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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. Dear 16 year old me, please for the love of god don't start thinking about dating Derrick! In the end it will end badly and you will be left alone and lose two of your best friends. Also work on your grades and start looking at colleges and make sure you figure out what you would like to do! Also find a job and keep it! Don't care if it is at McDonalds or other fast food restaurant. Take your time writing the Christmas story that has been bothering you for a year and start working on the Addams family story or it will haunt you for all your adult years! Also stop drinking the Mountain dew! Don't procrastinate either and for the love of god, don't give up on John because he will end up offing himself when you are in your 20's and you will never get the chance to apologize... Sincerely, 27 year old me
  2. FINALLY! THE HEAT WAVE IS OVER!! *does happy dance*

  3. Title: Anime crossover karaoke Author: Lia200304 Summary: People get on a bus thinking they are going to meet their fans, but end up on an island where they are forced to....SING Rating: Adult Pairings: N/A Spoilers: Based on 4 different anime's and the movie Battle Royale. Feedback: would be nice to get some feedback http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600053331
  4. I am not using any of the real actors from Battle Royale. I am just using the concept of the island in which they are stranded and told to kill eachother, mine is they are forced to sing...lol thanks BW!
  5. okay first time posting here since no one is in the shoutbox. I know for one of my crossover fics i had to put both shows in the disclaimer but what do i do if I have 4 anime series and the theme of this one is based off of battle royale so i know i got to add it also there are a couple of chapter where my friend and i sing also so do i have to do anything special for those chapters?...can someone help me? Thanks
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