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Everything posted by HalfFallenAingyl

  1. Current pet peeve: Sesshomaru calling InuYasha 'little one'. On what planet is InuYasha a melted puddle of goo? Really?? THIS is what you do to a rude, crude, brash, impulsive, never submitting to ANYONE character? Turn him into a quivering ball of nothing that lets an egotistical fuzzball like Sesshomaru call him "little one"?!?! Goddamnit, what's wrong with you people??? *end rant*

    1. Muse


      De-characterizing characters has a tendency to irk me. I mean, I flex things a little myself, but I like to keep the character's core in there. Ya'know? There comes a point when they just stop being the characters they were.

    2. Tribalista


      'Little' can mean lots of things, incl. sarcastic/affectionate/ironic attitude. It depends.

  2. Here's a question. Why is Iruka portrayed in most stories as a 'mother' type person?

    1. JayDee


      Same reason Harry Potter is? 'cos that gets the fans wet? Just guessin'

  3. Aw Well hellfire. I highly recommend at least using Yahoo IM or something. Much quicker than forums.
  4. I have yet to find a decent story revolving around Sai as a/the main character that is in character and believable. I want to read a story, time skips allowed, that follows Sai's awkward and dysfunctional return to the land of emotions and connecting to the world and people around him, and eventually into a romantic relationship, said future significant other eventually taking a big role in helping Sai re-connect to his humanity. Challenge rules: - Naruto cannot be used as the romantic partner. - OCs are allowed. - Use as many in-story characters as realistically possible. - cheesy orgy or promiscuous scenes are completely out of character and are not allowed. Any takers?
  5. Hotmail? Hmm..Any chance you have an Xbox LIVE membership?
  6. After a long hiatus from doing much of anything productive, I'm back and looking for work. Don't get too excited. Just spell-checking and stuff. I already have a more in depth job waiting once I get my feet wet.

    1. BronxWench


      Welcome back! ^^

  7. Woot. From your description, the job you have for a potential beta is exactly what I need to get back into the swing of things, so to speak. I have no need to take a look at your stories first. I've worked on stories I personally wasn't interested in and did a damned fine job. Strictly business and all that. If you are interesting in giving me a try, please send the first chapter you need to have looked at to nobodysaingyl@yahoo.com. If you have AOL Instant Messenger or Yahoo Instant Messenger, that would make the beta-ing process much easier.
  8. Is there a chance you have the original text files of your stories?
  9. Ditto here. Sometimes it helps to have more than one beta, too. One can catch things that the other doesn't. I currently use Microsoft Office Starter 2010, which I THINK is compatible with most word processors. If not, I can grab Open Office.
  10. Hey darlin'. I was wondering how far beta'ing has gotten on your story, because things have calmed down and I was hoping you'd be willing to give me another shot at things. My life has settled down, I've gotten myself back on track with most of everything, and I'm to the point where beta-ing no longer seems like an overwhelming prospect. I cannot guarantee I'd be a quick about it as I was in the beginning, but I can and will designate a schedule in order to do my work correctly. Plus, I've missed talking to you
  11. Nevermind. I realized the problem not long after hitting post -.- Sorry for wasting your time
  12. Editing, editing, editing... *grumbles about bad memory*

  13. As far as music goes, I'm still not very interested in listen to songs I can understand. I'm not sure why this is. Eh. Whatever. I finally got around to mixing my playlist up a little and added a bunch of MYV songs. Woot!

    1. kagome26isawsome


      me too..i got aleast 7 spanish songs and 2 german lol

    2. JayDee


      Sounds like you're made for Opera!

    3. HalfFallenAingyl


      lol I have over 30 songs in Japanese, 1 in Italian, over 40 in German...

  14. Ooooo, I'm so all over that!

  15. I'm waiting for my Naruto 2 playlist to get played out. Not there yet :-p

    1. Hobgoblin


      Whatcha talkin' bout? >:3

  16. Huzzah!! *falls over* lol

  17. I'm interested, as long as you wouldn't mind spelling corrections. I'm....rather anal about spelling :-p
  18. I've been proof-reading letters and other odds and ends for family members and friends for years. I am an amateur poetry writer (I write for my own pleasure and have never been published), so I have a decent grasp on sentence structure and am a stickler for spelling. If I'm not sure, then I look it up. According to my parental units, I've been reading since before I entered kindergarten and haven't quit yet. I'm not quite sure if this counts as a qualification, but reading that many books will give one a pretty good understanding of the flow of a good story and an instinct for necessary tweaking here and there, if it's needed, to smooth out any rough patches. I'm not very particular about story content, pairings, etc. The things I won't beta are hardcore BDSM/slave-type violence, scat, and vore. I'm sure there are a few others, and I'll add them if I think of them. Update: I am only available to operate as a spell-checker and opinion giver. RL is currently, and has been for awhile, interfering with my abilities of editing/beta-ing at a more involved level. Stories that are more than 2-3 chapters long and need to be beta'd immediately will not fit with my current situation. More indepth opinions can still be offered for stories involving Naruto, InuYasha, Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, and many others (honestly, the best thing would be to just ask if I know the anime or book series the story involves...)
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