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Everything posted by spiralbreeze

  1. I'm running out of paper in my Moleskine... this is sad.

  2. Tomorrow is my son's fifth birthday! Yay!

    1. JayDee


      Happy Birthday to him!

    2. spiralbreeze


      Thanks! He's five now... he grew so fast.

  3. I love my new picture! It's Pikachu doing Spiral Breeze, well sorta, but you get it right?

  4. I love my new picture! It's Pikachu doing Spiral Breeze, well sorta, but you get it right?

  5. As a writer who left the site for sometime like 5 years, and came back, I haven't deleted anything, including the stuff which remains unfinished. When I have the time I will go into each story and properly edit everything, and who knows, maybe one day I'll finish the stories that are incomplete. I have noticed that my older stories from 2004 and 2005 are all a hot mess in regards to their formats. And I know as a reader, I can not stand a huge wall of text, it hurts physically. I also know that I get really disappointed when something gets deleted, because I remember reading it, but then suddenly it's gone, even if it wasn't finished. I'm for editing. Someone somewhere might still want to read it.
  6. Chapter Eight is posted, finally! I had such a difficult time writing it, I think the next chapter is going to be even harder!

  7. Sorry, I know it took a while, two weeks. I had a very difficult time writing this chapter. But now it is done! Chapter Eight is posted. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600052428&chapter=9 Please read and thank you for any reviews.
  8. Trying to finish this chapter!

  9. I love how BN lets me use my educators discount to buy Pokémon books. Das it!

  10. I swear I'm trying to get the next chapter written!

  11. My son say's he likes Cilan better than Brock and Tracey! Blasphemy!

    1. JayDee


      ...It's Jesse and James for me.

    2. spiralbreeze


      What not Botch* and Cassidy?

    3. JayDee


      Nah. They're wannabes who happen to have writers on their side!

  12. I listen to music, and sometimes scenes just come to me, then I have to figure out how to put them on paper. Some times I've come up with something out of the blue. Like I wrote a song for my future children when I was 15 in the shower. I was washing my hair and starting singing and I had to get out and write it down. Now I sing that song to my son at night. Kinda weird. I wonder if I am capable of automatic writing, cause sometimes I just have no clue as to where it comes from and I don't remember writing it either.
  13. I bought my son Pokémon figurines, his favourite is Pansage. Why are there so many now?

    1. JayDee


      Because Nintendo execs like to drive expensive cars :D

    2. spiralbreeze


      Do you think they have Escalades?

    3. JayDee


      Nissan GT-R Skylines.

  14. It definitely shall!
  15. I told this lady at work that I write porn and she was like, "No I don't believe it, not you, you're too nice." That made my day.

  16. I'll be your friend. I've been feeling lonely as of late as well. I had a baby before everyone else did and basically they all got jealous... I also live in an area where no one speaks English, so conversations are... lacking. The other problem was that the friends I had wanted to be internet only friends (I fucking hate facebook, all of a sudden anti social people are suddenly social but only if it's online) and I am a person who likes to gasp! have fresh air and sunshine.
  17. Chapter Seven is posted, thank you for reviews and the like: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600052428&chapter=8
  18. I should be writing...

  19. Please read! One reviewer said it would scare Stephen King, and that really made my day!
  20. For the majority of my stories, I wrote them on looseleaf paper during class back in high school. I lost all of the manuscripts, as I so lovingly called them. The past couple of stories I've done however, I decided to type directly on my iMac. Then one day, I pulled out my Moleskine and a pencil and I began to write part of a chapter while my students took their nap. Later on, when I typed it up, I realized that my paragraphs were longer with more depth to them. I carry my Moleskine journal everywhere with me, and when the mood strikes, I'm able to write down whatever tickles my fancy. My penmanship has gotten horrible over the years, but I try and make it a point to hand write something every day. I feel it's important. I also used to write actual letters (with stamps!) to my son's father. He never opened them (his father was an engineer and there was literally a computer or laptop in every room). Everyday in high school I used to write a kind of a start the day letter to my then boyfriend. He read them religiously (he did not own a computer). I wish I had someone to write letters to now. I was thinking of getting a campaign started, write a letter save the US post office or something. Perhaps the hippies would get mad for wasting paper. It's funny because I have actually forgone getting an iPad, because an actual book is just so much more tangible. The smell of the paper, the feel of it, the act of physically turning a page, pulling a worn title off the shelf and opening it. There is just something so magical about it. I know that's probably how Hermione Granger would describe books. What's really scary is the fact that I own several bottles of ink and quill pens, as well as calligraphy pens, and my daily pen that I keep in my bag is a Pentel fountain pen from France. It's petit et tres joli! Anyway, I think from now on, I'm going to continue to write my stories in my journal. It is perhaps more meditative, and it probably saves my eyes.
  21. I have been debating whether or not to write this poem. I was inspired by "The Song of Lunch" a poem by Christopher Reid. (I hope I got the disclaimer correct.) Anyway here it is: Author: Spiral Breeze (that's me!) Title: The Caterpie's Dirge Summary: He, fed up with how she treated his new friend, decided to take matters into his own hands. Feedback: Please, I would love critical reviews. Also, if you are absolutely disgusted, let me know! Fandom: Pokémon Pairing: Ash/Misty as He/She Warnings: Abuse, BP, Contro, MCD, Minor1, Oral, RapeFic, Solo, Violence URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600052598 Thank you for reading, and reviewing and rating!
  22. spiralbreeze

    Misty rape

    I did it. Here you go. I'm slightly ashamed, but proud nonetheless. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600052598
  23. spiralbreeze

    Misty rape

    So, I've been looking at this post for a while now. And debating. Pondering, should I or shouldn't? Just to show you how very pretentious I am, I want to make it a poem. Yes, poetry and rape. Here is how I got my very sick idea. A number of weeks ago, or perhaps months, I don't remember, I happened to tune into PBS (I told you I was pretentious), and low and behold, there was Alan Rickman, his voice permeating the speakers. He was reading or acting I probably should say, the poem, The Song of Lunch. It was magnificent. And when I read this post, and decided, I needed to write this fic, as a poem in the style of the poem that Rickman was acting in. Complicated? Perhaps. I'll let you know when I'm done, might be later tonight, don't know. All I know is, I want it to be fantastic!
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