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    BronxWench reacted to JayDee in _I_ have a doctorate. Where's _my_ friggin' TARDIS?   
    Well there's your problem, you're actually qualified. Most TARDIS' users have honorary titles.
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    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    I think more authors are becoming open to fan fiction. However, there is still a huge stigma dating back to the Marion Zimmer Bradley legal issue (which remains unclear to this day, IMO). Many authors won’t read any fan fiction of their work because they are afraid if anything they write resembles that fan fiction, they will be sued. It’s tainted the relationship between fan fiction writers and authors for some time.
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    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Now, this is a humble opinion of a delusional madman here...  But if I was published and I saw some fanfic of it on here (he'll, if someone contacted me and was like "I want to write in the universe of Blood Prize" I'd be feeling pretty complimented and flattered by it.  Admittedly, I'm kind of weird that way, so…
    But I do understand the approach and thoughts behind it of staying away, too.  Nowadays, it seems like people will sue over every little thing (Not to say it does happen, but with news and stuff, it has that stigma)...  And no author (I hope) wants to be accused of plagiarizing, even without that knowledge.  It does wonders for a career if that happens, I hear.
  4. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    I think more authors are becoming open to fan fiction. However, there is still a huge stigma dating back to the Marion Zimmer Bradley legal issue (which remains unclear to this day, IMO). Many authors won’t read any fan fiction of their work because they are afraid if anything they write resembles that fan fiction, they will be sued. It’s tainted the relationship between fan fiction writers and authors for some time.
  5. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Exactly, and we also inspire. Some authors, like Lois McMaster Bujold, put fan fiction on the websites. They understand that people can fall so deeply in love with their worlds that they need to fill in the blanks, cover things the author might not have addressed, or merely hinted at. Neil Gaiman writes fan fiction. Orson Scott Card has written fan fiction for an Issac Asimov fan fiction anthology. Andy Weir wrote a fan fiction that the original author, Ernest Cline, liked enough to publish.
    So for those of us who write fan fiction, celebrate! We are creative people with lively imaginations who ask “What if...”
  6. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Exactly, and we also inspire. Some authors, like Lois McMaster Bujold, put fan fiction on the websites. They understand that people can fall so deeply in love with their worlds that they need to fill in the blanks, cover things the author might not have addressed, or merely hinted at. Neil Gaiman writes fan fiction. Orson Scott Card has written fan fiction for an Issac Asimov fan fiction anthology. Andy Weir wrote a fan fiction that the original author, Ernest Cline, liked enough to publish.
    So for those of us who write fan fiction, celebrate! We are creative people with lively imaginations who ask “What if...”
  7. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Avaloyuru in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Oh for Pete’s Sake!!  Unfortunately the authors I’m aware of are not as famous as the ones already mentioned in a few of the previous comments; regardless, as I read through articles written by these published authors, so many of them comment on how they got their start by writing fanfiction.
  8. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    I actually read something about Gaiman openly admitting that even his head canon isn't really canon and that fans are open to interpreting however they want.  I'mpretty sure he was in favour of fan fiction.  Lol.
  9. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    @DemonGoddess that's hilarious you mention that, because she was one of the ones mentioned in there.
    @BronxWench Dubious content?  Here?  No...  I've never seen that here...  Say it ain't so…
    And going back a little ways to tie into what you said, it is good to build fan bases.  Fan bases on one usually have several others.  To me, it's a compliment, but it's also free publicity in there too.  And not just for one distinct one, either.  A reader might connect something on one to something different (while not fan fiction, I wouldn't have known about Schadenfreude if you and Pippy hadn't mentioned it).  Writers talk.  
  10. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    @Desiderius Price  The ONE C&D was from Anne Rice.  She is notorious for that, and for stalking individual authors who write in her worlds.
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  12. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Many authors like JK Rowling understand the role of fan fiction in building their fan base. Despite the often dubious content we see here, people do love her world. And fan fiction is a brilliant way to hone your writing skills because you have the world already there for you, with characters, and settings, and a canon you can use. 
  13. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Many authors like JK Rowling understand the role of fan fiction in building their fan base. Despite the often dubious content we see here, people do love her world. And fan fiction is a brilliant way to hone your writing skills because you have the world already there for you, with characters, and settings, and a canon you can use. 
  14. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from DemonGoddess in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    There are quite a few published authors who have filed Cease and Desist orders over on FFN. I was actually surprised by how extensive the list is, to be honest. Here at AFF, we’ve had one C&D. That might be because we do insist on disclaimers, and we don’t allow use of the author’s work without citation. You want to use the Sorting Hat song? Great—where’s the citation?
    Now for my part of the rant. There are more than a few published authors who dabbled in fan fiction. The obvious ones are, of course, Cassandra Clare and EL James. But there are more who’ve either used work written by fan fiction writers, or fans, or who have written the stuff themselves and now want to distance themselves. So, really, glass houses and all that, folks. Fan fiction is not a horrible thing. It’s fun, relaxing, and works to shake me out of a slump.
  15. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Desiderius Price in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    Many authors like JK Rowling understand the role of fan fiction in building their fan base. Despite the often dubious content we see here, people do love her world. And fan fiction is a brilliant way to hone your writing skills because you have the world already there for you, with characters, and settings, and a canon you can use. 
  16. Like
    BronxWench reacted to Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    CR: Definitely, I get the thoughts of some who just don’t want to see people ‘butchering’ their works.  There are some who just love their worlds that much that seeing anything ‘wrong’ (using this leniently) is hard to do.  Personally, like you, I would love if someone was like ‘I love those characters that I want to add to the story’.  Hell, if I saw some fanfic works, I’d be like ‘Sweet Christmas!  I’m reading this!’…  lol.
    DG: That’s my understanding of the difference as well.  Albeit I’m not up to date on it all.
    BW: Well, the one I read listed three specifically, one that was kind of surprising, and two that weren’t really all that shocking…  Admittedly, it’s probably a very good reason for why there hasn’t been that many involved here.  Disclaimers are just good ideas no matter what (despite the fact that there are people out there that don’t seem to understand why).  And, admittedly, I’m not a vast dabbler in the realm of fanfic like a lot of people (I like my originals…  lol), but being able to play around in a universe you love (whether it be something as vast and expansive as LOTR, ST, SW, The Expanse) or something that seems to be rather contained (ie something like Equilibrium, Frequency, et cetera (am I showing just how eclectic my tastes are?), that’s just showing that love…
    To have someone be like ‘Screw that shit, you can’t play in that sandbox or I’ll sic my lawyers on you like wolves who haven’t been fed enough’, that really doesn’t work too well to A.) show the love of that universe (both in author and fanfic writer) and B.) allow one to enjoy that universe.  (Making sense?  Probably not…  Not much sense to be made today, I guess...)
  17. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from CloverReef in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    There are quite a few published authors who have filed Cease and Desist orders over on FFN. I was actually surprised by how extensive the list is, to be honest. Here at AFF, we’ve had one C&D. That might be because we do insist on disclaimers, and we don’t allow use of the author’s work without citation. You want to use the Sorting Hat song? Great—where’s the citation?
    Now for my part of the rant. There are more than a few published authors who dabbled in fan fiction. The obvious ones are, of course, Cassandra Clare and EL James. But there are more who’ve either used work written by fan fiction writers, or fans, or who have written the stuff themselves and now want to distance themselves. So, really, glass houses and all that, folks. Fan fiction is not a horrible thing. It’s fun, relaxing, and works to shake me out of a slump.
  18. Like
    BronxWench got a reaction from Tcr in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    There are quite a few published authors who have filed Cease and Desist orders over on FFN. I was actually surprised by how extensive the list is, to be honest. Here at AFF, we’ve had one C&D. That might be because we do insist on disclaimers, and we don’t allow use of the author’s work without citation. You want to use the Sorting Hat song? Great—where’s the citation?
    Now for my part of the rant. There are more than a few published authors who dabbled in fan fiction. The obvious ones are, of course, Cassandra Clare and EL James. But there are more who’ve either used work written by fan fiction writers, or fans, or who have written the stuff themselves and now want to distance themselves. So, really, glass houses and all that, folks. Fan fiction is not a horrible thing. It’s fun, relaxing, and works to shake me out of a slump.
  19. Like
    BronxWench reacted to DemonGoddess in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    as long as the fanfiction is transformative, it’s not plagiarism.  At least that’s my understanding of it.
  20. Like
    BronxWench reacted to CloverReef in Okay, so personal rant coming up… I was reading A few posts off site that a couple fr   
    I remember the big thing when I was growing up in the Tekken fandom was the debate over whether or not fanfiction was plagiarism. That debate is still probably going on, though I think it’s pretty clear, as long as a proper disclaimer is involved, that it’s not. This home invasion thing is new to me, though. WTF? I kiiiinda get it. If you don’t like seeing people who love your story playing with and in some cases butchering your world and your characters, I imagine it could feel like a violation. I can’t really relate. I would kill to have fans that passionate about my characters. But I do understand. 
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    BronxWench reacted to Desiderius Price in I have cover art! NineStar Press is republishing my Witch’s Apprentice series, and Gh   
    So, cover art, that’s like a tattoo, right?
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