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Aysha c.c.

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Posts posted by Aysha c.c.

  1. I wanted to expound on the thoughts I was having in my review of chapter 2 of sharing is caring. Here is the review: (This was a short but enjoyable chapter, that made you do a lot of thinking. Mocha's musings makes her sound petty and selfish when you think about what she wants Tsukune to do. She describes the other girls in the Newspaper Club as her friends, yet she wants the man that they all love, to rip out their hearts and stomp them into pulp just because she wants Tsukune to herself; and that's not even taking into account the way Tsukune feels about the other girls. It makes her sound like the embodiment of the green eyed monster known as jealousy, which is ironic considering that she has green eyes.)

    Continuing this thought: does Mocha really think the friendships she cherishes can survive the choice that she's trying to force Tsukune into making? I mean she did see what happened between Kurumu's and Mezore's mothers during Parents day; right?

    Of course Tsukune has to see what choosing Mocha would do to the other girls, especially the potential harm it could do to Kurumu. does he really love Mocha enough to make a choice that could potentially kill someone that he loves? We saw in this chapter, for the first time he was forced to question the depth of his love for Mocha.

    If I were Tsukune I would be forced to ask myself if Mocha really is the person I thought she was.

    Like the title says sharing is caring, but selfishness is ugly!

  2. I have an idea, why not refer to the former males as afrodites. Aphrodite was said to be born when Cronos cut off the genitals Of Uranus and threw them into the sea. and the former females as Hermes. I think this would be fitting, One because Hermes Was a male God But also known as The trickster Of the Greek gods. Plus it sneaks the word her into the pronoun itself.

    Just something I thought might be interesting.

  3. I've managed about fifteen thousand words and I've got at least another 5000 to go... I think? Like I said I'm working on my cell phone, it really isn't easy. I'm Dyslexic so I have to use the voice recognition software, but it's pretty unreliable. I don't want to post something sloppy and unreadable. I promise I am working on it and I will get it up; No pun intended.

  4. Your last chapter of March Madness was totally awesome, great sex, and great wrap up. I don't think there could have been a better way for Bobby to pop the question.

    When it came to your last chapter of R+V it was great up until the part where Tsukune bitched out and caved in to Moka, but I guess that is consistent with his character. I am looking forward to the next chapter and anything else you do. I just hope that Tsukune grows a pair of balls and put his foot down with Moka

    I hope you don't think you have to stop doing one thing in order to do another. if you enjoy writing fanfictions keep writing them when you have the time. and simply focus on the stories you want to write for official publication.

    Just when you do write your book for publication drop us a hint and let us know about this new book that's coming on sale that we should check out.

  5. "ViktornovaMk2 This is a good story. It could be a great story with a little bit of editing.

    First thing I want to comment, no-one has mentioned Fowler dropping his sat-phone in the protogon. Stop and think about the two major issues with that. Military Satellite Uplink w/ the encryption keys and passwords, and Internet access.

    Second comment, I REALLY hope that the protoform is a girl and NOT Sari.

    Third, As far as the Cons learning about procreation, PredaKing and Airachnid. And don't turn Spider-bot into a proto-factory, no-one deserves that, not even her.

    As far as Jack's mortality goes, dying Jack meets the Forge of Solus Prime. Deus ex Machina indeed"

    First: Yes you're absolutely right! The story could use some editing, however seeing as most chapters are twenty thousand words or more, and chapter 5 will be as well; I'm not going to be the one to do it! Do you want to volunteer?

    Second: It looks like you spotted one of my plot bunnies >:3 shhh don't tell anyone!

    Third: I've said it before but I don't mind saying it again. Whether the character is male or female, Arcee's and Jack's child will not be like Sari.

    Fourth: As far as cons finding out about procreation; I haven't decided whether or not I'm going to go there.

    As for that last one, I think I'll just leave you hanging on that. (insert evil laughter)

  6. From: DragonBorn83

    love this story, and to an extent it makes sense, I wish it was more complete, the way it ends leaves us hanging.

    from: Aysha

    Thank You Dragonborn for your appreciation of my story. Just so you know I'm not going to leave things hanging the way they are. I am working on the story to the best of my abilitie. It is a lot more difficult and is taking a lot longer than I would like due to the fact that I lost the use of my computer. I am having to work on my cell phone. I will post the next chapter as soon as I get it completed.

  7. First of all I'd like to try to put you at ease with X-23. You told me the reason why you didn't like X-23. It's because she's a clone of a man, and that disturbs you. I totally get that, so maybe this will help.

    I don't know how much you know about genetics so I'm going to try to be a little detailed without being overly complicated.

    Question, what makes a boy? x chromosome + y= boy. Question, what makes a girl? x chromosome + x chromosome = girl.

    Now if you wanted to genetically engineer a girl from a man you could remove the X chromosomes from two different cells insert them into a host ovum and get a baby girl.

    Another way is what's called binary cloning you can take an X chromosome from a male cell inject that into an unaltered ovum from a woman and create a binary clone baby girl that would have both the man and the woman's DNA. Either way both children would actually be 100% female without any gender bending issues.

    personally I think EVO.X-23 is unbearably cute! And I think her name should be Eve, considering how she was created. I would love to see you include her in your stories!

    When it comes to unusual pairings, I like the idea of putting Wanda/Kurt together especially from your first times story, but I also really want to see Wanda/Rahne, and especially Kurt/Rahne , but I also want to see Wanda/Jubilee! all from your first times storyline.

    But to be honest, however you could pull those pairings off, I would be there to read the story!

    p.s. I hope I've managed to change your feelings about X-23 because I would really! really! Like to see you write about her as well.

  8. I love the alien extreme sex as well, I think it's a good way to spice things up. It lets you come up with interesting, new, and unusual ways of doing things. I especially loved what you did with the last chapter, either you did a lot of research on flowers or you have a real love for them. Either way it gave you a unique and heartfelt way for Ben to express himself and I loved it very much.

    I loved the through and through you did on Gwen/Charmcaster's body. It's rarely done and when it is, it's usually not very plausible, but with Wildvine's prehensile fingers it was not only believable but really, really, cool; especially when she barfed his spoo! :D

    Now I still think the bad guy in this is Enoch, because I think he's probably the only bad guy that would know about Ben's relationship, or unrequited attraction to Kai. The only other one that comes to mind is Ghostfreak because of how they referred to the master and Ghostfreak's minions referred to him as Master or the master. However Ghostfreak had already left the Omnitrix by the Benwolf episode so I really don't think it could be him.

  9. You're right about the lame way in which they introduced her name. The fact of the matter is that a person's true name isn't there given name. Your true name is a collection of words in the ancient language that describes your character, lineage, and even physical makeup in its totality.

    As for what is going on with Wes, I think he's under some kind of mind control buy one of these forever-assholes Ben pissed off in the past. And I think that all the Tennysons will get captured. But the Gwen Tennyson that gets captured will actually be Charmcaster , and she will break the spell to come rescue them in her own body. How's that for guessing?

  10. Hey Neko-chan you chose my oldest and worst written story to read. I would have preferred you to read my Naruto, Teen Titans, or Transformers Prime story. They're so much better!

    there's still a lot of mistakes in them because of my dyslexia and the fact that I use dragon speech recognition software that likes to f*** everything up! but aside from that I think they're really good stories and I'm quite proud of them! :P

  11. sorry that was supposed to be palcomix my cell phones voice recognition software screwed that one up. :P

    I thought the way you ended the last chapter was a good way to go because in one of the later shows I believe it was gray matter who deciphered some magical runes so it stayed in keeping with canon.

  12. I don't know if the mods will allow an offsite link like that especially considering that what Palcomix does is blatant copyright infringement! that being said I really like that issue too :D

    HokuhotsuNeko I really enjoyed that last chapter I thought it was very well done and quite clever: I too am looking forward to the Fuckamotive hoping there is a LAYover in Incetopolis! now if that analogy has been beaten like a redheaded stepchild... aaa forget I said that.

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