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Status Updates posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. waiting on the football game...darn plot bunny got away again

  2. WOOT new story is up! its a family guy story and i feel good about it im gonna go write some more! YEAH!!!!

  3. Hiatus on stories yet again till i can find a Beta and working on a new family fic based on the death of Brian...my mind works in mysterious ways

  4. Well my muse ran away, but it must have remembered that we are updating chapters Sunday...

  5. just 3 more weeks left of fall semester! then two classes for spring! woooooottttt

  6. So I am still alive! just surviving working at walmart! lol oh and have a Happy new year! my new years resolution is to write more!!! lol

  7. May the 4th be with you! :D Leave for Maine tomorrow! Miss you all!

  8. hi hi! sorry i didnt add you as a friend!

  9. only good thing that is happenening in 2020 is that all walmarts are closed on thanksgiving and there might not be a black friday this year! thats kinda sad not that i think about it, but eh!

  10. Gonna try two more updates today! but might not because stupid city wants dad to repaint garage so i gotta help scrape off old paint :bash:

  11. Good riddance to 2014 and I hope 2015 is better

  12. So a woman asks her mom not to bring a dangerous man who was convicted of a homicide in 98 (the grandpa) around her kids, the grandma does it anyways and the mom is surprised when the grandpa takes a sledgehammer to the 12 year olds head! cuz the grandpa thought the kid stole money from him!  (my neck of the woods)SMH


  13. gonna go drinking downtown for a friends birthday! :D be on tomorrow to update stories if im not hung over lol

  14. Taking a break from writing because my mom is home for two weeks recovering from her asthma...yea...fun fun

  15. time to update two fics and work on two new stories! who would have though that drinking the night before would give you ideas! lol

  16. Is Nervous..power point presentation on OCD tomorrow morning...just gotta remamber to get some sleep and not be nervous...i wont be nervous...i wont be nervous...i wont be...aw crap

  17. just two more weeks left of fall semester....so cant wait! XD

  18. been a busy day, now i sit back and chill till 8pm

  19. Its hot and im bored on the comp..Might as well get off and see if i can write new chapters. Hope the plunnies are ready to work instead of chilling in the pool

  20. I want to go hunt for the Milwaukee Lion and name it George and hug it and squeeze it and never let it go! LOL

  21. is bored....idk what to do

  22. Gah! Dang muses want me to write but I got to do homework first! Knock it off muses, I will get to you when i am done with Homework!

  23. schools over for now and i feel like i am in a rut..idk what to do! :(

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