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Everything posted by MessrsMoony

  1. Looking for someone to give a once over for our Fanfic, check spelling, grammar, punctuation, make sure it's flowing properly and if anything doesn't make sense please inform me. Its for Thor the movie that was just released This story contains romantic smut, nothing to racy I would like to read it before it is posted up please. Story is currently around 85k in words. It's a pretty long fanfic. And is still continuing. I'm looking for someone who would be dedicated in doing it. I will also credit you as a beta reader of course, at the beginning of every chapter that you beta. Thank you for your time -MessrsMoony
  2. Author: ShiffThomas and SA Title: Tomorrow Belongs to Me Summary: The Emcee has a new Client that comes into the club. Little does he know, he's not his typical client. Feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism much appreciated. (may be in need of a beta reader) Fandom: Cabaret Pairing: Emcee/OC Warnings: Abuse, Anal, Angst, Bi, D/s, Exhib, Fingering, H/C, HJ, M/M, M/s, Oral, Slave, Solo, Spank, WIP URL: http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600094007 Thank you to anyone who reads or reviews, they are all greatly appreciated. If you enjoy the story, we are trying to update every few days or so.
  3. Catches the yellow card and eats it Tosses a pie
  4. In which case I would suggest seeing a doctor ..... ((thanks for the edit, i didn't know who said it, my mom just told me it XD ))
  5. I think I remember that happening .... AFF and FFR went down at the same time I think
  6. Hello all, I'm looking for someone to help me continue a fanfiction I've started. The person I was writing it with has long since stopped talking to me over a year and a half ago and I'd like to continue it. The fanfiction is called Potions in the Moonlight located here http://hp.adultfanfi...hp?no=600023262 It's so far got 51 reviews and [+++++ /88] rating, I've got enough people asking me to continue it to feel like I should find a replacement for my last partner. It's a Snupin Fanfic ((Snape/Lupin)) If you'd like to check it out, or have read it already and would like to take over as Lupin, or Snape if you prefer I don't care either way. It's pretty easy going with posting to it, I sort of do it as like an RP type deal. And it's a bit OOC, but we were going to try to make it a bit more canon once we got to Potter years. But we can discuss where we want to go with it. If you are interested then feel free to message me, either through private PM, through this thread, or email/add me to MSN the_half-blood_prince@live.ca Thank you -MessrsMoony
  7. I personally think that was a little rude. When I read fanfics I don't tend to look at the dates it was updated or posted. And more often than not, at least in my case, if someone reviews asking for it to be update, it means there's someone reading it, and the writer would be more optimistic about continuing it. Perhaps that's just me. I love getting reviews from people saying that want to hear more from me. It keeps me motivated. Even if it is a fanfic from over a year ago.
  8. "I don't understand why people say "Grow some balls!" I don't understand that phrase .... Balls are weak and sensitive .... You should really say "Grow a vagina" those things can take a pounding ...." - Betty White
  9. I think i've read this one .... but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called ..... was there a scene where she was sleeping on his couch and was doing it on purpose?
  10. Ok so I have a fabulous Idea .... or at least in my mind it is. Tell me what you think. Takes place in the Marauders Era ... I'm thinking 6th-7th year .... Dumbledore decides, for the sake of house unity, that he will assign a "Summer Project" so to speak. Students are paired randomly. Over the summer they will have to work together to do the project, which basically consists of questions and tasks they will have to complete together to basically get to know each other better. I originally started this out as a fic, but it was cancelled and I would like to do it as an RP, see how it turns out. Basically through this project, James gets introduced to Severus' home life, his family, what he goes through on the summers. How James reacts to all of this is all up to you. Whether he decides to "Save him" and his baby sister, who I'd like to introduce at some point in the RP ((NOT SEXUALLY)) and have James get into a secret relationship or what ever you would like. If you like this idea, and I'm very stoked to do it. Please give me a shout .... I am on every day, and can post when ever so long as I'm not at work .... with the exception of this Sun night and Monday as I will be out of town for Thanks Giving .... other than that I am free to RP when ever. Hope to hear from you soon. You can either message me on here or PM me or email me the_half-blood_prince@live.ca
  11. sweet, thanks I'll get mine up as soon as I type it out, ((I write them at work on loose leaf lol))
  12. Catagory name: The Princess and the Frog Section catagory to be in: Movies Do you have any stories for it?: Yes
  13. Looking to do a RP style fanfic... I've been making a few too many topics so I'm just listing off them all in one and keeping this one... I don't care about Pairings I'll pair anyone with these characters, I don't mind cross over fics as long as the plot makes sense So take for example you want me to do Nightcrawler from X-men and want to pair him with say.... Data from Star Trek.... I'll do it... again as long as the plot makes sense. Series/Characters I do X-Men - Nightcrawler or Talia Wagner aka Nocturne or Toad The Legend of Drizzt - Drizzt Harry Potter - Severus Snape or Remus Lupin or Draco Malfoy or Lucius Malfoy or Bellatrix Lastrange Silent Hill - Pyramid Head Hunchback of Notre-Dame - Clopin Trouillefou ((see avatar)) Batman - Joker or Scarecrow ((any series)) The Mad Hatter or Thomas Schiff the paranoid schitzo from Arkham in Dark Knight played by David Dastmalchian Heroes - Sylar Star Trek - Spock Death Note - L The Matrix - Twins Dogma - The Metatron Hell Girl - Ai Enma or Ren Ichimoku Pokemon - James Loveless - Ritsuka or Soubi Digimon - Wizardmon Brotherhood of the Sword - Sin MacAllister or Draven deMontague I may add more to the list, we shall see... details can be discussed, I am interested in pretty much ANY pairing with these characters. I'm down with RPing pretty much ANYTHING it takes a lot for me not to do something so if you have a fetish I have no problem... If anyone is interested feel free to add me to msn or email me the_half-blood_prince@live.ca
  14. I figured it's been getting a lot of reviews and it's going pretty good so far... I hope you like it... Title: Potions in the Moonlight Author: Thomas Schiff and Pasha Schiff Rating: Adult+ Summary: Snape gets revenge on one of the Mauraders and seems to have bit off more than he can chew. Or is this something he wanted? Fandom: Harry Potter URL: Potions in the Moonlight Click Here Thank you all for reading my topic -Schiff
  15. Looking to do a RP style fanfic based on the Anime Hell Girl.... details can be discussed if anyone is interested feel free to add me to msn or email me the_half-blood_prince@live.ca
  16. I've been told I do a pretty good James.... he's one of my fav characters. If you're interested you can add me to msn or email me the_half-blood_prince@live.ca we can talk about it
  17. hmm.... that might put a damper on things.... why aren't you comfortable with it?
  18. Still looking for an RP Partner.... due to time differences unfortunatly me and Julianna are never online at the same time
  19. ok this site apprently doesn't like me.... for the 3rd time now "Oh! Oh! Me! Me! ((jumps up and down waving arm)) I do Snape fanfics, I don't really care on which pairing so I wouldn't mind doing Snape/Harry. I usually do it in the form of online RP's through PM's on my forums.... I'm pretty active I'm usually on for at least 8 hours a day unless I have to work late... if you want to see my writing style feel free to check out my profile http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296835790 The majority of my fics are done in RP style with other people... and I'm pretty much okay with anything you'd be doing.... I'm pretty open minded.... if you want to do this with me then feel free to email me or add me to msn the_half-blood_prince@live.ca" Alright now lets see if this works this time.... SEND!!!! lol -Schiff
  20. if you are interested in an HP fanfic feel free to add me or email me the_half-blood_prince@live.ca I mostly do Snape or Lupin but we can talk if you'd like
  21. Hello all I'm looking for an equal partner to do a Resident Evil style Role play fic... if you are interested feel free to email me or add me to msn the_half-blood_prince@live.ca.... I don't come on the forums much so if you reply to this I may not respond immediately.... I'm relatively new to the series but I've been told I'm pretty good at doing the Merchant from RE4... which is what I'm mostly interested in.... again if you're interested feel free to email me -CT
  22. Hello I'm going to keep this brief.... I'm looking for an equal parter to do a Harry Potter fanfic.... I usually do this in the form of one on one rp in story format.... I'm willing to be either Snape or Remus I'm not looking for a specific pairing so it's pretty open on anyone you wanna be.... details can be discussed if you would like to RP/Write with me feel free to add me to msn or email me the_half-blood_prince@live.ca Thanks -CT
  23. Hello all i'm looking to do a fanfic with someone of either Heroes or Star Trek... It would be done in an RP style either over MSN or through a forum of mine through PM's.... it will be posted on AFF... I'd be wanting to do either the roll of Sylar from Heroes or of Spock from Star Trek... either TOS or 2009 Movie.... I don't mind star trek cross overs. Feel free to choose any character you want, Male or Female I don't mind either way. If you're interested my email is Born-in-sin@hotmail.com or PM me through here.... Thanks
  24. bump cause of edits.....
  25. http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091228
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