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Status Updates posted by Anesor

  1. Should I put an interlude tacked on to book 1 or as a prelude for book2?

    1. BronxWench


      I vote prelude.

    2. Anesor


      I'll decide in a day or two. I'm leaning to epilogue because it would work better as a wind down than an wind up.

    3. BronxWench


      Well, then, there's your answer! :D

  2. Musketeers

    1. JayDee


      Inexplicably often shown without Muskets. Why? Find out after this word from our sponsor.

    2. Anesor


      Well fans of the books and movies WANT that swashbucking swordplay... But really musketeers were the grunts, the infantry, and Dumas showed the bad ends of their ambitions in the Compte book. Iron Mask was book 3 or 4 depending on the edition. Romantic and skillful officers, ever gallant, are preferred over mere infantry.

    3. JayDee


      You're right! Good writer that Dumas, though.

  3. Reached 30k words last night.Apparantly, I'm celebrating catching up by totally lacking any ambition to write anything at all for NaNo today...

    1. BronxWench


      Hooray to 30k, and if you only put up 500 words today, that’s fine. Really!

    2. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Just finished a chapter off today.  Which, according to my calculations, just over 25k to reach my goal.  (I’m striving for about ~74k or so, total, because its partially a rewrite.)

    3. Anesor


      I started a side story, semi holiday one as I got a crack idea of Yoda in a Santa cap and grinning at Dooku


  4. Irony is mourning a fictional father you're writing...

    1. Kurahieiritr


      If you mourn for the father it sounds like the fictional dad must be a great guy. :)

    2. Anesor


      I hope it gets my readers the same, but they are a silent lot about the drama. thanks

    3. Kurahieiritr


      LOL, I know all about the silent readers. I have several of them who only comment when I have writer's block. I catch hell until I post new chapters for them to enjoy. ROFL.

  5. Eek, I wasn't hit by anything in the mass of storms last night, but two weak tornados touched down within 15 miles... :o

    1. Anesor


      my mistake, three within about 14 miles.

    2. BronxWench


      Oh, yikes!!! Glad to know you were not in the path! :hug:

    3. sumeragichan
  6. If anyone knows a stopgap for squirrels in the attic that works... I'm going insane

    1. BronxWench
    2. LockedBox


      Have you tried using a fake predator? They sell them at gardening shops as "bird and possum dissuading statues". They're basically just plastic owls, falcons and kestrels that have been painted realistically with large reflective eyes. We put them in our roof to keep starlings or bats from roosting there.

    3. Anesor


      Thanks. I may have to see the animal control idea or spray. There's no one to put things on the roof. Maybe I'll make that my bday prezzie...

  7. 25k a day early, yay! 

    1. GeorgeGlass


      That’s terrific. I’m doing a mini-WriMo of just 500 words a day, and I have trouble keeping up with THAT.

    2. Anesor


      good!  I’m losing ground now. pretty typical midmonth NaNo.  RL kicking me.

    3. BronxWench


      Congratulations, and kick back harder! :hug:

  8. Nothing starts your day off much better than a warm and fuzzy review of a story that has been out for a while and that the reader gets the core concept...

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      And pay the favor forward with some nice Holiday stories and review them :)

    2. Anesor


      I already review almost every story I read. The only ones I don’t, are the abusive and/or creepy OOC ones. My profiles on sites and many chapter notes I include pay it forward requests for people to review all the stories they like. A fair percent of my days I spend more time doing reviews than writing my own. It ’s a good/bad habit.

    3. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      I’m less of a reader, more of a writer, so that’s why I don’t review often, simply because I’m not reading that often.

  9. Sinusitis, whee!

    1. Shadowknight12
    2. Anesor


      thanks. It's gonna be slow, as we lost my aide.

    3. Shadowknight12
  10. If I have another medical - beaurocratic snafu this week, I won't just scream, I will have trouble stopping...

    1. BronxWench


      ::hugs:: The whole bureaucratic thing sucks. Utterly.

    2. RogueMudblood


      *passes over the Mallet of Understanding* Just be sure we have it back before the weekend, eh? We need it for the weekly beatings, you see.

    3. Anesor


      ooh, shiney! (does it work through the phone line?) :) Don't need on weekend, they have off.

  11. Is knowing your shelf life that good a thing?:unsure:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      Dunno, think I’m already past my “best before” date...

    2. BronxWench


      I’ve decided I don’t have a “best before” date. Or if I did, the print faded and I’m ignoring it.

  12. Day 9 or 10 of my head cold. Awaiting GP callback. Uggh.

    1. BronxWench


      Ugh indeed. I’m doing my level best to avoid getting sick this winter.

    2. CloverReef


      Pooor you, that sucks! Drink a shitton of mint tea! My mother used to steam my head with mint oil when I got head colds. and the ol’ Vick’s slathered around your neck and wrapped in a big scratchy sock trick. 

  13. Dam, I didn't want another plot bunny! I need thought input!

    1. Kurahieiritr


      The plot bunnies you don't want or need are always the ones that are the most obnoxious my friend. I get them also. I write out a synops and try like hell to refocus on the original work. It often works, but not always.

    2. Lucy Ash Hawthorne

      Lucy Ash Hawthorne

      write them down for later

  14. Spring weather is finally here!

    1. GothDarkkeDragon


      Not here. Got more rain most of the week. Again.

    2. Anesor


      Sorry, that's what ours has been like, cold, wet, and gray, and Monday was the first nice spring day. (we did have a couple isolated 90 degree days that were stinking miserable, but they don't count)

  15. Uggh, can’t seem to add my one-shot to the archives.:blink:

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      You should be able to add it like any other story.

    2. BronxWench


      Where’s it hanging up? Let’s see if we can get it sorted.

  16. Walking pneumonia, the last gift from a fired aide.

    1. pittwitch
    2. Kurahieiritr


      Yikes. Get plenty of rest and take your meds for a speedy recovery, Anesor.

  17. Rolling along for NaNo on schedule, avg is like 1833

    1. BronxWench


      Nice! :D

      I'm building up a good cushion for a few days when I know I won't be able to write much, if at all. So far, so good!

    2. Anesor


      Friday was good but laying groundwork isn't as much fun as playing in an established world.

  18. *headdesk* I finished my challenge fic, and forgot to post it, durn it.

  19. Three different chapters nearly done... oh my.

    1. Kurahieiritr


      Yeah! Good show, Anesor, and a High Five of congrats on getting so much done.

    2. Anesor


      LOL! No, three chapters nearly done means either none will get done soon or all of them fall on my poor beta at the same time... :o

  20. Lingering flu + NaNo2014 = discouraged writer

    1. BronxWench


      You can do this, I know you can.

    2. GeorgeGlass


      Flu is just the past tense of fly! (What? That's not inspirational?)

  21. Is it too much geek when you think a spell that messes with gravity is tweaking the higgs-bosun field?

    1. phoeyay


      There can _never_ be too much geek.

    2. BronxWench


      I'm with our Tribble! :D

  22. yay 27k! halfway and muse is happy.

    1. botticelliangel


      *cheers* you can do it!!!

    2. Anesor


      that burst of inspiration lasted over 10k words, now I have to regroup and maybe catch up on sleep a little bit...

  23. 3 days NaNo down, 27 to go...

    1. BronxWench


      You're doing great, and we're all gonna rock NaNo this year! :D

    2. Anesor


      your progress is awesome too!

  24. the Hobbot soundtrack is fine for writing, you see :)

    1. DemonGoddess


      soooo....is a Hobbot some kind of Tolkien Transformer?

    2. Anesor


      No, it's a more hairy version of the old 'Hobbot and Costello' vaudeville act 'Who's on First?' Costello usually tries to toss his partner into the audience...

  25. Finished a story that I’m not sure if it’s a novella or novelette over the weekend. I’m casting around to start another original, but feel no sparks. (while a handful of semi fanfic clamored for seed starts last month) …need more time!!

    1. Desiderius Price

      Desiderius Price

      @CloverReef is clamouring for some tentacle/foot-feetish action.

    2. Anesor


      That brings a very odd Cthulhu and shoes comic to mind, but no fetish action.  :think:

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