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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. time to update two fics and work on two new stories! who would have though that drinking the night before would give you ideas! lol

  2. took a break to clear my mind....didnt really work! lol

  3. ugh the plunnies dont like me again....job hunting sucks! :( I wish there was a tree i can get what money i need and then be set!

    1. WillowDarkling


      Well, at least you can work. I don't know what I would give, just to be able to work. Good luck with the job hunt.

  4. ugh, had to back up the old M stories from the Pit...figuring out when i am going to post them here....night all! classess! BLAH!!

  5. ugh...i dont think i can last though this semester! Spanish class keeps kicking my ass! ugh

    1. RogueMudblood


      *snickers* Try Koine Greek sometime. Or biblical Yiddish.

      Dead languages give you a deep appreciation of living ones.

  6. ugh...when it rains it pours!! my aunt on my dads side is having kidney problems!! Grandma is still holding on tho..wish i could go visit her..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kagome26isawsome
    3. Hairyhaggis


      hugs hope you are ok and that things turn around for your family

    4. Hairyhaggis


      hugs hope you are ok and that things turn around for your family

  7. up to 3 1/2 pages on this blasted paper and not even Google is helping me! ugh...cant wait for my b-day party tomorrow night! im gonna be drunk as a skunk!

    1. spiralbreeze


      I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! Hope you have lots of fun tomorrow!

    2. kagome26isawsome
  8. update on my grandma!: she has 3rd stage ovarian cancer...she will start cemo therapy next week :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      thanks..unsure about that..found out she has the flu too...:( but i am hanging in there

    3. sumeragichan
    4. Melrick


      Damn, I'm sorry.

  9. updated 4-8 stories and now taking a break...

  10. updated 5 out of 8 stories, now shall i upload the new chapters or wait...

  11. updated stories and now i rest :D and then start all over again! lol

  12. waiting on the football game...darn plot bunny got away again

  13. Was having a good day found out getting a B in intro to counseling then get taken out of class because of a family issue...:( more later

  14. well figured out what was wrong with my laptop and its gonna be a while before i can update again..:bash:

    1. nofairytails


      good luck with your laptop...its always an insane hassle dealing with computer trouble :\

  15. Well i fought the stomach flu and won! now i wish i could turn back time and prevent it so i could have gotten shitfaced on my birthday!

  16. Well i went through with it and was a Pall bearer! I started to cry a little when we carried my Grandma but i felt good when it was over...Thanks for all the condolences!

  17. well it seems the plot bunnies are coming to their senses and want me to write! 2 stories ready to update, 6 to go bbllaahhh

  18. well its official!! I am 30 today! Hmmmm i don't feel any different!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. BronxWench


      Hey, according to the tabloids, we're all supposed to look, act, and dress like we're 21 until two days before we drop dead. Or until we spork our own eyes out at the vision of our grandmothers wearing Kardashian Kouture.

    3. kagome26isawsome


      oh god! can i spork my eyes out now!

    4. BronxWench


      ::passes titanium spork::

  19. Well my GPA for summer semester is 3.443 (2 A's and a C+). I needed a 3.75 for the deans list!! :( Oh well there will be other chances for the deans list...I just keep on trying!

  20. Well my muse ran away, but it must have remembered that we are updating chapters Sunday...

  21. Well the heat broke...but still hotter then hell upstairs...im able to get back on..unsure if the plunnies wanna writer tho..lol

    1. kagome26isawsome
    2. Mistressofthewest


      Thank god! I never thought it was going to end. I can’t wait for fall. Ooh cool weather, Oktoberfest and Halloween. Hehe my three favorite things that I keep telling myself to stay sane in the sweltering heat.

      Eek! I am so glad that my place is on one floor. I don’t think I could stand it if it was two.

  22. Well updates will take longer than planned due to moms shoulder surgery and my homework! lol ah life

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      I am not Bronx! Lol mom is mad at me for hovering around her and making her do her arm machine! lol

    3. BronxWench


      The arm machine is good for her, so she has an easier time of it as she heals. Good for you for hovering and taking care of her!

    4. kagome26isawsome


      thanks! The homework is finished and i got a 49/50 so im still doing good!

  23. welp today i am a year away from 30......

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kagome26isawsome


      lol i am not whining BW! lol

    3. BronxWench


      Good! Because 30 is still young, and people should stop worrying and enjoy it :D

    4. WillowDarkling


      Happy Birthday, Kags :D

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