week with my girlfriend, had a great time and saw her off on the bus. Now to prepare for a whole week of depression...

  5. My girlfriend is coming down next weekend. It would be so much better if the bloody weather wasn't going to apparently piss down >:[

  6. Saw an article on Yahoo about fanfiction. My curiosity got the better of me and so I read it, the general jist of it was to point out how "weird" and "perverse" fanfics are. I felt much better after reading the ton of comments defending saying that not all fanfics are like that.

    1. sumeragichan


      Do you have a link?

    2. VannuroRB


      Unfortunately no I don't.

  7. Just explained the concept of fanfics to my mother. Unsure if it was the right thing to do or not...

  8. Urgh...I feel so old when I start writing sex scenes...

  9. Swear on my heart, I just saw a sex ad on Youtube. It had ass shots and words encouraging people to look at pictures of naked old women. Is Youtube oblivious to young children going on the site or are they really desperate?

    1. RogueMudblood


      They may have the ads filtered by age. I dunno - I closed that account when they tied it to Google.

    2. DemonGoddess


      as far as I know, the ads are not age filtered...

    3. VannuroRB


      They aren't (Or at least I don't think so) since my account has been terminated I can't sign in and I still got that advert.

  10. Is it really bad of me to discover songs that have been around for years? I think it is...

    1. JayDee


      No? It's bad if you discover them and then play them repeatedly at people knew them years ago as if they were new though. Which is why I had to hide my friend's Nirvana albums for a day or so once.

    2. VannuroRB


      Oh...well I'm screwed then XD

  11. Huh...I literally just got a depressive idea for a story...is this a good sign or a bad sign?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VannuroRB


      Yeah...but usually depressive stories get me reaaaaaaally depressive, so begs the question if it's good or not o.O

    3. botticelliangel


      plan something for after you write that you know cheers you up. think of it as a chaser

    4. VannuroRB


      Huh...I might try that. If I can write something cheerful lol.

  12. Day two billion of writers block...I feel like murdering something...

    1. BronxWench


      ::offers +20 Skillet of Smiting::

    2. VannuroRB


      I've heard stories about this Skillet...I never thought it to be true until I held it into my hands, my childrens, childrens, childrens, childrens, childrens will talk about this for generations.

  13. Ahhhhhh...writers block~

  14. A months rain is supposed to fall in twelve hours...yeah we're screwed.

  15. Last night I had a dream about my character trying to seduce me so he could kill me...one of the ways he impressed me was showing me had driven bfore despite being sixteen.

  16. Well, got the latest news that the plageriser who took my one shot has been removed from the site. I feel like I should thank the admins of this site, so thanks.

  17. Rain rain go away, come back on another day~

    1. kagome26isawsome


      send it to me please!

    2. DemonGoddess


      send it to me! my grass is CRUNCHY!

  18. So I just woke up to a friend telling me that someone has plagerised a one shot I wrote a year before. The pathetic thing was, they really did not change much. Even the qutation mark swap I did back then XD What an idiot.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VannuroRB


      No, unfortunately it's on another site. But I've reported it there and gave the people a link to my original story so hopefully they see sense and ban the person or whatever they do.

    3. ApolloImperium


      You can still pass it on to us - What site is it? We have a good number of ties with both the community as well as a stop plagiarism group that does some awesome work!

    4. VannuroRB


      Oh, well it was on Mibba. com. Can't remember the person's name from the top of my head but just type in "Pleasing" should be under fanfic. Eh sounds like I'm ordering you around now...

  19. Feeling pissed...and killing CGI characters on a game isn't help...not sure what to do...

    1. Daye


      fresh and exercise to burn off energy?

    2. VannuroRB


      Ugh I hate moving...unless it's my fingers against my keyboard.

  20. It's terrible that when writing a vampire story you have to think cautiously about what part of the body you could bite in case it turns out to be Twilight -.-

  21. Madness? This! Is! Fanfiction!

    1. BronxWench


      ::kicks stuck chapter into oubliette::

    2. SweetKagamineKiss


      DD: *falling into the pit*

  22. I shouldn't really watch videos on games I don't have. Not only does it distract me from work, it also makes me crave for a game that I'd probably spend ten hours on playing and never look at it again.

  23. Ah, hello my old bed fellow rain, where did you come from?

  24. I'm suddenly brought back to my noob days as a fanfic writer when I got my first review...ah what it was to be young.

  25. Paranoia starting to set in...why oh why did I post things???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VannuroRB


      Fair point...and yet that only makes me more paranoid.

    3. BronxWench


      I suppose it does depend on your muses, doesn't it? ::tries to ignore elves::

    4. VannuroRB


      o.O In this case yes it does.

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