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Creature of Shadow

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Everything posted by Creature of Shadow

  1. The Reviewers Association on adultfanfiction.net is looking for an artist to make a monthly banner for members who complete the review challenge. The artist currently in charge of this has been unable to post for sometime, so we are looking for someone to pick up where she left off, until and IF she can come back. If she does in fact return, and you would like to keep on the team running this group, we can work out a schedule to suit both of your needs. If you are interested in taking up thi...

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  2. Tonight 11/27/2011 at 8 pm EST, www.dokuga.com will be hosting a drabble/drawble night in the chat room to honor this excellent story and it's author. Our lovely host Priestess Skye will be giving out prompts every 40 minutes, and a banner will be awarded to participants at the end. And you only have to do one of the prompts to receive your banner. It's going to be alot of fun, and since the author Madison, who is rarely comes into chat, will be there tonight, it will give you a chance to meet her! Also, for those of you who don't know, Dokuga is a Sesshomaru/Kagome pairing site only. You must be a member to play tonight and you have to keep to the sites rules. Hope to see you there!!
  3. This whole story is squishy and full of HTML mess. Chapter 6 is particularly bad. http://celeb.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091746
  4. I've got H.P. Lovecraft, Chuck Palahniuk, Aurthur Clarke, David Foster Wallace, George Orwell, Annie Rice, William ShakeSpeare(o.O) and another I will not mention because I loathe their work. Mostly H.P. Lovecraft though, whom I have never heard of . >.< I apparently bounce around in a lot of styles, and have had waaaay to much fun with this site.
  5. Blank review id # 3000011801 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544190205&limit=&page=4
  6. Squishy. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090901
  7. This could possibly be a bit of review whoring. Too close for Dani or myself to call. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005297&chapter=50
  8. Review whoring in AN's at bottoms of chapters 1,4. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040771 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296798930
  9. In The Forest Self review- id # 3000014447 Flame- id # 3000014475 Shared Duplicate Review- id # 2035501273, id # 2035501274 A Bender and Her Bowels. <--@_@ Review Flames- Everyone is kinda fighting in reviews. id # 3000019883, id # 3000019926, id # 3000019941, id # 3000020289 Obsession Flame-id # 2035469978, id # 2035482491, id # 2035599787, id # 2035600536, id # 2035613285, id # 2035620566 Blank review- id # 2035474269 The Fall of Ozai-Flame id # 3000020496
  10. This author forgot the password to their original account and made a new one, thus re=posting all their fics. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040262 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040262
  11. Water Tribe Fire Bender Review flames id # 3000011408 id # 3000020425 id # 3000015953 <---flame to a flamer in review.
  12. Push and Pull Chapter 14 quote used without citation. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040494&chapter=14 'I always wished I were blessed like you…free from this burning curse…'
  13. The Pube Muppet Adventures:ATLA AN Chapter 1 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005338 Are Two Better Than One Review Flame id # 3000020424 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600040235 Exodus Self Review id # 3000015529 Dirty Little Secret Chapter AN http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040364&chapter=2
  14. Song by Simple Plan used in chapter 1 with no disclaimer. Song By Lacuna Coil used in chapter 2 with no disclaimer. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544209451 Oasis Lines taken directly from the series without a disclaimer. “You little peasant. You’ve found a master, haven’t you?”
  15. Air embraces Water, Water Embraces Air Flames id # 2035446600 id # 2035504149 id # 3000016848 All Girl's Troubles Duplicate Review id # 2035489482 id # 2035489483 id # 2035490782 id # 2035490783
  16. the airbender and me Review Flames id # 2035305968 id # 2035306611 id # 2035306873 id # 2035330681 id # 2035409711 Self Review id # 2035309218 AFTRS! All For The Random Smut Duplicate Reviews id # 3000014956 id # 3000014957 id # 3000029719 id # 3000029720
  17. The Enchantress Self Review http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544185204 id # 2035248929 Prisoner of the Firebending Prince Flame http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544184259&limit=&page=5 id # 3000034075 Enemy/'s Caress Self Review http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544187875 id # 2035281397 Hot as Ice and Cold as Fire Duplicate review http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544190321 id # 2035324992 id # 2035324993
  18. The Lima Bean Revue Flame Review id # 3000020178 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600041034 Hidden Truth Chapter 2 AN http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041128&chapter=2 The Secret Goings On at the Xiaolin Temple Self Review id # 3000035013 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600091876 Heylin Hodown Self Review id # 3000035181 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600092408
  19. Another story purposely posted twice. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091606 <----Original Post http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091423 <----Second Post
  20. What Is Love The top of chapter 1 is squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040315 Chapter 2 squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040315&chapter=2 Chapter 5 squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040315&chapter=5 Chapter 6 squishy You Don't Know Jack! Chapter 1 squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092831 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040315&chapter=6 Hidden Truth Chapter 1 squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041128 Chapters 3-5 squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041128&chapter=3 Chapter 7 squishy http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040315&chapter=6
  21. This is not a story, its a challenge trying to get a story written. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041042
  22. A Night in Paris Chapter 5 AN http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040261&chapter=5 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296801311 Couple Mania, Xiaolin Showdown Style Chapter 1 AN http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600040311 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296801311
  23. Save Me Review Flame id # 3000018528 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=544209429&limit=&page=8 Always the Bridemaid id # 3000014644 <---Flame id # 3000016692 <---Self Review http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600005266
  24. This story was posted twice, on purpose. Same author, exact same content, all thats changed is the hearts in the title. http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=544205909 <----Original post http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600000199 <----Second post
  25. What If... Self Review id # 3000019053 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600040860 Wilderness Woods Self Review id # 3000026447 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/review.php?set=read&no=600090855 Therapy Timeline Continuity AN chapter 1 http://cartoon.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600090874
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