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Everything posted by MessrsMoony

  1. Topic title: Looking for a co writer Topic description: For a Batman Fanfic Post: I'm writing a fanfic that is based around Scarecrow and Poison Ivy... I'm thinking we can talk plot wise but I was thinking something along the lines of some people are trying to come up with a way to make anti-anxiety pills that are made out of plants that would piss off both Jonathan and Pamela which would get them working together.... Like I said it's just an idea if you have any others and are interested feel free to contact me either through the thread, pm, email or MSN, my email is born-in-sin@hotmail.com Is anyone interested in becoming my co-writer? Thanks, JC
  2. Hey I don't suppose you'd be interested in doing a Wolverine/Nightcrawler or a Gambit/Nightcrawler fic would you?
  3. Hi I'm looking for a uh.... well more of an equal partner to do a Nightcralwer/Nocturn or a Toad/ Who ever fanfic with me..... if there is anyone who would like to do this please feel free to either pm me through here or contact me via born-in-sin@hotmail.com thanks I'm also up to doing pretty much any other Nightcrawler pairing if desired
  4. I would like to see a fanfic about Sin MacAllister from Kinley MacGregors Born in Sin... other than the one I started I have yet to see anything of him. I'm not too picky on details I just wanna see a fic with him in it.
  5. I'm looking for a co-writter for a fanfiction. I'm up for any pairing in the HoND, X-Men or Batman universes... I write usually as either Clopin from HoND, Nightcrawler or Toad from X-Men and Joker from Batman though I can write as others.... if you'd like to write with me email me or add me to your msn my email is born-in-sin@hotmail.com we can talk details then... I'm not looking for anything too specific any pairing I'd probably be fine with as long as it isn't Clopin/Frollo ((shudder)) ew... lulz and I'm totally fine with OC's Hope to hear from someone soon
  6. Title: The Rayman Series Section: Games Fics: Yes currently uncompleted but yes --added
  7. Catagory name: Silent Hill Section catagory to be in: Movies Do you have any stories for it?: Aye added
  8. Hey I found this story it's in the Hunchback of Notre Dame Movie section this one should be in the Hunchback of notre Dame Book section not the movie..... http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091875
  9. Catagory name: The Who's Tommy Section catagory to be in: Movies (even though it's more of a play but you don't have a catagorie for that) Do you have any stories for it?: yes done
  10. I'll see if I can find it again...
  11. I can't remember where specifically it was, It was a buffy fanfic called Wings... There was a cetain point it would't allow me to get to the next chapter... lol I cried... ha ha. jk
  12. Admin now created a section for the movie verse of the Hunchback of Notre dame.... could they be moved to the movie secion hunchback of notre dame Kudasai? Domo arigato gozaimasu
  13. oh come on there has to be someone who can help me
  14. I'm looking for fanfictions with Nightcrawler when he was in the circus or of Nightcrawler with Amanda... preferablly not from X-Men evolution can anyone help me? I just finished reading Even Angels Have Scars and I wanna read another Nightcrawler circus one but I can't find any good ones...
  15. Catagory name: Kinley MacGregor Section catagory to be in: Books Do you have any stories for it?: Yes and I found one other author on here who writtes for her
  16. lol I was about to start a new topic on the same thing... They have something like that on Fanfiction.net where you can subscribe to a story or an author.... so you can get a notification of either just one storie or any of the authors stories... or if they add new ones and what not.... I think that would be a good idea for here cause it's so hard to find something on here once you've lost it.... lol....
  17. MessrsMoony

    Sherrilyn Kenyon

    I could never really get into Kenyons books... though I am a huge fan of Kinley MacGregor (*same author different name*) My fav was Born in Sin.... lol
  18. I have a catagory request to put in Catagory name: The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Section catagory to be in: Either Books or Movies probably books Do you have any stories for it?: Currently have 2 working on a 3rd thanks
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