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Everything posted by CyanideKisses

  1. 13138
  2. Check out http://rh.greydawn.net/index.php I've found quite a few rp partners from there....and it has an extensive list of things your cool with or not.
  3. CyanideKisses


    I know I'm only a newb and all on here...but I think it would be really cool if there was a Rp forum or sub-forum...does anyone agree with me?
  4. Bad Company, by Five Finger Death Punch
  5. Freezing cold...snow is getting old

    1. BronxWench


      ::passes cocoa and brownies::

    2. DemonGoddess


      I'm glad I didn't have to shovel the mass quantities you guys got at least. And I now have an ice storm forecast for Thursday AM. urrgh.

    3. BoredStraight


      I was sick of the snow too until I didn't have to go to work Mon or Tues because of it... so bring on more snow!!

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