^is having fun playing catch up lol
<is gassy for some reason but wont let it out incase it wakes up dad
V is probaby laughing at all the answers coming out
^ is not looking at porn because im playing catch up with you guys
<got freaked out for a sec because she thought she saw snow..but it was a little bug
V is probably jealous i get to go to a def leppard concert in two months
^will as soon as i think of one...so far i got a nude beach..lol
<has too much on plate as is
V Probably listens to alot of rock music to stay awake (i am)
Guilty I own a dvd of gay porn
(the puke pink..well short story, had a party, the guy had too much and i tied him up as a joke and he got sick and i came up pink)
Ever watch yuri porn
^ probably will when my dad takes mom to work on the down time of the second cookout
<has seen Laverne and sherley thanks to my mom
V probably has never seen or heard of Red Skelton