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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in ::goes and hides under the couch:: I hate being sick!!   
    Usually, I take myself off to bed, and just sleep and sleep until I don’t feel sick anymore. Even if I have to sleep the clock round. I make myself unconscious. But then, I do have a phobia of actually being sick… try it, though, if you can. It definitely works!
    And everyone is entitled to be wobbly, weak and weepy when they’re poorly
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    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in ::goes and hides under the couch:: I hate being sick!!   
    Oh, baby, not again… 
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in ::goes and hides under the couch:: I hate being sick!!   
    Aww… hope you feel better soon!  
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Final read through commencing…   
    And done!
  6. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in First time ever, got a holiday story written early! Annnnd now I have to wait a month   
    Something about them priests I hope, DP  I love naughty priests. 
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    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in First time ever, got a holiday story written early! Annnnd now I have to wait a month   
    And if it wasn't done early, Christmas would be here tomorrow ;).  Lol.
    Way to go, though
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in Happy birthday to the amazing DemonGoddess061!   
    Hope you had a happy birthday, DG.
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in A happy belated birthday to our DemonGoddess061!! {PSST, how do you tag people…??}   
    I only figured it out recently too lol. Trial and error. Because just asking someone made too much sense for me. 
  11. Like
    BronxWench reacted to KoKoa_B in A happy belated birthday to our DemonGoddess061!! {PSST, how do you tag people…??}   
    u_u *puts on Dunce cap* thank you @CloverReef {heh, it works}
  12. Like
    BronxWench reacted to WillowDarkling in A happy belated birthday to our DemonGoddess061!! {PSST, how do you tag people…??}   
    ::puts on Dunce cap too:: I didn’ts know that neither… and I’m the mod, ffs  Thank you, @CloverReef and @KoKoa_B
  13. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in There's a reason I don't write oneshots... Because I never stop at one... They're lik   
    Haha… yes. I know the feeling *g* Happy writing!
  14. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Currently wrestling with Tormund. He’s winning. Good job it’s not literally. For a ch   
    I know, right? *rubs hands together* I know how that all works. I don’t need to talk about it at all.
    But first… gah… I have lots of normal character stuff to know about Tormund. Lots of wondering to do. somewhere, I’m certain he’s still a bit annoyed at how everything’s gone. I mean, he had a fairly simple gig before. Climb the wall, steal things, do what you want. Have fun! Now he’s got all this responsibility, and he’s part of this other world that he never wanted to join, where everything’s a bloody great complicated mess and everyone is all fucked up. I’m certain that somewhere, deep down, he’s still pissed off at Snow for kind of being the catalyst for all of that.
    I can’t talk out loud. I’m getting: “Please, stfu about Game of Thrones.” looks. :/
  15. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in Currently wrestling with Tormund. He’s winning. Good job it’s not literally. For a ch   
    Silent in a tent…. oh, the fun you can have with that!   
  16. Like
    BronxWench reacted to marley_station in Happy birthday to the amazing DemonGoddess061!   
    Happy birthday, lady!  
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    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in Happy birthday to the amazing DemonGoddess061!   
    Yes, Happy Birthday!
  18. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in Australian’s yesterday voted to have marriage equality. About damn time. Now it’s up   
    They’re saying they’re hoping to have the legislation in place by Christmas.  Yesterday was a good day for Australia, actually.  Marriage equality, and Australia won its soccer match, thereby qualifying for the World Cup!  Woohoo!
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to WillowDarkling in Australian’s yesterday voted to have marriage equality. About damn time. Now it’s up   
    I’m just going  to say congratulations, Melrick, it’s fantastic news, and hopefully the politicians will be quick to put it into law, as the people want them to. 
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    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Australian’s yesterday voted to have marriage equality. About damn time. Now it’s up   
    Ah… now I get the picture. *nods*
    Just turning up to claim their salary, are they? Yep. Sounds like a group of politicians I know too. And a bunch of unelected idiots whom I will never, ever, meet. And if I did meet them, the title I’d give them wouldn’t be the one they were used to. With the possible exception of Lord Adonis, who is invariably an incredible disappointment every time you see his picture alongside his name. *sighs* I might be tempted into sarcasm with that one.
  21. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from pippychick in Australian’s yesterday voted to have marriage equality. About damn time. Now it’s up   
    Sort of like politicians everywhere, sadly. We need to bring back horsewhipping them.
  22. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Happy birthday to the amazing DemonGoddess061!   
    Yay! Happy Birthday, DG!

    Down your tools, have some fun today!
  23. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Melrick in Australian’s yesterday voted to have marriage equality. About damn time. Now it’s up   
    The problem wasn’t the people, it was the politicians.  They’re as useless as tits on a bull, and all of them have been too scared to actually make any big decisions, so they make no decisions at all.  Until now, at least, when we essentially forced them to pull their heads out of their arse and actually do something.
  24. Like
    BronxWench reacted to pippychick in Australian’s yesterday voted to have marriage equality. About damn time. Now it’s up   
    You seem to have been a bit longer than I would have imagined after NZ. When they had that vote then broke into song… one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen.
  25. Like
    BronxWench reacted to GeorgeGlass in If it seems like I’ve been really quiet lately, it’s because I’m doing NaNoWriMo. Bec   
    I’m definitely excited. It’s tiring, though. I’m probably spending more than 2 hours a day just writing. (One wonders when I’ll get around to putting away those clean dishes that have been sitting in the dishwasher for the past day and a half.) But I’m glad I’m doing it.
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