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Everything posted by djackgirl

  1. If I am posting a wrestling fanfic do I name all the superstars seen as there is quite a lot throughout the fic and they would all fit on the disclaimer? I wanted to ask before posting it up.
  2. Test for beta readers? What the... Yes I would be pissed to. I'm glad that this has brought people into sharing bad experiences with some painful authors. She sounded like she wasn't very mature. See this is the problem, the author thinks that when we critic harshly we are being mean or unfair, I don't understand it- they want help but then they just ignore it all. It doesn't like the story would be much good if she went and did that. I am not gonna beta for a while I decided, or at least until I have more time and the author is worthwhile betaing for. DJ
  3. Working on a Sophia/Lancelot video, suggestions for songs?

  4. I love my three betas (two for Lord of the Rings and one for my King Arthur newbies coming), they are wonderful and I was trying to be how they are when talking to me, they keep in touch and ask me this and that so they know where I'm going with something. She didn't answer my questions when I did that I've reported her. Had to because she replied to my message and said she would take it down but instead she left it up and just removed the underlining and put it all in bold text.
  5. Haha! Well I'm glad they did help, even if only in little sporadic moments, they are helpful remedies at times. Yeah I get distracted by movies all the time, if you have a tv show that you like say like Simpsons or Family Guy, Merlin or True Blood try them. I once listened to an entire season of Family Guy while writing, I got distracted but not as much as when I put a movie on I'm glad the second one worked, it really does help me when I'm in a pickle, even if non-fiction stuff. DJ
  6. Not harsh at all, I'm grateful to hear the truth from people, I'm not nearly as experienced as most of the people on here nor am I as old or wise so it does some good to hear wisdom. I'm not beating myself up over it anymore now that I've cut loose. Thank you so much, believe me I couldn't have posted this anywhere else and gotten such advice, that's a fact. I am grateful for the help all too, it hasn't soured me but it has definitely opened my eyes.
  7. one of my favourite authors is following me on twitter *does little dance* my day just got better by ten fold, now off to do assignments. hehe.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. djackgirl
    3. Rain7777


      djackgirl, I couldnt find you on AFF. but wondered if you wanted to share twitters? http://twitter.com/#!/Vixen_71 is mine, if you follow me, i'll follow u! ^_^ x

    4. djackgirl


      I just followed ya :) Should be thedylanjackson person.

  8. Haha, I still felt like it. Yeah next time I'm not going to just be nice and helpful, I wanna see what they can do before agreeing to help. I was strict with editing at first and then she didn't like it so I toned it down and did a comparison chapter as I call it, I do it to my own all the time, I write a chapter and then write it again and see what works better, what doesn't, etc, so the comparison chapter was to point out where she needed to work on, like her detailing, I can not stand having to edit just lines of dialogue with little thought and imagery behind them which was originally what I told her she had to work on more than anything and I wanted to show her. I guess I am partly to blame for writing out the chapter, I can admit that openly, but I was trying to help its in my nature. I've always been like it. People taking advantage of kindness, no wonder why this world is so messed up these days. I just cannot believe that someone would do something like that and not think that the beta is going to check up on how she went with "editing" her version.
  9. Today is gonna be a good day... I hope... well hiding in my room will make it epic :) Haha, my own little kingdom

  10. Thanks guys, you honestly have no idea how good it is to know that it wasn't just me assuming things and over reacting. I am going to most definitely beta for others here more so than there I think, if anyone will have me haha. @Apollo I'm glad of that, I honestly have never heard of someone just using an entire written chapter by the beta as the actual post, I was more shocked that she hadn't bothered to work on it and send me another draft and try and get her into the swing of things so I'm not going through an entire chapter each time and rewriting it because of how cringing it was, I was trying to explain to her that things need to be drawn out but she asked me not to go technical so I complied. It was a comparing chapter; she reads that one, sees how it could be done and then edits her own to meet that standard or higher. I said it was fine when she asked if she could use a few parts from the first chapter into the final post but not a whole chapter. Guess they take that as free reign to use as much as they want. Oh well no more rambling on it, today I'm more than likely cutting loose from her gonna tell her to go and find another beta who is highly familiar with the fandom. And I'm gonna brush up on my beta skills and what I will and will not do now after this experience. Eye opener but I guess its cause I'm too nice *kicks self, be meaner woman* Thanks so much for not making me feel like the ultimate whiner and pain guys cause I seriously felt like it. DJ
  11. I quite literally stand corrected... I ask this one question is it right for an author to go "don't go over technical with the editing" or too in depth basically to a beta when the person actually does need the over technical stuff in order to help them improve so they have detail, solid characters and a good story. I ask another question when the beta yields to the authors request and just writes out how the chapter SHOULD look in a rough way is it right for the author to just take the rough edit that the beta has done and just post it AND on top of that not even credit the fact that the chapter posted is actual the edit the beta has done?! I don't know whether to wait and see if she does it again with the next chapter and take credit for the chapter posted actually being mine or to send her one now asking her why she didn't use my rough edit in order to take a step towards improving the version she originally wrote. This is ridiculous, first person I help and this is what happens, great way for me to not want to beta more in the future which I wanted to start doing. DJ
  12. by seeing how that one is done! Cranky as at the moment. Sorry for the ranting people.

    1. DemonGoddess


      nah, you had good reason for the rant.

    2. djackgirl
    3. djackgirl


      I appreciate the advice and words you all gave me in those posts.

  13. Mmm... To kill or not to kill? Stupid little girl, me beta reading your fic does not mean you copy and paste every bit of it and then don't even say that you had a beta and oh right, she rewrote the chapter for me. Taking credit for what I've done is not right, you didn't want technical, in-depth editing so I did a little less, I open up the 2nd chapter to find you just copied and pasted the chapter edit I did! It is only meant to be a guide version and you fix up your version...

  14. You're most welcome ^.^
  15. Its all been sorted out now, thanks gang, this really helped me out, I left pretty much a message that explained that its a tandom operation. Much appreciated DJ
  16. Posted to Rants & Journals, appreciate the responses. some help

  17. I get the whole point of wanting to get a story up like as soon as possible however, when you have a beta helping you with a hectic real life schedule and their own work, you would think they would have some patience when it comes to getting the edited copy back... That has not happened with me. A girl who was reading a fanfiction of mine on FF.net asked me to help them with their first story, without giving me anything on what it was, or what. Being the nice person I am and willing to help out I said, sure that I was willing to help a newbie... Low and behold I ended up being sent a Twilight AU fic, I actually hate Twilight but I had said I would help her so I went ahead and edited her first chapter for her, showed her where she could improve, cut things, add others, etc, etc. When she reposted it, I found she had barely taken in what I had said but brushed it aside thinking hey, its not too bad she took in some of what I said. She sent me the next chapter last week saying, "hurry... I want to get it up as soon as possible"... This is where I sorta started to get annoyed. I clearly have on my profile on FF.net that I do have a full time job, I study and I have other commitments and here I sit getting these messages. Urgh! Now I understand it may not be a great thing when I give them a promise date but they must remember that things pop up in between all the other stuff; including 7 assignments which I have like 9 days left to complete but I just opened my inbox to this, "so its been about a week past the time u said u would get it to me. dont bother anymore its fine." ??? Sorry is it just me or is this person starting to think I revolve only to beta for them and drop all things in my life as soon as she sends me a chapter??? Please help... I sent her a message saying I'm willing to help her but that other things come up suddenly and that being a beta is the last of my priorities for the past week. I've even edited the chapter and am halfway through it but I'm about ready to just toss it in the recycle bin after that message. I get that she is probably a teenager and anxious to post chapters but seriously respecting the boundaries of time and real life isn't too much to ask; is it? Let me what you think, DJ
  18. I say put a movie on and as its in the background try that, if not I generally lay on my bed with my laptop and shut my eyes, let the mind go blank and just hit the keys If that doesn't work... I'm at a loss.
  19. Fixed up my disclaimer issues, thanks to Danyealle for leaving me those messages

  20. Passed two of my courses so far! Phew, in a mood now to tackle the others, no story writing today only scripting out phone calls. Dang it!

    1. Shadowknight12


      Congratulations! Good luck with scripting.

    2. djackgirl


      Phone call scripting is terribly hard for someone who hates speaking on the phone, but I can try :)

  21. Annoyed with the author I am a beta for... What do they not understand about the fact that we have real life priorities that come over their work first? Obviously I got landed with a Twilight tweener.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. djackgirl


      Haha thanks. I hope she does otherwise I'll be quitting this week, my workload is instense and its "Have to me by this date so I can fix it and put it up", its quite infuriating... Sorry little venting.

    3. Shadowknight12


      Is she paying you? If not, then screw her, she has no right to make any demands.

    4. djackgirl


      Nope. Haha, she asked for opinions and I tried to help her detail it, make it more believable and senseworthy... This is coming from me who can't stand Twilight... and I just went, well either I do it the technical thorough way or I just let you go at it on your own, she didn't pay much attention to my first edit actually... Mmmm.

  22. Hey I've just started this story and I'd love to get some feedback on it. Title: Blind Faith Author: djackgirl Rating: Adult + Summary: After the events of the film. Tristan survived the Saxon incursion, just. He wants to see Sarmatia before he swears loyalty to Arthur and serves his days as a knight, again. An interesting turn of events find Tristan doing something completely irrational. Feedback: Greatly welcome and appreciated beyond words. Fandom: King Arthur. URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093821 Thanks all, DJ
  23. My signature is for my story "The Silver Lining" which breaks the traditional "girl falls back in time and falls for canon" type of fiction The two in the signature are Sophia (face like Kate Beckinsale) and Agravaine (like Viggo Mortensen in Lord of the Rings)
  24. Fandom they were in?
  25. http://vimeo.com/15887278 <---- possibly one of my best videos to date :) Yay! Second to that is:
    in terms of King Arthur videos.
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