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Status Replies posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. After so many years of filling out applications, I FINALLY GOT A JOB!!!! wooottttt I start tomorrow

  2. Laid my grandmother to rest yesterday. It was a hard day for us but we will be strong. All-in-all, it was good to see my family but it makes me sooo homesick...

  3. Just found out that my grandmother just passed. I'm having a lot of mixed emotions about this, of course sadness is one. But she lived a long life; she was 89 years old. We could only wish that our loved ones were immortal. My only regret is that I should've called her more often than I did. R.I.P., Grandma...

  4. My grandmas funeral is Thursday and i am a Pallbearer...I don't know if I can handle doing that. Does that make me weak that i can't help carry my grandma to her final resting place?

  5. Taking a short break from it all...my grandmas issues got worse and we got to make a dash up north to see her...one last time....pray for me and my family please

  6. Taking a short break from it all...my grandmas issues got worse and we got to make a dash up north to see her...one last time....pray for me and my family please

  7. Taking a short break from it all...my grandmas issues got worse and we got to make a dash up north to see her...one last time....pray for me and my family please

  8. Taking a short break from it all...my grandmas issues got worse and we got to make a dash up north to see her...one last time....pray for me and my family please

  9. Aaaaaand I'm 21! Happy Birthday!


  11. I'm moving to the LAKE! :D

  12. Part of me wants to pull 'coitus conundrum' and rewrite it and the other part just want to pull my 'baby wo mitani'..anyone got a coin i can use to decide?

  13. waiting for bad news again. I don't like this new pattern. :(

  14. Congratulations, United States of America… :D

  15. Well updates will take longer than planned due to moms shoulder surgery and my homework! lol ah life

  16. Spent the night in the emergency department with my mom, who apparently has pneumonia.

  17. Well updates will take longer than planned due to moms shoulder surgery and my homework! lol ah life

  18. Little J is now 7 pounds 1 ounce! :D

  19. well its official!! I am 30 today! Hmmmm i don't feel any different!

  20. well its official!! I am 30 today! Hmmmm i don't feel any different!

  21. Anyone have a time machine I can use to go back 60 months or 2 months? That would be great.

  22. I really hope everyone had a happy, safe, and fun Halloween yesterday. Things were super busy over here as we got ready for our yearly festival and ate way too much home made yumminess.

  23. writings taking a back seat as I look for a job so I can go back to school in January. So far, no luck! :(

  24. That moment when you learn a family member has lung cancer...and you can't even cry it's so shocking. Hiatus for a week.

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