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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. ^would love to play that if i knew how < doesnt want to write but being pressured is no fun V can understand why i need to write
  2. kagome26isawsome

    I Am...

    i am developing writers block because i rather be in a pool then upstairs writing
  3. Not guilty Ever walk into a room and see your sister and her husband having sex
  4. banned for sinking to cals level
  5. Banned for playing this game with cal
  6. ^ hates hasselhoff with a passion < its tired from pokemon battling my best friend V probably cant beat me in a pokemon battle
  7. I am the queen of pokemon battling!
  8. Catches the dancing bigfoot Dresses him up in a tux and a top hat and throws him back
  9. kagome26isawsome

    I Am...

    I am pissed i got beaten 6 times in pokemon and lost all races in mario cart wii by my best friend
  10. Guilty (my ex when he left me for my best friend) ever used your phone on vibrate to masturbate?
  11. kagome26isawsome

    I Am...

    i am getting irritated waiting for my best friend to come over
  12. clark kent from smallville
  13. barely catches flamethrower throws bigfoot
  14. guilty ever sneak someone into your room at night for sex
  15. ^ is upset because best friend hasn't called yet < trying to write faster but got like 5 fics to update and or finish b4 i write any more V is impatient
  16. banned for being shocked about cals post
  17. 13797 given up trying to catch up with u on the games Imasuky Lomae
  18. ^ in process of writing yuri < got second family guy fic up and is happy V wouldnt like the family guy fic because it doesnt involve meg
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