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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. going to bust my butt getting homework done so i can watch 'dark shadows' on netflix! XD

  2. going to get out of the house and go exercise before my parents have a fit...feh

  3. Going to start drinking tonight because i cant drink heavy tomorrow because i will not wake up with a hangover and go to class with one! lol mmmm wedding cake shot

  4. gonna go drinking downtown for a friends birthday! :D be on tomorrow to update stories if im not hung over lol

  5. gonna try to update stories...dont know how long the plot bunnies will work with me...

  6. gonna try to update today, i finished one story yesterday, just 6 more to go lol...

  7. Gonna try to write..lets hope i can

    1. And Your Little Dog Too

      And Your Little Dog Too

      Hope I can, hope I can, hope I can. Know I can, know I can, know I can! Writer's block, writer's block, writer's block! Must...overcome...block... Must...keep...typing... Must...kill...plot bunny. Yes! Triumph! Publish!

  8. Gonna try two more updates today! but might not because stupid city wants dad to repaint garage so i gotta help scrape off old paint :bash:

  9. Gonna write later, gotta go break up ice on the sidewalks and get ready for the 4-5 inches of snow we r getting tonight..blah!

  10. good news and bad news! what they took out of my grandma wasnt cancer, but there is still something there and they think it is a slow moving cancer..but we wont know for 7 days! :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Melrick


      I'm sure it'll be more good news.

    3. BronxWench


      You know you and your family are in my thoughts, kags. Hang in there.

    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks all! :D and i hope so Melrick

  11. good news! my grandma has told us last night that the cancer is gone! But the doctors want her to do Cemo for another couple of weeks! Yes my grandma is a fighter!!! XD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WillowDarkling


      I'm very glad to hear that. Wish you and your granny all the best :D

    3. kagome26isawsome
    4. Melrick


      That's excellent news.

  12. Good riddance to 2014 and I hope 2015 is better

  13. Got 3 stories updated, just got 5 left to do :bash:

  14. Got a headache and its a gloomy day, might write..might lay down..

  15. got a new idea for the lovely complex fic..gonna work on it after i bust my butt exercising and cleaning the house!

  16. got a wonderful plot bunny!! woot :D

  17. Got all my books now i wait for the semester to start! I'm nervous but excited! XD

    1. BronxWench


      Keep working hard!

    2. JayDee


      The next stage is harder - I was shocked to discover you actually have to read the course books! Bah.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      lol jaydee i actually read the first chapter and thanks BW :D

  18. got hit with another writers block..there has got to be another way....ugh

    1. Rain7777


      You can do it! When I get writers block on one fic, i go and play around with other fic ideas :) Just having a play with them usually helps and i can get back to the more serious chapter at hand :) You can do it! Best of luck! xx

  19. Guess i missed everyone again. *sigh* Classes going great just hate doing Power point projects for 3 different classes...ugh..just two more months

  20. had a really good plot bunny and now it went away! quick someone catch it and give it to me!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Techno-Ninja


      lol Now I want candy. XD

    3. BoredStraight


      Why does everyone keep talking about chocolate on here lately??

    4. kagome26isawsome
  21. Had fun bowling with family, that wasnt the surprise tho..people come into the house singing happy birthday to me! lol now off to do homework..blah

  22. Had fun celebrating St Patricks day with my sister at a bar! lol green beer made me have a green tongue and teeth!

    1. Melrick


      That sounds like gangrene. You should look at getting your tongue removed.

    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. Melrick
  23. had fun with Beloved Suki! too bad we didnt update any stories! sorry!! XD

  24. hahaha my sister is a dork, she gave me her pw for fb to check on her farmville. My family is keeping a secret from me so i went on there and found out i am getitng a surprise party next week! uh can we say doh doh doh! lol

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