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Everything posted by Madlyn0Hattie

  1. Well, that's what the warnings are for. We haven't gotten nearly that far yet, if you'd like to take a peek, though I've got warn you, it's shaping up to be a long, dark, dark, dark story. I can't emphasize the 'dark' enough. It's a story about a bored, functionally immortal sociopath trying to break people with sex just to see if he can. Trying to see an end that isn't near-crippling codependency for Hatter and Alice is hard, and I've never written a downer ending in my life.
  2. I've just left a review for this. I have exactly two stories- no preference for which one is reviewed. Title: Nothing Left to Win Genre/Group: TV Shows -> Alice (Syfy) Summary: Hatter and March have a nasty history, which March wants to revisit. Hatter is willing to comply, as long as it keeps Alice safe. Hatter/March sex, Hatter/Alice feelings. Warnings: Angst, Bi, Bond, COMPLETE, Exhib, Humil, Language, M/M, NonCon, Oneshot, Oral, RapeFic, Violence Link: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095755 Title: A Triangle Has Three Sides Genre/Group: TV Shows -> Alice (Syfy) Summary: When you've been around as long as March has, you got to enjoy breaking people. He's never had two people to play with who were so stubborn about it before. Warnings: Abortion, Anal, Angst, AU/AR, Bi, B-Mod, Bond, BP, CBT, D/A, DP, Exhib, F/F, F/M/M, Fingering, Fist, H/C, HJ, Humil, Language, M/F, M/M, Moresome, NonCon, Oral, Other, Preg, RapeFic, Rim, Rom, Slave, SoloF, SoloM, Spank, Tort, Toys, Violence, WIP Link: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095872 I realize that NonCon isn't everyone's cup of tea, and that it's a small fandom (these two are literally the only stories there), but I'd really appreciate anyone who looks at them. I'll even do a direct review exchange- that is, you review my story, and I will review one of yours in turn.
  3. Chapter Three now up: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095872&chapter=3 Incidentally, I'm willing the read and review your story if you do the same to mine
  4. Chapter Two now up: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095872&chapter=2
  5. Title: A Triangle Has Three Sides Author: Madlyn0Hattie Rating: Adult ++ Summary: When you've been around as long as March has, you got to enjoy breaking people. He's never had two people to play with who were so stubborn about it before. March/Hatter (past, noncon), March/Alice/Hatter (very much noncon), Hatter/Others and Alice/Others (also noncon), Hatter/Alice (eventually noncon free). Warnings for pretty much everything you can think of will eventually apply. This is a WIP. Feedback: Yes, please. (Flames will be ignored) Fandom: Syfy's Alice (Or Alice 2009, or just Alice, or whatever you prefer) Currently listed under Misc TV Shows URL: http://tv.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600095872
  6. Category name: Either Syfy's Alice, or Alice 2009, or simply Alice. I've seen it all three ways. Section category to be in: TV Shows Do you have any stories for it?: Two. One is a one-shot, the other is a WIP. Both are currently listed in Misc. TV Shows (Male/Male and Threesome/Moresome, respectively).
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