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Everything posted by yourfacekillsme

  1. Hey! Wow, by the time I had typed this up I was stunned to see more reviews. <3 Thanks so much you guys, they made my daaay! Gslinger= Thanks for the review! Haha, Nice pun on Almost there =] Also, did this description in the new update help? He is cute, and exotic. He just isn't much used to having anyone ever tell him. I kind of like that he can't speak sometimes, but then I forget and start to use "____" instead of // // and I forget who was talking and mess myself up. But, I think the mute thing isn't permanent =X ceedee= Thanks so much for the review! I am glad you liked it. Part of me wonders what I was thinking with making 8 husbands! O_O 9 main characters haha. Anyway. I hope you stick around... Quite possibly smex in the next chapter.... CharredK= I'm sorry, I giggled a little when I read your comment. Sorry I got your hopes up only to dash them! does the update make it better? =]Thanks so much for leaving me a review, I truly appreciate them. I really thought this story would bomb out when I added it, so I am actually shocked that people like it. Midnightsscream= Thanks for the review! I hope this doesn't sound too much like other stories? eeap. Just out of curiosity, which ones? I haven't ever been able to find a multi-moresomes relationship before that didn't just operate on a three basis. I was just curious. Thanks again! <3 Until next time, James<3
  2. Anyway, I posted the story Not Quite There Yet, and I made this thread for review responses and any extra information I have to give you all about it. =] So, anyway. Yep. Review Responses for Chapter 1: Sen_nightshade= Thank you so much for the review. It came so fast after I updated and I didn't think anyone would even read the story. Hope you enjoy the future updates. rainxkira= Thanks for your review! I'm thrilled that you liked the story, truly I am. I hope you enjoy the update=] Itrasheditgood= I was thinking that I'll probably keep it, was just not sure if anyone would like it since it's not really a typical story. Thanks for your support! I enjoyed your review a lot. I hope you enjoy the future updates, and they aren't boring or typical to you. =] angelmay= Thanks for the review! I appreciate your telling me that you liked the story =] It means a lot to me, since I'm new at this and wasn't expecting any! Hmm. I think Cai would be cute with kittens too, but not sure I'll put it in the main story line. Maybe I'll write a spinoff story though...I like the idea! Skittles Pirate= So I saved your review for last because I was truly blown away by it. My inner schoolboy squeed all night. Well not really but it made my day! I am so glad you liked my story, and then enough to review so in depth. So to answer your questions, and probably other's questions too haha, I'll put them below. 1.] Okay, I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of POV changes, only and really only, because I personally dislike reading stories in which the character I find myself Most liking, is not the only one who's perspective I am seeing. However, I do plan on putting in snippets of POV changes, but probably not like whole chapters. I hope thats not a turn off of the story to anyone, but it's just kind of a personal thing. But, I definitely will do descriptions. I tend to forget that people who read the story can't see what's in my head, I have to write it haha. 2.] Changelings and Noemadas, well they're kind of my own creation sort of. I'll start with Noemadas. They are characterized by many different things. Vibrant hair colors, unusual eye colors, the ability to shape shift, morph and change nature. They have one animal form, in which they are born with, and usually within days of birth, change to their animal form, in which they stay for about six months. After that they change back and forth as they wish. They aren't immortal but they do live for a very long time. Each one is inherently different and no two are alike or share the same aspects. They are perceived as something akin to a demon, but are nothing like them. They are extremely powerful, and are sought after as lovers and friends for their deep sense of loyalty and passion. =] So, Changelings, are very similar. Except that they are humans, who have either had crossbreeding in the past, or who had ancestors who dabbled in rituals they shouldn't. Once they were extremely uncommon, but due to the amount of breeding that went on, are now almost as common as a Noemadas. They are born human, have normal functioning human attributes. However, anywhere from the ages 8-18 they begin to Change. Some Change earlier and some later. One may one day wake up and have sprouted fur/claws/tail/ears, and the ability to understand cats/dogs/etc. One could wake up and speak every language ever known, including animals and aquatic life. Some may wake up and control the elements, they could start or stop rain, cause tornadoes, etc. A few could cause different weather related incidents by their emotions. Some had the same abilities as a Noemadas. Basically a Changeling is a watered down Noemadas, and though they have characteristics of them they are called Changelings because they do not usually have as much power, usually Changelings don’t have an animal form, and because they are not as beautiful as a Noemadas usually. However, Changeling/Noemadas and Noemadas/Humans, were more like a Noemadas, than Human, even though they have their Human characteristics more than the others. Does that make sense? 3.] Khaos, well I can’t really answer that yet, but he wasn’t in heat =] 4.] He is disdainful, because even though I like this character, he’s a pompous ass. =] And, basically the same goes for all of the hubbies. They’re just kind of…snobby and a bit pretentious. Anyway! I hope I answered all of your questions? And helped make everything clear? Until then, James =]
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