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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. congrats!
  2. sounds interesting...i might take this on
  3. http://inu.adult-fanfiction.org/main.php?list=1594 here is the Kagome/Inu section...hope this helps!
  4. 17093 XD
  5. I am back! no net for almost a month (stupid TWC)! Good news is i did some updating of stories! XD I guess my muses needed this! lol

  6. mini vacation sucked! was sick the whole time! blah! at least my muse gave me ideas for updates while i napped most of the time! so hate Illinois drivers!

  7. Okay so if you havent heard, Dan Cathy who is the president of Chick Fil a said he doesnt approve same sex marriage. Now everyone is either protesting or boycotting Chick Fil a. One company even pulled their toys from them because of his comments. here is a link to one of the many stories about it: http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/27/us/chick-fil-a-controversy/index.html?eref=rss_mostpopular Now I approve of same sex marriages and all but i dont see the point of boycotting or protesting infront of any resturants. Everyone has their own opinions and whatnot and I am sure everyone that works for Chick Fil-a does or doesn't agree with Dan Cathy. I many not agree with what he said but I will not make the company suffer for one mans stupid comment. I will continue to eat there. So I was just wondering what you all thought of this.
  8. Be back whenever...reunion tomorrow..going to take 6 hours to get there, hopefully this is what i need to finish my evil dance mom story! XD

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