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Everything posted by kagome26isawsome

  1. I voted today, how about you? If you don't go vote, you can't complain about whoever wins!

    1. DemonsAngel


      Voted last month lol. Gotta love an Absentee ballot.

    2. Daye


      i didn't vote. i had no election. As a brit i still reserve the right to complain about all you colonial whippersnappers.

  2. hyuna- bubblepop
  3. I agree and will so blow my teacher away with this! Thank you for all the input so far! XD
  4. asking nicely for all to put their two cents in on my spanking topic! It will help! thanks to those that already commented and voted! XD

  5. I either got spanked on the ass with a hand or a belt. When my mom couldn't get a belt, she used a plastic spoon! THAT HURT but it taught me and my sister that what we did was wrong and we should never do it again. Mostly got 3 smacks and that was it.
  6. So this is for my Child welfare class. I have to debate this at the end of the month and i want to get peoples opinion. It could help me out! I am for spanking (and that is what my side of the debate is too) so again this is to get an idea. Keep it clean and be mindful of others opinions.
  7. Reba Mcentire...in my pants
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