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Everything posted by magentasouth

  1. (sigh) Well.. Ok.. I deserve to have to answer for all these things.. So i'll post the review in entirety and then work through it. winter748- "This story is very interesting and you write very well. However, I'm getting very frustrated as it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Yes, it's very intricate and a lot of things happen (mostly bad), but it doesn't seem to be heading to any resolution. It just seems all that happens is Tom gets mad, someone is tortured and/or killed, Hermione can kick everyone's ass but continues to be a stupid ass letting everyone control her and all she can say is "I love you, Tom". Where is Hermione's moral compass, her compassion for people that deserve it, her willingness to fight for the abused and used? Any one of the times that she got her magic back why didn't she DO something. Like heal and free all the prisoners, especially the children. I agree with Rodolphus. She needs to face realty. If she caused "Lord Potter", why doesn't she undo it? For the smartest witch of her age, she is no longer using her brain at all. She's been nothing but used, lied to, betrayed, tortured and raped but she hasn't tried to exact vengeance or revenge or just remake reality into a happy lolly pop land. Also, how can Hermione hate Ginny so much when she's done worse just because Tom asked her to. Ginny was influenced/infected by his evil when she was only eleven years old, but she has no sympathy for her but can have all kinds of sympathy for Severus, Tom & Draco for their childhood abuse. Hermione isn't even trying to make any plans to make things right, to stop the evil being done to innocents. The story is like a train wreck. You can't look away. I'm on chapter 58 but have become so frustrated that I am at least going to take a beak from it for a while. Again, you are an excellent writer and you have some amazing ideas, however, I just prefer to read stories that even though there may be gray areas & even though bad/evil things happen, mostly things balance out more on the good side and evil gets at least stopped and hopefully paid back for their deeds." Alrighty then. It was the first thing I wrote. I didn't intend to share it.. it was just for experimentation value. That being said though - Inexperience is no justification. Hermione in this story is a mess.. she is weak.. insecure.. guilt ridden and makes a number of foolish decisions. She is essentially trapped from beginning to end. I did warn 'Angst', I believe. The story IS frustrating. That is implied by Angst, to my mind. When she first had access to this amazing little ability - she didn't know what it was or how to use it. It was all instinctive. There were only two moments (prior to ch 57) where she had a window of perhaps a few minutes to use the ability - and in both she was distracted by immediate concerns for others.. by hormones and emotional drives. She wasn't thinking rationally about nameless prisoners and the wizarding world as a whole. On the matter of rationality in general as it applies to her.. Her interactions with Voldemort - the influence of his magic - is not particularly good for her.. and as it turns out over time her own ability to feel and reason is also rather skewed by what she is. Why doesn't she undo what she's done to Harry? well aside from not having access to her magic at all - she hasn't the slightest idea how to do it and is worried that messing about will make things even worse. She didn't intend to do anything to Harry - and if she messes with Harry's soul.. which was as demonstrated, connected to Tom's - who is to say that she won't damage both?! Why was she so reactive toward Ginny?! ...Possibly she would not have been if she were bisexual. There is more to being a conduit than simply having access to infinite power - in fact, if she is not surrounded by 'devotees' she does not have such clear access to this ability at all. Thats kind of one of the main problems with Hermione's 'rationality' in this story. She is a creature driven by unconscious needs. It is valuable for her to attach herself to the most powerful Wizard around - in order to reduce the possibility of having to actually fight said wizard. Ginny, as a non-potential sexual partner - and a possible rival for the affections of 'the most powerful wizard around' was interpreted as a threat. It is also something which may be, to a certain degree, mutual. I.e. girls who are attached to the men/boys she draws to her tend to be quite hostile (for obvious reason). No.. you are quite right.. Hermione isn't even trying to fix the world at large. Admittedly its kind of something I can sympathise with. If I had infinite power to remake the world - i'm not sure that i'd know exactly where to fiddle around to make everything smiles and buttercups. Possibly she could start by killing Grindelwald, right?! He's a murderous jerk.. Or maybe she could tweak Dumbledore to make him get off his wimpy arse and go and deal with him already. Somehow without changing time, obviously. Or why not just erase Tom?! He's to blame for all the suffering and injustice in her own time, hmm? Or she could raise all the dead and heal all the sick and feed all the starving. That is.. kind of demanding though.. Raising ONE dead person floored her.. Just because she can do things that are not easily possible using structured magic - doesn't mean that she is infinitely powerful, necessarily - Although perhaps.. if she were using this power in CONJUNCTION with an existing sexually tinted connection (as when she healed severus) she might get further. I have a rather cynical view of the world, in case you haven't noticed. Personally - I think that MOST people could make a much bigger difference in the world than they do. People don't because they are a) complacent and convinced of their own ineffectuality and b) lazy and self preoccupied. In other words - given the choice between taking a stand and expending energy to fight an injustice, vs. making some dinner and watching a movie - most people pick the latter. Every. Single. Day. Provided they are relatively comfortable and not currently being forced to confront said injustice in their face - they are content enough to waste time. After all... there's always tomorrow.. As for your preference to have the good guys win the day...and have evil and injustice all nicely balanced out with good - I'm sorry.. I just don't really share that preference naturally. I have a disturbing tendency to actually write evil and injustice into triumphing over those gosh darn annoying forces of good. In fact.. in many cases evil becomes good and good becomes evil. So...er.. sorry about that. Perhaps I should have made that clear at the outset. I did place a warning for 'corruption' - which seemed to me to indicate that a good guy would become increasingly bad. I have difficulty unifying your comment 'your story is very interesting and you write very well' with the later comment 'this story is a train wreck' (shrug) You are freely able to read or not read it as it suits you. I just write and put it out there. Whether you want to read is YOUR side of things. As for - taking a break - feel free. I've 'taken a break' too. I'm kind of more preoccupied with events in other stories just now. I do know where this one goes from here.. and the end is actually in sight.. but I have had little motivation to go there just yet.
  2. RE Nerys - review "Oh dear, I think I might get used to some Snapione in this fic. What is the world coming to? *sniggers*" And weirdly enough - I'm going off Snape/hermione pairings. Bizarre, right?! "UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! (sniggers; the joys of revenge!)" I have to point out - I do Just about every single day I update something on one of the half dozen fics I have going - unless I'm dying upwards. My update frequency is tolerable. I won't leave ANY of these fics sitting untouched for weeks - although admittedly this evening I wrote like half a chapter on everything and then instead of finishing any of the chapters to upload I went and started a brand new fic. (grumble.. sigh..) And on top of that - everyone is going to bitch about what i've cold heartedly gone and done to Tom in this new fic.
  3. (sigh)... Its so hard to stay awake... But ok.. I'll update everything today. Yes yes.. I realise that 14 is a bit young for most.. I just like the idea of everyone being older than him suddenly.
  4. (sigh) But I'm feeling so lazy. It's really hard. and my mind is all mired in 'the first horcrux' somehow.. that's where my thoughts keep going. Which is counter productive since everyone would rather hear about Caedmon. Or.. Hermione in the garden.. or grindelwald.. or... I suppose I could put up the next chapter of necessary sacrifices. I think I hadn't put it up yet. Yeah. no. I'll do that. That's something, right?
  5. Ok.. ok.. review replies.. I need to get onto that. I've been putting it off. Hey... do you guys actually still want to read any of these stories?? I get nervous when I don't hear any reviews for a bit. I think I've put you to sleep and I'm entirely on the wrong track and stuff. I'm a bit sick atm.. - i.e. on meds up to my eyeballs right now - so if you've been wondering where my oh so pleasant superfast updating has gone - that's where. And also - I've been feeling more drawn to other stories than PM and TWWMFO - I did warn twice that Necessary sacrifices was a private challenge (and therefore somewhat wtf-ish). The tentacle porn kind of just happened. (shrug) re Precious Mudblood - Yes the parallel existence of Hermione and her horcrux is a bit distressing to some of you. You remember that before she had her little 'accident' Tom insisted she make a Horcrux. Well.. since we know that that little endeavor was a success because Tom told her it was - its also clear that Draco's lying to her reanimated horcrux about what's happened. So don't panic tooooo much.. its not at all clear what's really happening there - and after all, there are two Hermione's right now. And..well... Would I really kill Tom off?! For real?! Permanently?! Not in twelve hells! re That which we make for ourselves - I haven't been feeling the love this week so this one's been temporarily paused while I looked at some of the other more neglected stories. I am writing on it again now (or I was before I stopped to write reviews) so should be tonight or tomorrow I guess - depending on what else I get distracted with. re The first horcrux. - I'm so sad that nobody likes this poor wee story. I can understand it though. It feels a bit odd.. and its all in Tom's perspective. I've never tried that before. On the other hand.. Hermione will have more balls in this story - I know some people have been bothered by how weak she has been elsewhere. But theres no lemons yet so that might put some people off.. There WILL be lemons... there are ALWAYS lemons.. re Necessary sacrifices - I have chapters banked for this story already, hence why it's been possible to update quickly again. On the other hand - but if I keep posting more than one chappie a day then that cant last forever re Captive audience - yeah.. Hermione is whiny and needy. Annoying creature. I know i'd have her strung up by her thumbs if she kept guiltifying in the back of my head all day. But then.. he did say she can be of use to him. and on to reviews - TWWMFO - Misaki - Sorry I didn't email you when I updated. I'm kind of lazy like that. Hope you checked back anyway! worriorbookwyrm - yeah poor little Harry.. unneeded - Thanks - I bet you're a bit ticked off about my drop in updating speed now though.. I don't know if it counts as cheating if you do it with a seperate part of your partner's soul. if it were a different time turner version it surely wouldnt - technically its the same person. I doubt Tom will view it that way. The infidelity charm didnt activate because he bonded harry with a blood binding and his blood is identical to the horcrux's ChlerysTUCCO - you're welcome for the cliffhanger. I do so love cliffhangers. I was going to leave N.S at the cliffie too but I decided to be nice and post the chapter I had ready anyway. I'm so glad I convinced you to read a slash! I love them! They're moreish. blood_red_eyes - Thank you - it makes me happy to hear that!! Yes.. Poor abraxas.. We'll see him again in the next chapter. His world really would be simpler if Harry were to disappear into the deep Malfoy pocket, wouldn't it?! Nasyki Ikysan - Thank you so much for your big review!! I'm really glad you like Horcrux Tom.. He's not fully developed yet but he is.. hopefully.. different enough to primary Tom. Yeah.. I'm thinking there may have to be Tomcest at some point.. I don't know if I can possibly resist the temptation. Don't worry - there will only be logically allowable alterations to history. The recorded events will still stand. Time itself cannot be rewritten - I subscribe to the paradox impossibility hypothesis. You love me?? Awwwwwwww! Shucks!!! I'll put aside 'the first horcrux' which I was just getting distracted on, and go back to finishing the chapter for TTWMFO just for you!! Thank you for liking my fic!! tinkita - thanks! I don't know if anyone can ever be sure of Tom's feelings, least of all Tom himself. And harry has always been fundamentally insecure and needy when it comes to others' love. But.. we'll see! Fallen - THANK YOU!!! What a lovely thing to say!! Thank you so much!! N.S - cennaka - yeah.. I was a bit miffed by the challenge directive my friend set me. It was a bit far. I didn't think Hermione would actually leap ship like that...But I hope it was halfway plausible, the way I set it out. Thanks for the link btw! The snarry moment was a bit unexpected huh? As for snape's boon. He really should have asked for something by now. What does he think - the Dark Lord's generosity is infinite? I really doubt that it would extend to sparing Harry Potter's life - the one person fated to kill him. Re the cloning and rosemary's baby - I actually hadn't thought of Hermione carrying the child. No.. I don't think I could do that to her and I doubt Tom would want her sixteen year old body distended with a child. Besides - she might decide to make a fuss when/if he ends up wanting to remove its essence and replace it with his own. Debo - Thanks!! This is a bit of a darker Hermione in this fic. She is more awed and less inclined to complain or feel guilty. Which is good. Guilty people tick me off. starlight-x-A-x - Thank you! I like the dark side too! I'm glad you're enjoying some of my fics! I'll try to keep up the updates so that you have something new on at least one of them a day. Been a bit sick lately - as noted above. TheRoseandtheDagger - thank you - I worry about the characterisation a lot! (and the lemons - there are just over the top many lemons in PM.. and probably in all of the stories except The first horcrux. I'm glad you like them!!) I fully understand the multi-times a day checking. I so do that. (or at least I did before I had hardly any time to read since I started writing) Now I do kind of reading chunks. I have like one hundred and forty something stories on my check back list - but it seems that so many people just cant sustain writing a fic. Only about ten or twelve of those update with any degree of frequency. I should probably cull most of the list for being dead fics now. Its so sad when a fic you're enjoying dies. ChlerysTUCCO - thanks! Glad you're enjoying darker Hermione. She went a little poor me there in the bubble.. but don't worry. She isn't going to wuss out entirely. I pretty much HAVE dropped my real life to update. Just.. so many of these stories are now at the event horizon of the edge of writing now that it takes longer. This is why you'll sometimes see a story uploaded and then deleted and reuploaded about four times in ten mins. I'll upload the new chappie as soon as its done and then i'll read through the online page and find formatting problems and bits that could be changed. I'll try to keep the updates snappy though. Yeah - Dumbledore is way evil in this fic. He's a bit softer in the others. I think he's probably worst here, followed by TWWMFO. He's probably nicest in PM actually... koolgirl18 - we ALL love Voldemort. Confess. You'd drop to your knees and kiss his hem in a second! Sucks to be a muggle, really. (sigh..) Thank you thank you for responding to my stories - and I'm glad you like the more playful banter of hermione and Voldie in this fic. Yeah.. I know that the whole LV/HG/SS thing might tick some people off... It's a risk. But at least I know you'll like it if it happens!! I'm also relieved you like the Snarry thing. I'd never written a snarry moment before. I tended not to like them. It was too tempting though. Sorry I made snape young in the PM story - (can't win there. Some people hate all snape pairings.. some people were all - oh poor snape will be all old now and voldy and hermione are young.) - but he does tend to spend most of his time in glamour as his older self, and he is pretty sullen and pouty in his younger form. But then.. if you didnt like a younger snape - you probably wouldnt have liked Septimus so much.. Thanks for the support on the uni procrastination. i really shouldnt but its so hard to do the things i SHOULD be doing. Dumbledore is the most clearly evil in this fic than in any of the other fic's i've written. He is very much - end justifies the means, here. Personally - I dislike him in every portrayal. Even his nice old headmaster bit ticks me off. I blame him for a lot of things really. I don't know if I can find a plausible way to get Voldie to allow Harry to live.. I'll have to see how it goes. Sometimes the stories surprise me. Harry may or may not die. I think Severus would be sad if he dies.. And Severus is so sulky about these things.. Look at the bloody fuss he made over Lilly. Roguelle - do you have any idea how pleased I get when someone says they signed up with AFF just to review my story?! VERY - that's how pleased! Thank you so much for the compliments!!! I hope you continue to enjoy all my stories. Gabriellefree - thanks!!! I am addicted to TR/LV/HG action too - as you see. Don't worry - in the next chappie of N.S there will be more yummy LV/HG. QueenRuby - its only natural to hate Dumbledore - even in the kindest versions of him, he's a manipulative old bastard. I loathe him. I want to kick Dumbledore! C.A - Dark Lady Snape - I'm glad that YOU love an inner-battle torn hermione. Several others gave me rissoles for it! Caro09 - i'm so glad you said that! - Someone else said it reminded them of another fic they'd read. I got quite paranoid for a bit that there was some other fic out there just like it. cennaka - I don't know if Snape is dead. I'll have to wait and see what happens. I know some things about the story but some other bits don't crystalise in my mind until i'm writing and then suddenly realise them on the page. I thought snape was dead when I killed him. On the other hand.. he is a potions master.. and he does tend to be a survivor.. We'll see. Nerys - There's no way in hell i'm going to search out that fic and see if i've read it. If I have - I don't want to know!!! it will just destroy my mind if i read it and find anything similar at all. yeah.. I finally updated - the chapter was displeasing me massively. I wasn't happy with it when i did upload. I actually pushed it away into cyberspace to not have to look at it anymore I think. Incidentally - i've been LOVING your apprentice uploads this week. You are my hero, you know! purefaith91 - yeah.. Voldie is just capable of considerable patience when he is after something for his own ends. He did mention in the second chapter that she could be useful.. She was such a whiny pain in the arse in this chapter. Waah waah.. I accidentally killed someone.. ohh. I had to torture someone with all the terrible awful curses that the nasty bad Dark Lord generously let me learn. Oh.. i am such a bad person. SLAP. Nah.. Hermione wasn't that bothered by Lavender at this point in this story (though she hates her much more in others) - she didnt want Ronalds so Lavender became meh to her. In this story she wanted harry. Pity for her that he wanted Ginny. Still.. Voldemort wants her. And he's way way better in bed than harry, undoubtedly. P.M - Ok.. I'm not sure where I left off on reviews for this story last time so if I miss you out and you feel annoyed - I'M REALLY SORRY! it was unintentional.| Oh.. and - I was pleased not to be slapped after posting the sudden-midnight-urge chapter on the parallel reanimation of Hermione's horcrux. I think some readers were perturbed that I might have just killed everyone and ended the story. No no.. don't worry. (there there, ChlerysTUCCO, QueenRuby, LadyV and SarahLuvsZombehs ) SarahLuvsZombehs - THANK YOU!!!!! I hope you liked the way the poor knights responded to Maia no longer being accessible. I have a chapter midway through for PM right now but i'm kind of lemoned out and had to take a break. I dislike Slughorn almost as much as Dumbledore - I gave HIM a hard stick in this story. Still.. he is so exploitative.. I just carried it to its absolute extreme end. I'm so pleased you like this story and i'll see what I can do toward assisting you to master your fear of excessive numbers of Peni.. As for Hermione being able to manage her condition to the extent that she can stop the attraction - It's an idea. Wonder why she can't do that. It would sure be useful. Not a happy panda (snickers..) Ok.. you seem a bit baffled by the whole alternate horcrux reality - no.. when she brought Lucius back she didn't split in two or anything. You remember Tom made her make a horcrux after the beach. In fact, technically she made two since she was wearing two necklaces at the time, each of which would have absorbed a small sliver of soul. Now.. one of those necklaces - the emerald one - was taken and hidden by Voldie, as he said - but the other one was the magic binding necklace that she was never able to remove - until Harry, polyjuiced as Tom, removed it in order to force her with Sev and Rod to bring back Lucius. So.. HE then had her horcrux in his hot little hand after she'd vanished into the past. Somehow or other.. things have happened - its hard to tell what's the truth and what's not in the things that Draco has said - but it seems like the soul sliver from the binding necklace has been reanimated -and of course remembers nothing before the night she took the potion to make the horcrux. It's in Malfoy Manor with Draco and believes that it never successfully made a horcrux at all and that the binding necklace cannot be removed, since Tom is dead. debo - no mutiny yet. Grindelwald is back.. I hope you still like him, even after he's being so nasty (and unsexy) with the poor children. Come to think of it i've been killing a lot of children in different fics lately. And yet I punish the paedophile.. Bit of a hypocrite there i guess.. Don't cry over Tom's losing power.. He's a pragmatist, at the end of all things. He'll find a way. I doubt he'd let me kill him for real either.. LadyV - thank you for bearing with me with the parallel horcrux hermione chapter. Don't worry - its not going to be a continual addition. Just a sneak peak into a small part of the possible future, absent the necessary context to make sense of it. I was in an evil mood) I am so glad you are enjoying the story and that you've been convinced with some new pairings. Thank you for the compliments - I really worry that i'm not doing anything new. Some of the more WTF plot twists are the result of that fear. thelovelylela - thank you! I'm pleased i've been able to keep you interested for days on end!!! WHEW.. Ok.. so now... review. Tell me what's ticking you off so that I can try and rectify the problems! luv Magenta..
  6. I bloody HATE the so called 15 mins of 'downtime' H A T E it. Its a blatant lie - its about an HOUR of 'downtime' and that game. God.. I loathe it. The music. It just irritates the crap out of me.
  7. I can totally sympathise - Personally, I can't stand Remus pairings. I don't really like remus much and the idea of finding him attractive is just bare steps above finding Weasleys attractive. He's just SO DAMN NICE.. and he's all oh poor me for being a werewolf, no one will like me, boo hoo. gah!! RE snape though - that was how I came to fanfic in the first place. I was fascinated with the SS/HG pairing first. I have kind of gone off it in the meantime.. its coming out less in later fics.. (as seen in captive audience in which I flat out killed him.) With severus.. its his overall sullen brilliance and.. yes.. its all Alan Rickman's fault - it is the voice.. Firstly - thank you! then - its easy. All you need is something you really should be doing that you really don't want to do. I recommend essay writing as number one candidate for this kind of aversive behavior. After all - you're on the computer already. You are fully going to work right after you finish and upload this chapter. or.. this one. One of them anyway. Sometime soon. Oh look - someone on the check list has updated their fic. Better read that first - but then seriously going to get this paper done. I have an extraordinarily perverse mind? No.. I don't know - it helps to have a lot of fics on the go and have them compartmentalised in your head. That way you write on one and the internal motivation level dips on that one and correspondingly another one rises so you write on that next. Because they're all kind of doing different things at any given time, you don't get fed up so quickly. Could be that I might have read it there for one or two chapters at some point. Given the choice i'll always pick the fic with the lemons left unmolested by the nasty prudish censors of the fluff world. Why do you go to all that trouble of writing/amending a G rated version then? What is the attraction for writers with ff.net? I'm so glad you said that with the apprentice. I'll leave it the hell alone for now and when you are finished i'll go and read that version afterward and see how it's different. Don't forget the gold puppet either please. Your Tom there is so beautifully evil. I love it! (sigh)... Do you think that tomione readers are more likely to end up in abusive relationships with gorgeous psychopaths? I've wondered before.. I imagine (without real reason for it I suppose) that those who adore Tom would be tempted to tolerate definite warning signs of evil bastard-ness in potential mates. ...anyway.. Back to the fiction..
  8. I have come across only few R&R stories and I love the whole psychotic brothers sharing nasty evil things but being loving and protective toward one another. Bella.. I used to hate her.. I tend to hate her in fics.. I absolutely loathe it when someone tries to make her fluffy - on the other hand there is this song by transvision vamp called 'crawl out your window' and every time I hear it I think of Bella. What do you study? Yeah..I can totally sympathise. I started writing fanfic because my masters thesis was ticking me off. Now I have another 10,000 word paper due - and while 10,000 words is like.. almost a normal chapter length for me - 10,000 words on hardcore serious referenced and valid stuff is somehow just so painful to produce. I keep telling myself i'll do it tomorrow.. do it tomorrow ..and writing fiction. I'd be quite keen for you to beta for me maybe - after stuff settles down again. Thanks for offering! We can see how it goes! Hm.. I guess it would be just as doable to write a SS/HG one as a SS/GG one.. I'll see. I don't really want to let myself start a test chapter just in case it seeds in my mind and I end up having to update that too. I havent even updated the first horcrux in ages due to the other competing older fics. If there were a new one there tempting me to write on it too.. I think I might end up writing non stop and still only managing normal human update speeds on each one. I rest my case. You know.. Several time's i've actually gone and updated just because someone reviewed and asked me to. For example.. right now I have a half finished chappie of captive audience sitting there waiting for another 3000 words or so, and I should probably write another chapter on PM before everyone gets upset over the one I just posted.. but I'm tempted to go and write on 'that which we make' because someone just asked for an update. Its kind of frustrating. I need more me's I need a blasted time turner..
  9. I expect I'll get death mail for the recent Ch of PM in which Tom is suddenly and without warning killed. (Laughs maniacally) I know that some readers have been wishing for a 'return to the future' chapter for a while now. This isn't that. Don't worry. And you've got to consider one thing. Since we know that Hermione took the mark - clearly she didnt slip into some kind of reactive coma due to the horcrux potion - so Draco is a little liar liar pants on fire! Why would he lie about that?! He could have just said - I reanimated your horcrux after you vanished. What possible reason might he have had for lying?!
  10. Oh for goodness sake. Yes. she did didn't she?! I had actually completely forgotten about that over the many months since I read it. On the other hand quite a number of other fanfics have also used a concept of 'out of phase.' (I'm not sure and not in the mood to go and check just right now but I think Winterblume used it in connection with runic magic - which I have read since your use of it. There are a few others, the names and authors of which weren't important enough to me to favorite. Some even involve whole subphase or cross phase dimensions), as well as a number of movies and series (notably The Invisible Man, Doctor Who, xfiles and Fringe but there are many many other examples.) - in addition, my imagining of it is rather different than any of these - or Luna's/Voldie's use in your story and in fact since I watched season 2 of Fringe more recently than I read your Ch with Luna (and since i've read way..way..too much fanfic in a short period of time) its more likely that it was one (or in fact several) of the others that caused the idea to pop into my head. So I'm going to go ahead and NOT attribute the idea of subdimensional layers to you personally. I hope you aren't offended. I don't believe you created the idea itself. It's a larger, more general idea that has been interpreted differently by many different authors/screenwriters. In fact - it would be more likely the mass of material I've read in physics, parapsych and esoteria (e.g. ancient Hindu concepts that I recently had to study for a masters) that would place that and other related ideas close in my mind. e.g. "The newest theory in physics is string, superstring, and M-theory. The new theories use extra dimensions of space beyond the three we are familiar with, but the 6 extra dimensions are not observable as they are ... curled up in a tiny space less than the Planck length. However, M-theory, an integration of string theories and beyond postulates extra extended dimensions like our familiar universe. The branes that compose a universe may come in multiples and interact with each other according to some theorists. These strings can vibrate with different frequencies, and in so doing they create different types of particles. That's comparable to plucking a guitar to generate different notes. When physicists play the music of the cosmos, the faster a string vibrates, the more massive, or energetic, the particle created." http://www.astrosciences.info/Multiverse.html But beyond that - there are some things I've written which I'm sure have been done before by someone or other - e.g. in PM Draco is a ferret animagus. Personally I have never read any stories in which he is - however I know there must be thousands. Actually I'm sure there are probably stories out there in which a character is able to manipulate raw magic. I don't remember any in particular but it's possible i've read one or two of them at some point. Its a rather primitive early fanfic'ers temptation to give their favorite character near invincible levels of power (and then of course they have to find a way to have them not immediately use it to rule the world - or not. I guess some do have them use it to rule the world.) I'm certain there are tens of thousands of stories in which Hermione or another character wakes up in captivity by Voldemort. I've even read a few of them. Not going to cite them. Didn't borrow from their work. Let's face it - It's a small potterverse and many ideas have occurred to a lot of different writers who have then gone on to express them in different ways. If you can find the cage fic - I will joyfully read it (simply because I would love to read a fic about Hermione in a cage) - but I'm afraid I still won't attribute to it since I haven't read any fics involving LV and HG with Hermione in a cage before. ...Hm.. actually - since having had this discussion, I suppose I probably wouldn't read it now, cause then I'd only be tempting fate that someone might suggest that my own writing was derived from it (irrespective the differences in plot, characterisation, interpretation of concepts etc). Fully agree with the Doctor Who comments. Although the writing changed - I think there were moments in which Tennant would have carried off a moving emotionl moment. Matt was just.. unfortunately not capable of doing it effectively. While it's great to get any new season of Doctor Who - I just found the new changes to be..disappointing, more than anything. I expected more. I really tried to give it the benefit of the doubt. I know you can never go back. Perhaps it will improve with time.
  11. (shrugs) - You're probably right. Can't fault perfection. Still...for me, my stories aren't my opus magna - just something I do to amuse myself. Some of them have been read and edited a number of times - but as you move closer to the edge of updating, they are less filtered and modified. I'll have to see if anyone complains that they've lost something. I'm fairly sure they weren't all that to begin with. Still.. there are so few tomiones. I have read some pretty raw things myself simply because there was little else available. Actually that one was inspired by a fic - but it was a SS/HG fic called caged bird and it was quite different in every possible way. It was just the idea of a cage that stuck in my mind - but not even my cage is similar. If you do know of a similar cage fic with HG and LV - flick me a link!! I haven't had any rows so far - I don't think i've ever used anyone elses actual words/plots. And the things in question are rather small - props at best. E.g. in 'necessary sacrifices' there is a part in a future (as in about seven to ten chapters in the future) where a spell I cite is similar to the 'out of phase with reality' spell in the apprentice ch 30. I wrote it in November so clearly it isn't adopted from this fic - it't that kind of little similarity i'm talking about. Not actual adopted phrases or things. I'm pretty sure it'll be fine. It was just when I was rereading that I suddenly became aware of how my impressions of some things have been coloured by the stories I've loved. No no.. I love Doctor Who. I actually have the entire series. Tennant is the best! I have to say, I don't like Matt Smith's portrayal - but then I don't much like any of the new characters in the latest version. On the other hand - I suppose I was dubious when David Tennant first took over. Perhaps Matt deserves the benefit of the doubt to grow into the role. He just seems so... - no the whole series just feels less gripping, less moving. I fully admit that there were some episodes of Tennants Doctor who where I actually cried. Matt is..watchable. That's about it in my opinion. At least thus far. It was good that they didn't allow the daleks to be destroyed once and for all... though i'm not sure what i thought of the new redesign. Bit playmobil really.. Anyway - I'll look forward to 31!!
  12. Hi there, I'm looking for a Beta for four or five stories in the Harry potter universe. All stories are on AFF and contain various objectionable content warnings. I'm looking for primarily plot/characterisation feedback, but grammar would be a bonus. I am an english native speaker but these are firstfics for me and may be somewhat unpolished in terms of plot and character development (or not. It's difficult to tell. They feel clumsy to me) Links to fics are as follows Precious Mudblood HG/multiple WIP currently at Ch 67 Hermione awakens in a cell. The final battle is over. The light fell. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026396 That Which We Make For Ourselves HP/TR, GG/TR WIP currently at Ch 21 Harry accepts his fate and follows Voldemort into the Forbidden Forest to be killed. http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026432 Captive Audience HG/LV WIP currently at Ch 6 Hermione is captured by Death Eaters before the trio can leave on the Horcrux hunt http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026385 The First Horcrux HG/TR, possible further pairings later. WIP currently at Ch 6 To err is human. Tom Riddle paid for his mistake dearly..but perhaps he can leverage a bad situation to his own advantage... http://hp.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600026394 There is one further story not yet uploaded. It is a HG/LV with several other pairings. I'd appreciate it if anyone who might be interested in beta-ing any of these stories (whether the already uploaded material or further chapters) could drop me a note and we can talk! Cheers, Magenta
  13. Hi all I'm kind of looking for a beta. If anyone can recommend somewhere to find someone, I'd appreciate it. I'm looking more for plot/characterisation than grammar although all of the above would be good too. re reviews mamashireman - Actually.. you were really close to seeing what happened in her own time but I (today) did a rewrite. It felt..rushed.. clumsy. I didnt feel like I'd spent enough time on Slughorn, that worm, or the events that followed Course.. its probably kind of annoying for readers to get a 12,000 word chapter and then a 4000 wd one. But needs must. rewriting is in progress. I am keeping a one chapter buffer between the horizon of where i'm rewriting and where the update is up to. Trixabell Lestrange - Thank you!! (blush) But..no can do.. If I write the story indefinitely (which I seriously could do..) it would get horribly tedious and no one would ever read it. It is already pretty long. But it will be longer than it otherwise would have been due to aforementioned rewrite. I'm sorry that there arent two or three updates a day right now. I could replace the tempo by adding another long chaptered fic I have here - but then the update rate for everything would lag even more since formatting takes time away from writing. As for returning to her own time.. Well.. she did briefly. I am rewriting though. It felt rushed and I was very dissatisfied. I wasn't writing the story as it unfolded in the back of my mind - I was writing a hurried skip in order to get to the bit I wanted to hear about. We'll just have to see what happens. I don't know whether the same thing will happen to her now. We will find out what happens there though in time. Don't worry. LDeetz - I'm really happy you like it! I'm sorry you can't always read the next chapter right away. Thats the problem with WIP's I considered not posting anything until I had it finished.. but I have to admit that I enjoy hearing back from people about what they like/dislike. Debo - Thanks! I'm glad that you get a tom/maia vibe from it. I worry because there are so many other pairings.. but it truly is a HG/TR/LV pairing at core. I promise. I hope you aren't mad that you probably didn't get your update during french. I didnt see your review till much later that night. Yeah.. Harry is a jerk.. and his ancestor is not much better. Grindelwald is.. hm. well.. I suspect that he's not going to be much beloved by readers in future chapters. On the other hand.. I may be wrong. ChlerysTUCCO - Yes its very long.. I know.. Its weird but I think I'm actually getting a bit concerned about its length. I just had to start a rewrite because I had rushed and pushed the story to its conclusion roughly. Its probably better to have it be a bit longer than otherwise rather than write a shoddy unsatisfying ending that feels appended and make everyone scream for my blood. Sorry for the delays with updating over the last few days. ;-) QueenRuby - (grins) - There we go. Hermione's vampire cold turkey problem explored. As I just wrote a minute ago - You almost got your wish re returning to the future. But it was premature and really I had to rewrite it. I had rushed because I too was impatient to see the state of affairs in hermione's time. I have to say.. it all isn't as I expected.. So strange the way that works. Its not like writing a story.. more like reading it as it crystalises in the back of my mind. When these twists happen - usually i'm as surprised as you are. SarahLuvsZombehs - Thanks Rei - your review made me glow and feel stoked all day! I sympathise with the Voldie crush.. I don't think anyone who reads/writes LV ships can truly say that they dont have at least a small crush on him. I adore Tom Riddle in all forms! Shrines and temples should be erected in tribute to his awesomeness. I admit that this story is kind of a Drama-enema. I guess because it was so experimental as my first try.. the parameters I set are so permissive that I can basically do almost anything with the characters. I'm glad that my (really over the top excessive levels of) smut didn't put you off (grinz) Technically.. she doesn't have to go back. I can think of at least four alternatives guaranteed to have everyone screaming for my blood.. (evil grin) I'm actually in a rewrite.. we'll see what happens to her. Mencius would be a good pet..but I'd rather have an animagus ferret I think. No.. Grindelwald is not known for giving up - its how he managed to seize control of most of Europe.. Tom is indeed a bit of a poor thing. But then..having a hard childhood doesnt necessarily predispose one to becoming a psychopathic dark wizard.. and Grindelwald's childhood was probably quite privileged and comfortable.. ideefixe77 - It's hard to tell at present just what the adaptive function of the rather polyamorous behavior might be, as she has since the beginning of the story been active with multiple partners. It seems however that that behavior should be halted now after this chapter. Tom has spoken. So perhaps we'll see. Thankyouthankyouthankyou for the compliments. I have been worried that the smut might be getting overly tedious for some readers. I suppose I still am a little. I'll see how it goes. Updates may be a little slower than previously (maybe one per day or even one per two days.. due to the current rewrite in progress..) Sorry!! - Tesgura - Dippet pulled Dumbledore away because Tom had flooded several floors and filled others with transfigured wild pests. Dippet doesnt sort that kind of thing out. He's not a very hands-on headmaster. His deputy - Dumbledore - handles all that kind of thing. As for the Basilisk - well.. the diary horcrux reassured him that it never moved past the antechamber. He should be fine... unneeded - how is the prophesy affected.. oooh.. I can think of about five or six different ways to treat it. I don't know which one it will be yet. I suppose i'll see where the characters lead me. IMO there are differing levels of cheating regarding the prophesy in HP/LV slash fics - ranging from none (someone dies) to full (it was all a fraud). I'll have to see. I can think of alternate paths for both of those treatments as well as a number of intermediate level twists on the issue which could handle it. This fic is almost up to where i'm writing on it so the updates will probably be a little slower now. Perhaps every couple of days or so. I'll alternate days between the two fics i'm writing on maybe.. As for Tom having a handle on Grindelwald.. hmmm. I'm not so convinced. He essentially had to whore himself to get access to some books. The man reduced him to begging. Tom does not beg lightly. He's... managing with the circumstances he's found himself in. romanticfae - I hope you enjoyed Tom finding out about Harry! Course.. diary Tom still doesnt know.. (grinz) QueenRuby - I am so pleased I could lure you into the wonderful world of HP/TR slash. I have to say - I wasn't into it either until recently. I was pretty much reading only HG pairings - primarily LV or TR (although it all started out with SS) and then others when I ran out of new stories to read. As for hermione.. well.. I'll be honest.. for a while in the beginning I did consider the possibility of somehow saving her and adding her to the mix.. but I'm not sure I want that anymore. I love hermione to death but.. Although... Hm.. I don't know yet. I'll have to see what happens. mrequecky - thanks ;-) glad to hear it! THANK YOU everyone who reviewed! I love reading all of your reviews - it really gives me a kick to get feedback.
  14. (grin).. It still makes me ridiculously joyful to hear you say you go without sleep to read what I've written. Sorry I didn't update again. I went to sleep last night/this morning. I didnt get back till late and it was already the wee small hours when I'd updated. I've got to go out again this morning/afternoon.. tho I'm tempted to update now just cause you asked. HG/FG - I'd probably not combine it with with Lupin.. at least not for a first one. I admit.. I kind of find Lupin a bit weak. As characters go.. he doesn't really do it for me. I haven't included him much anywhere thus far.. It could also be hard not to write a HG/FG that is just the same as essentially all or most of the others - HG is snatched and slowly changes her opinion of the werewolf in captivity OR is changed because she is his 'destined' mate. HG/RL/RL - was actually thinking about both the lestrange brothers. I've only seen a couple of stories that had them both in the pairing.. Albus/Gellert - Yes.. Gellert kind of fascinates me somewhat..as you might have guessed by the two stories I've put him in. I've been a bit harsh to Albus in the past. I'm tempted.. That or perhaps Salazar/Godric or Salazar/Godric/Rowena tragedy.. but the latter has been done before I guess.. But anyway.. I need to not think of new beginnings I want to write.. I need to finish the stories in play or people will get very irate with me. To that end I'll update TWWMFO now and format PM's next chapter.
  15. You have NO idea how much that tickles me that I kept you up reading till 5am!! (GRIN!!) Yes - captive audience IS going to be updated as soon as I've put up the last chapter of Precious Mudblood. I've almost completed PM now. I also have another long chaptered HG/LV fic which was in response to a challenge. Maybe I'll put that up too. I have been tempted to write a HG/FG or a HG/RL/RL story. I'm also kind of thinking about writing a young Albus/Gellert story.. Although.. I kind of dislike Albus. But then.. perhaps it might be nice to find a way to explain to myself how exactly he became the way he did. Do you think you'd be interested in any of those pairings?
  16. to Nerys - Not keeping chapters hostage. I've just been a bit busy. (ignoring for a moment the irritating intrusions of real life) I've been updating precious mudblood (which isn't so much a HG/SS pairing as a HG/everything but the kitchen sink pairing. It was the first thing I started writing and was, as such - a bit experimental. I was.. I think.. trying out what placing various characters together felt like, in order to think about what I felt like writing next.) And then i've also been writing on PM and That which we make for ourselves. PM is almost complete now. TWWMFO only has another four or five chapters before its up to the point i've written to - so it seemed more important to write than to post. (plus.. muse struck.) So - as I said - not keeping the chapters hostage. They would be posted within a few days irrespective what you happened to do (or not do) - I would merely have rearranged everything in order to format them and have them up immediately, had you called my bluff and posted a chapter. No.. I havent been following apprentice on ff.net. To tell the truth I dont really like FF.net. Not only does it feel like everyone's mouths have been washed out with soap most of the time (leading to an overabundance of cuteness and fluff in some cases) but I don't like the colour.. the format.. I dislike it that you can't tab the chapters. And if I continued reading Apprentice there, then it'd be spoiled if you did update a smuttier version. So I'll wait. And write.
  17. Responding to reviews for 'captive audience' Nerys - HA take THAT! I may or may not update this story at any time. I have been waiting on a new chapter in the apprentice for *ages* - I'd even go so far as to say it was one of the strongest motivating factors in making me start to write my own stories. Pure impatient frustration. If you update apprentice.. I'll put up another two chapters of captive audience. I actually DO have two chappys sitting there waiting on this one. I just can't format everything at once and the two i'm updating on are more popular. Dark Lady Snape and Caro09 - Thank you SO much for reviewing. I always get so stupidly child-on-christmas-morning when I see new reviews. Its silly but it really makes my day! So thanks for making my day!
  18. alm1067 - Thank you! I don't know if I missed replying to you when you first posted. I may have only replied to Chris7100 that round. I'm glad you're enjoying the story! anon-kitchen - you are a fantastic flatterer, just so you know ;-) QueenRuby - wish granted - the necklace is off. Course..unless she wants to wage war with the majority of the wizarding world, it'd still be best if no one realises what she's capable of.. I hope you are enjoying the latest twist on Voldy love. Yes... I wonder what is happening in Hermione's time.. Pity the story is written from her perspective...still...we'll see.. ChlerysTUCCO - I'm glad you like the latest twist. I couldnt force myself not to do it.. it was just.. so tempting. And, as you may or may not have noticed, I'm also mildly fascinated by Gellert Grindelwald. Perhaps I might write an Albus/Gellert story at some point.. DizzyDaydreamer - There you go - I'm concentrating on updating just for you. Feel special! ;-) It was the teacher part, you know. Consider it a karmic reward. Gotta celebrate those people who are creating the future in the minds of the young! Don't worry about the other story - I have a lot more chapters sitting waiting on this one anyway. debo - I'm so pleased that you joined just to review for me! It makes me really happy when I get a review - so thank you so much! You'll have to wait a bit on future-tom's reaction.. but I dont think he can be angry at Hermione for going back to the past..(not that he won't be angry for other reasons, necessarily) since it was entirely Harry (that selfish impulsive psychopathic jerk) at fault. Don't worry - I'll keep updating. I can sympathise with the feeling of uni about to start up again. I have a final paper in my degree to finish off shortly. XxXAngelxGirlXxX - thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Will do! Tesgura - I'm stoked that you love the story! I feel a bit guilty not for not putting more detail into harry playing Tom in classes. Yep.. Tom is a marked man. That is.. boy. I don't think he likes it very much, do you? Course.. now he's promised to try to save Gellert if its in his power.. he can hardly get rid of the man easily when he's gotten everything he needs out of him. I don't see the voldemort of the future easily putting up with being a sex slave. (course.. I guess grindelwald wouldnt tend to desire him anymore as a pale white noseless red eyed gestalt) ;-) Yes.. Harry is quite messed up, isn't he. He's powerful but undereducated. Everyone he loves has been killed or been exposed as a horrible person. I think the events of..well...his whole life really..have taken their toll on him. But at least he still *thinks* about what's right and wrong. At least he still has guilt, even if he realises he's willingly wandering rapidly deeper and deeper into the darkness. Yes - Dumbledore is a complete prat. Still.. his motives are a bit uncertain at present. As for Tom using the effects of the veritaserum to get his answers from Caed - how could he do otherwise. He's so-to-say the preeminent slytherin. The chance to get truthful answers without fuss is too good to refuse. And I imagine Caed expected no less of him too. He is Voldemort, after all. :-) worriorbookwyrm - Sorry, No can do about the eliminating albus and gellert (or any of the junior death eaters either at the moment). I mean.. I *could* write a story where Harry and Tom shag continuously for two hundred pages..but I think it'd get a bit dull after a while. Don't worry though - there will be plenty of HP/TR one on one interaction. I do understand your dilemma though. I dont like Albus either here. I've written him a wee bit too nastily I think. (grins) I will try to get back to updating in rapid takt. I'm concentrating a bit on updating another story for the next day or so, but I'll make sure I flick up another chappy of this one later on today after I format it. mrequecky - I absolutely love hearing that! Thank you for telling me! Romanticfae - (blushes) unneeded - Yeah.. I know.(re harrys quite rapid corruption) I was a little disconcerted by that too.. Probably, I should have put in another one or two chapters in between in which Harry wavers and um's and ah's before bringing him to that point. (originally there was going to be two weeks till the new moon ceremony) Bringing it forward was entirely an act of impatience on my part. That was the part I was looking forward to writing.. and when I started writing these, I was writing them just to myself. Playing with doll's for adults, you might say. So I didn't see the need to prolong my anticipation. I see it now. I'll try not to be so overeager in future stories/chapters. 'up crap creek without a paddle' - love it. But you know - things can always get worse... ;-) sobakasuchan - Harry always was a parseltongue. He won't stop being one for the purposes of this story. Don't worry - the part where Tom discovers it is already written and waiting. I'm just concentrating on updating another story - Precious Mudblood - at the moment. I'll format the next chapter of 'What we make for ourselves' later on today and put it up though. Damn.. I rented all these movies from the dvd store and I'm never going to find time to watch them. (shakes head at self) ;-) tacita18 -I'm always so overjoyed when someone tells me that they actually joined AFF just to review my story! Thank you SO much!!! I love the pairing too - I agree, there aren't enough HP/TR stories out there. In fact, I started writing this because I finished reading them all and got impatient waiting for all my own fav authors to update. As it turns out writing the stories is just like reading them but slower.. I wouldn't even say that the characters do what you want, because sometimes you find them doing things that you hadn't actually intended for them to do originally. Its very strange. I highly recommend it! Time travel fics - yeah, it gets a bit old after you've read a few. They always seem to go the same way somehow. I'm glad you like how this one is arranged, though! It's funny you say that the young Tom isn't mushy. Although.. in the spectrum of mush to evil bastard i guess he's really somewhere in the middle. I've enjoyed stories where he was much nastier and more machavellian and have been thinking of bloodying his hands a bit here. I agree though. A completely nice-guy Tom kind of grates against me too sometimes. We like him because he's cruel and devious. I'm glad you like Harry/Caed. It just seemed to me that he never seemed to pay much attention in school. He wasn't overly trained.. Why would he suddenly be super-saviour?! I feel a bit sorry for him actually. As for Tom.. well.. Caed's very pretty and mysterious..and he's not actually stupid even if he is a bit ignorant and needy right now. Never underestimate the tug toward someone who is carrying a part of your actual soul I should probably say 'wait and see' but I hate it when people do that. Harry will eventually return to his true time, yes. I don't actually have the whole fiction written yet. But I do have the story mapped in my mind. Don't worry - I do know where we're going. I hope you will enjoy the ride. cravedom - Thank you!! Harry becoming a sex slave (smirks).. no.. in this fic, Tom is gifted with that particular fate. Poor angel that he is. ;-) I'm really pleased you are interested in some of the mysteries of this story. I'll try not to disappoint! Its actually really funny that you enjoy Tom because he's not such a bastard and is layered. Another reviewer just said they enjoyed him because he was a bastard. (which is also good incidentally) I find it interesting how everyone approaches the voldie-Tom-bastard-scale from different perspectives. (tongue in cheek). Thank you for reviewing - you really brightened my day! I'll put up another chapter later today - I've been updating another fic for someone else at the moment. Best wishes all, m.
  19. chris7100 - You may (or may not) have been disappointed that I did not update today. I have been thinking about what you wrote. It was difficult to read because I knew myself that it was true. The story is repetitive..fantastical and oversexed. It is..disappointing, in that sense. That being said - it was the first fanfiction..no.. the first fiction full stop, that I had attempted in over ten years so I suppose I will be lenient with it in some ways. I debated whether or not to continue formatting the chapters I had or whether to just wipe everything else that happened after chapter 49 and continue writing from here. There are few pro's and mostly con's to doing so however. Firstly - it would mean that updates would be much much slower (e.g. the first horcrux and captive audience have not been updated because I've been focussed on formatting the more extensive stories I already have.) Secondly - I don't think this story is really worth a rewrite. It was a flawed creation to begin with. Thirdly - I quite liked some of the things that happened up ahead. <sighs> I realise Hermione is weak.. a completely weak sot in this story. I am not content with that either. The necklace will come off... but you have to realise - at the moment she doesnt actually *want* it to come off. She is very aware of her own innate tendency to want to 'fix' things and is unsure of her own absolute capabilities and the ramifications of her actions. Lucius... Yes.. there may be some logical flaws there I suppose. Her willingness to forgive him, purely in light of his imminent death. I suppose its a little incongruous considering how willingly she ordered rodolphus to dispatch mulciber. Perhaps it was because Mulciber and Avery only tortured her. Lucius tortured her but he also slept with her (more or less forcibly, but even so - he gave her physical pleasure during the act), he held her.. he told her some of his secrets. She feared him, but she was also confused by him. Then of course there is the 'speaking ill of the dead' factor. It seems when confronted by the spectre of death, many people seem willing to ignore the flaws of the deceased in favour of their positive points. Lucius didn't actually have that many positive points. Hence her irrational disturbance at the thought that he would give her a pair of shoes. Hermione has not actually seen that many people that she has shared...intimacies...with avada'd in front of her eyes before. But you are right. She probably spends a significant portion of the story in the past in various states of mental confusion/disorder. I have done quite a few nasty things to her. She doesn't spend all of the story that way...but I did list it as 'angst' for a reason. I had to introduce Harry. The thought occurred to me at the time 'what if Harry hadn't died? What if Voldemort simply lied about it' and the rest just kind of followed on from the fact that he was a horcrux and she had healed Tom's soul. Harry is kind of difficult though, you're right. Also - those who like LV/TR/HG pairings typically dislike HP/HG pairings. This story does actually have just about everything but the kitchen sink in it. ANYWAY.. so.. after much internal debate and with little satisfaction I have decided to upload the rest of the story as it is, finish it off (since I have the ending now) and then perhaps write the whole thing off and move onto one of the more promising newer stories. (where there will hopefully be a little less porn and a little more plot..) I'm sorry if you are disappointed. I'd love to say i'm going to fix everything up.. but it just wouldnt tie in with what needs to happen to get to where we are going. Hopefully... hopefully.. if you bear with me for another few chapters you'll be less discontented with what happens.
  20. anon-kitchen - It's not entirely clear whether draco escaped punishment. It was a while ago.. I imagine that Tom might have placed (rather unfairly) some measure of the blame for what happened to hermione upon him.. on the other hand he was rather distracted by the whole..to kill or not to kill and then her almost dying..thing. ...I find I kind of have a bit of a soft spot for Draco in this story. chris7100 - the polyjuice sex was odd? Two Tom's and Two Severuses.severusses.. severi? Yes.. it was a bit odd I suppose. I don't remember whether that was the last update of the night either. I was also uploading 'That which we make for ourselves' at the time - I think I updated again at some unhealthy hour of the morning. (e.g. it is 4.49am here at present.) Mamashireman - I don't know what time zone you are in. I think I updated again. If you're in the UK or somewhere.. its possible that you might be catching me in the hours in which I sleep. But don't worry - I'll continue to upload several chapters a day. And I'll try to leave off each day on a dastardly cliffhanger, if possible. ;-) QueenRuby - I am SO pleased I made you cry! (I know that sounds weird and a little cruel - but it just pleases me that I can touch anyone emotionally..even if only through sadness). Yeah.. I abuse poor sev abominably in this story, don't I?! I feel a bit sorry for him. He certainly isnt going to be happy with what I did in the chapter I just uploaded. Poor him.. I'm glad you like ferret Malfoy. After writing this.. I think I ended up wanting to actually get a ferret. Coopershawk - Glad you are following the story!! You're extremely welcome! Thank you for reviewing! It makes me really happy to see I have a new review! Remarkable - Totally a bad romance. But then.. can any romance with the Dark Lord be nice? He's truly awful to others (and in this story I have written him less evil than I've written him elsewhere) And you just keep wanting him to win anyway.. Drukiller - You made my night, when I read your review! Thank you so much!!! I'll do my best to keep you up for many nights to come! ChlerysTUCCO - hehe... many more surprises upcoming! griffonsperch - My first reviewer on this story. Thank you SO much!!! I'm glad you're enjoying the TR/HP action. I think Tom is a wee bit fluffy in this story..well... relatively speaking. Although.. I suppose in the next few chapters.. less so.. Still.. that was how he wrote himself this time round. I hope you like the latest chapter. romanticfae - Thank you for saying so! :-D
  21. Remarkable - Well... Voldemort is concerned on two levels about taking off the necklace. Firstly - Hermione knows all about her ability now. Theres no telling what she might decide to do if she's free to use her magic. And I seriously doubt she'd allow anyone to put the necklace back on her if it came off. Secondly of course he's concerned because Harry knew all about her ability too. He marked her.. he's used *several* parselspells on her, as he himself stated.. and he is a legilimens. Voldemort has a healthy paranoia and won't take the risk that Harry might be able to use Hermione's power somehow to destroy him. So he can't take the necklace off. He has to find another way to solve the problem. Hermione is...adapting...to a world where she is currently powerless and most everyone is a sadistic psychopath. She might want to change things.. might see they are wrong.. but she can't do anything about it at the moment. Severus is afraid of pushing Hermione too far.. After what happened before - he is very cautious about pushing her to do things. At least.. for the moment. QueenRuby - Well.. I have to warn you - this is a long story. I could almost split it into two stories.. or even three, possibly. A trilogy. It's not neverending - in fact the ending is known, but we are not currently anywhere near that ending. We are.. perhaps.. halfway through the total number of chapters I have here..circa. The ending is about ten chapters after that. I dislike Hermione being powerless too.. (well.. ok.. actually I kind of like a powerless hermione for a while, usually) - but it has to be, because with her ability she is TOO powerful. Don't worry - She is not in the necklace for the whole story But she will be in it for a little while longer. chris7100 - I hope you enjoyed LV and HP's first little conversation. There is more to come. Sev really is a moody teenager of a man. But we love him anyway. right?! Course... not as much as we love Tom. (snickers)
  22. Mamashireman - Any sandwich with Ronald Weasley in it, will by definition be gross. Thanks. I'll put up some more chapters for you.
  23. ChlerysTUCCO - I didn't hear from anyone in a few hours and the hits dropped off. I assumed everyone had gone to bed. I was actually formatting the first chapter of another story (HP/TR)at the moment. I'll format the next few chapters of P.M. after this.
  24. Anon-Kitchen - Thank you! I'm sorry - I had to cut it off there or else it would have been like a 20,000wd chapter - and I had to go out shopping for a few hours to get bits and pieces. I'll get back to it. Continuation should be up in an hour or so. I have to reformat them because when I write - I write in essay format. It's not easy on the eyes online.
  25. ChlerysTUCCO - Thanks! I'll try to keep it up for you! Thank you for reviewing for me - you know, it really does make me very happy when I see there are new reviews! purefaith91 - We always have a choice. Sometimes the choices offered might not be very palatable - but there's always a choice. Never forget that Rodolphus is not otherwise a particularly nice or trustworthy person, even if he might be nice to Hermione. Snape... (sighs).. I really like Snape.. But he can be utterly ruthless in pursuit of what he believes is most important.. and he's also a bit petty and emotional, despite his cold exterior. Still. He truly does love her. That's something, right? As for Hermione destroying them all -She wasn't really aware of her capabilities at that point. All she knew was that x was happening - and she wanted x to stop. And then she was too caught up with her own heart to think of other things..and THEN it was too late again. Poor her. True - if they could just get the necklace off then Hermione could 'fix' the whole world. Everything thats wrong with anything. Wouldn't that be nice?! A world aligned according to Hermione Granger's concept of correct and just? Gotta remember..Rodolphus is marked. The only reason Draco isn't in pain with his mark while inside Harry's camp is that the Dark Lord doesn't know or care where he is. When he's summoned - he leaves and goes to the Dark Lord. That's how he can go and have a little chat with Rodolphus without difficulty. Don't worry. This isnt all a pretty dream. I hate it when stories do that too. This is reality. Weird and cruel and fucked up though it might be. The reason so many people she's dealt with have a backhanded way of dealing with people is that *most* of them have been Death Eaters or spies of one form or another. And..a strangely changed harry. The members of the order who she met were not really nasty, just suspicious. She was, after all, about to stab Ron with a big mofo knife. I'm glad you're rooting for LV and SS. I like them best too. Remarkable - Yeah.. Harry is a bit of an arse, really. What happened to him?! He was so nice! Technically - Harry already knows about her bond with Rodolphus. He know's Lestrange is a vampire and he knows she'll die if he's not able to reach her at least once a month. Question is, will he just allow them to see one another - will he allow that to continue?! Don't worry - its not all a dream. Why can't Draco portkey Hermione away? Theres several reasons. Firstly - he can't. Literally - can't. You remember he had to get permission with the galleon to enter Harry's domain? The portkey had to be stabbed into the finger/palm. Blood wards. Nothing that isn't keyed to them and using a blood-fixed portkey can pass through alive. Draco does not control any wards in Harry's domain. He can't manufacture a portkey to get her out and he can't apparate her through the wards. Secondly - just stealing her back and taking her to the Dark Lord would probably not be enough to save him from horrible torture and very probable death, for taking her in the first place - after all, everything else aside, it seemed the Dark Lord had been saving her virginity. Well. That's gone. And it would be Draco's fault in His eyes. Hence the plan. If they give the Dark Lord the boy who lived.. that might be enough to save draco's life. QueenRuby - Yes.. something has certainly gone very wrong with Harry. He's an utter bastard. I want a malfoy ferret too. Draco is so adorable as a ferret. anon-kitchen - Thank you! Don't worry, there's a lot more. Plot twists continue. This was the first fanfic that I started and I was supposed to be writing a really dull masters thesis at the time. I don't think I understood the concept of letting things settle down between plot twists at that point. It was like I was watching the characters too. Like reading.. only slightly slower. Hence why they sometimes twisted themselves into quite strange forms and very bad things happened. But don't worry.. there is an underlying logic to everything. Things do happen for a reason.
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