Actually being asked to trial run with an author isn't what would insult but more so they want to "test" us as though they don't take what we have put up seriously, even just a small piece of their work or chapter, actually- I seriously think that is a great idea- that way the beta sees what they will have to work with and the author sees how the beta is going to be. But to say that it was someone else's idea to test out the beta would worry me about how mature the author themselves are.
Its like going for a job almost, you want to sound like you actually are mature and can handle the beta taking your story and showing you where to improve- the beta doesn't need to waste time on an author who doesn't care what they have to say- that is what irked me about her more than anything.
That was a very good example actually of a good experience beta-ing and that the author actually took the advice and did try to improve the story- it shows a sense of not only commitment to the story but also to wanting to improve his skill of writing, he can learn not to write so much but reduced it down and still have it make sense.
*Must go and look at PerfectImagination* Haha, I seriously am learning more and more each day.
@Shadowknight I actually agree with you there, as I said above it shows he wanted to improve but I got the bad luck of the draw in having a new writer who didn't want to improve but, as my friend said, use me as a ghostwriter by her definition.
Haha, I am the last person in the world to want praise, for basically anything, I look at my work and still cringe to high heaven at how bad it is compared to how good it could be. I'm way better than I use to be, the girl was the same as I was in the beginning and I recognized that which is probably why I was so fine with beta reading for her at first as I knew the heat I took at the time was immense for the fandoms I was in but hey I've grown, one of my betas and I are going through my Lord of the Rings story now -all current ten chapters- and working over it to make it now I have two more years experience under my belt.
I guess the FFnet Twilight tweenies only see more reason to swoon over an over the top love story between Edward and Bella. Haha. Sorry I can be a little blunt at times with my disliking but its honest truth not one reviewer had pointed out that her grammar needed more work and more time, there was no character development (even after I spent three hours writing out what she could do to draw the reader into the characters) it was just bam this, this and this happens all so quickly and under 1,500 words and people love it. I don't get it... If they love a basic 900 word chapter with little well depth and review so much junk how come the actual time taken, thought out stories are ignored most of the time?