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Posts posted by botticelliangel

  1. It depends on what I am writing. I like to do both. Free association writing feels really good, cathartic (my favorite word). Planning writing can be just as satisfying, but for me at least the free association writing tends to lead to the planning. A lot of my stuff originals and fanfictions started off as my imagination bleeding all over whatever I could get my hands on to write with, then as I wanted to develop them into more serious works they started getting more planned. My fanfiction Spiel Mir Mir (Inuyasha) is a planned fic, whereas the first chapter of my fanfic Training (Inuyasha) was free association writing. My creative switch is always pressed to overdrive, so I feel satisfied with writing no matter which route I take.

  2. I agree whole heartedly Gold. I have a bi/yaoi fic in which the majority of my reviews are complaining that the girls are still a part of it, even though I have made it perfectly clear from the beginning that the characters are bisexual.

    I personally do not believe that females have an inherent bitchiness, or any of that bull shit. I believe that our society teaches girls to hate girls. All you have to do is turn on any reality television program, hell the radio, anything (!) to be slammed with subtle sexist nonsense promoting the idea that all girls are bitches and underhanded. And unfortunately a lot of us don't think about it because we haven't been taught to question what we see, hear, and read. And it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when girls do buy into it because they think that it is "what every girl does".

    Maybe my views are just a little shaped by my education: psychology and gender studies, but I cant tell you how many times in the real world I have heard a girl say to me "That's the reason I'm never friends with girls, their all bitches." Wow... kinda pisses me off, partially because I feel insulted that they would say that when I am a girl. Hello! Do you listen to anything that you say?! I also get mad that they so easily put themselves down without a second thought... without even f*cking realizing that they are destroying themselves. (and people wonder why clinical depression is so much higher in females than males?) In fanfics where aspects of the society are amplified the "all girls are bitches" card gets pulled really often.

    Now saying this I still love the reviews, and I am not going to budge from my decision to write however the heck I want to write the story (as far as that goes anyways, if someone was to tell me my plot had developed a black hole I'd listen).

    But the strange truth is for those of us who know to look for the sexism, we are still products of the environment around us. The best we can do is try to teach others to look at the accepted belief of what women are, challenge it, and have the humility to realize that we hold stereotypes too.

    Really really trying to practice nonjudgmental thinking!!!!

  3. I agree with BronxWench. Spanking can be used to discipline a child, and taken to far it can become abuse. I would also like to point out that it could be abuse even if done mildly depending on who the child is and what their history is. For instance using spanking as a discipline for a child that has previously been abused or neglected will always be abuse because of their past circumstances.

  4. That seriously depends on where I am living. I've lived all over the US, and the seasons are pretty different depending on where you are. Currently my favorite is late spring/early summer. But I live in New England. We have a saying: "If you don't like the weather wait fifteen minutes, it'll change."

  5. I agree with attackegg. There is a very big difference for me between a rape scene and a rape fantasy. I personally dislike rape fantasies, because it is my belief that rape is not sex. Rape is about power and control. Bodily reactions happen because it is a physiological response, not because the person is psychologically involved. It annoys me to no end that there are many fics that presume a person will fall in love with their rapist and suddenly the offender will turn all good and shit if that happens. (Its like an x rated beauty and the beast!)

    When I feel the need to write something about violence/rape it is never meant to arouse. I have a rape fic that I wrote specifically because I got annoyed with reading romanticized rape, and my aim was to make the action of control and power sound just as disgusting and ugly as it actually is.

    I talked with my husband about this and he made me think of a good point: some people might put in violence and rape (sometimes to an extreme) to differentiate the fantasy from reality.

  6. Hey. I don't have any beta experience per-say but I have read some of your stories, and wouldn't mind being a sounding board for ideas. I understand its pretty tough to know what to do next without having someone to "check-in" with, and would hate to see someone stop writing or feel stuck because of that.

    Saying that I am pretty picky about certain things and will tell you if I feel something from outer-space landed in your story, abducted Sesshomaru, and made him have antennas and act like Zapp Brannigan from Futurama. I like looking at things from multiple perspectives, and I am a detail junkie.

    I am not going to profess to have any kind of greatness when it comes to spelling or grammar. I work really hard to catch those kinds of things in my writing, and unless things are awful (which I haven't noticed so far in your work) I probably won't catch onto much of that kind of thing.

    If you want to chat about possible brainstorming the best way to get a hold of me is probably through email botticelli.angel.resurrected@gmail.com. I don't use any instant messengers (My compy is a load of crap as it is), but I do check my email fairly often. Or you can just send me a message on the forum.

  7. I know you guys are busy reworking the site, and it just occurred to me that one of the things I think would be cool is if we could go in and see the actual votes for stories, not just the average. I think that some people might be voting in place of reviewing, and that it might be a good guide for the author. Right now it just shows the average, and generally everyone is full stars which doesn't tell us much of anything except (x) amount of people voted.

    Just a thought...

  8. Hey! I was wondering, I would like to repost an old story in the original form and keep the new version that I have written. I started out just rewriting it for grammar and spelling, but I guess I kinda cant let things be... so the stories are completely different after the third chapter or so. Is there a way to do this without getting one taken off for being a double?

    Or should I just post the old one under the original name and then repost the new one under an new title?

    Not really sure what to do... or if this is even the right spot to ask this question...

  9. No need to apologize! I send my sympathies, ClumsyPinkTiger. I hope you and your family are doing alright. :hug:

    I would be more than happy to look at anything you post! I'm not excellent with editing or anything, but I will do my best to be helpful.

    As for my stuff... well, I could probably use help with the nitty-gritty punctuation details, and other technical mistakes. Mostly I just want to have someone tell me if I've completely lost any focus, or if I need to cut things down for the sake of following a plot line.

    I don't write PWP, cannot. I get annoyed if I try, so all of my stuff tends to be long. I am a detail and tangent whore.


    I have 2 projects going on right now: (take your pick!)

    1. Spiel Mit Mir: Inuyasha/Sesshomaru pairing (focused pairing), with polyamorous relationships (Inuyasha/Kagome and Sesshomaru/Rin). Tags include: anal, angst, bi, fingering, hj, inc, minor2, oral, rapefic, violence, solo, wip. * A note about the rapefic tag. I tag all my fics with this, but I don't necessarily go into detail about rape. Most of the time I put it in as a warning about the psychological history of a character*

    This is my attempt at an inucest fic. I attempt to keep everyone "in character" or give a damn good explanation why they aren't.

    2. Regenerist: Sesshomaru/Kagura and Sesshomaru/Rin pairing. This fic is a direct rewrite from an older version, and not getting too much attention from readers. I assume because the older version was very popular (even though it is not up to the writing standards I hold myself to now), and I changed it completely. This one is dark, angsty, violent, and depressing. I am currently reformatting it, and giving better tags per chapter.

    Regenerist is my therapy fic. I am going through a rough spot in my life and my writing reflects it. Some of the things I put the characters through are deeply personal to me, and it helps to write about it. I have no issue with emotionally destroying characters.

    Even though some of the content is personal, I am not the type to get upset over criticism. I may be writing for me, but I want my works to be readable to others also.

    I have a tendency to think I am very clever. Unchecked I could totally get into the arrogant "I f*ing rock" attitude, so I'd really appreciate honesty to keep my feet on the ground.

    Again, I send my sympathies for your loss. If you need anything please feel free to message me.

    -sincerely, me

  10. Have a great time! Hawaii is so beautiful, just be sure to bring a lot of sunscrean... My husband and I went there for our wedding anniversary and got burnt to a crisp. Using 30 spf is about as effective as lathering yourself with babyoil ><

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