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emails for site restoration
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in Archive Tech Support
I haven’t gotten mine. I’m glad I didn’t click on the email that I thought it might be – probably some phishing email! -
So I’m up to date on the fact that we’ll be getting emails soon, if we haven’t already; and that they might be in the spam folder. What’s the email address that one should look for? (Apologies if this is in the wrong place, but I didn’t know where else to put it.)
I can’t help but wonder if it was that ChatBot AI thing learning how to write like all of us...
The second chapter in my story “Long December” (located in Anime – M to R – Rosario Vampire) is displaying with this character  in various places where there should be simple spaces. I tried to copy-paste the text into a Word document and find-replace the  with spaces, but to no avail. I think a chapter in one of the other stories in that domain was affected too, but I can’t remember which.
Author: DrunkenScotsman Title: Chicks Dig the Fuzzy Dude Summary: Kurt's always had horrible luck: born a mutant, demonic appearance, abandoned as an infant, and now alone in a foreign country. Fate decides to throw him a bone by giving him lots of opportunities to get lucky in his new home. Feedback: Review, PM, reply thread (see below) Fandom: X-Men: Evolution Pairing: lots Warnings: MF, Minor2, PWP(ish), Other (by chapter as needed), WIP Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered (irregular updates) URL: http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091522 Review Reply thread: Can be created, assuming sufficient interest
I could also use reviews for my latest Rosario + Vampire story, “Long December.” It’s the last installment of a series, so you should probably read the rest if you haven’t already; I’ll understand if that’s way too much of a commitment. http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600055808 PS Did you ever get around to reviewing the other story I posted above?
Author: DrunkenScotsmanTitle: Long DecemberSummary: The conclusion of the series beginning with "The Witching Hour." After Outer Moka's sacrifice, how will Tsukune move on? Can he? How will Inner Moka adapt to being just "Moka"? What about the other women in Tsukune's life?Feedback: Review, PM, Discussion thread (see below)Fandom: Rosario+VampirePairing: Tsukune/???Warnings: Solo, M/F, Minor2, Violence Solo story or chaptered story: ChaptersURL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600055808 Discussion thread: Currently none, but sufficient interest could change that
Do you write smut that doesn't personally excite you?
DrunkenScotsman replied to Keltiel's topic in Writers' Corner
Every time I write a blowjob, which is seldom. I don’t particularly enjoy receiving them, so it’s always a bit of a struggle to capture the feeling of someone who does. (Clarification: I don’t hate them; they’re just kinda “meh,” at most useful as foreplay.) Also, anything on the BDSM spectrum – I think I’ve written one scene that vaguely qualifies, and it was a fantasy while the character was getting her rocks off. -
Boulevard of Broken Dreams Review Replies & Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in General
Sorry it’s taken so long to reply – life’s gotten busy for me the last few months. To answer your question: “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” is finished. I’ve been working on the next (and final) story in the series, but it’s been slow going due to the aforementioned busyness. The story itself has resisted being written at several points as well, further slowing things down. I recently made a bit of a breakthrough, so the writing’s coming along much better; nonetheless, I project that the final installment won’t be ready until sometime this summer at the earliest. -
I might be exaggerating a bit, but it really, really friggin' hurts.
I'll take you up on this, then: "When It's Love" http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091440 It was a WIP when I asked the question earlier, but I've since finished it, so moot point.
Pure, unadulterated pain. It's like when you get something in your eye x 10 ^ 10
OP: Finished stories only, or WIP's okay?
To piggyback on something that's been mentioned a few times, the teeth can end a BJ quick. The less experienced the giver, the more likely the receiver will feel teeth. It can range from an uncomfortable scraping sensation on the less sensitive areas, to an agonizing sharp pinch on the tip, especially around the edges of the head. There aren't many things that can kill a hard-on faster than a sudden, unexpected jab of the most searing agony this side of a rectal exam.
Author: DrunkenScotsman Title: When It's Love Summary: Gambit uttered three simple words, and Rogue must decide how to respond. Can she trust a known thief with her most treasured possession, her heart? More warnings within as needed. Feedback: Review, PM, discussion board Fandom: X-Men Pairing: Rogue/Gambit Warnings: M/F, Angst, WAFF Solo story or chaptered story: Chaptered. Currently has 4 chapters posted URL: http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091440
When It's Love Review Replies and Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in Het-Male/Female
After an inexcusably long wait, new chapter is up! I apologize profusely for the extended period between updates; the end of this semester was absolutely brutal, to the point that I didn't even turn my grades in until right before the deadline (I usually have them in the day of the final or the day after; this time around it was 5 days). I wanted to thank everyone for your reviews and encouragement, as well as welcome any new readers, such as Ella and Fostersb. -
Boulevard of Broken Dreams Review Replies & Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in General
Welcome aboard! Unfortunately, it'll be a while before my R+V saga continues; I'm in end-of-semester panic mode and have zero writing time. I'm also in the middle of writing a story in the Marvel domain, which will take priority until it's finished. -
I was about to make this exact point. Additionally, in a sub, if there's a lot of chatter happening simultaneously, it can be hard to follow along; either the subtitles are being replaced too quickly to read, or I can't figure out who's saying what and why. On the dub side of things, while some things are inevitably lost in translation, a good translation will convey the original sense as closely as possible. What I've read from most of the other comments about bad dubs has a lot to do with bad translation choices. I'm also going to go against the grain here and say that I hate listening to the Japanese voice actresses. The typically-high-pitched voices commonly used for female characters are exceedingly grating to me.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams Review Replies & Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in General
Thanks to everyone who reviewed Inner Moka's chapter! That was by far the goriest, most brutal thing I'd ever written; I named it "Mortal Combat" for a reason! The chapter also gave me a good opportunity to try my hand and writing an action scene, and I'm glad it had its intended effect. Guest: That interplay and internal conflict is what I'm most enjoying about writing Inner Moka. I'm glad it works for you as well, though I can't take full credit for it - I'm borrowing liberally from the manga as well as the anime, even when their respective tones (dark action-adventure vs. silly harem comedy) make melding the two a difficult task. Ego Killer: Your input is appreciated as always. Sorry that you're starting to hate Moka now. It strikes me that she's experiencing the onset of "loss of privilege": the more her formerly-dominant position is threatened, the harder she fights to maintain it. Aysha: Thanks for the review, my friend! I'm glad you're amused by Kou; he's one of the most ridiculous parts of the anime, and my only regret about telling a story more strongly focused on romance is that I don't get to use Kou more often. Dan: I looked for your story and username on FF.net and couldn't find it. Darren: Dreams are FUBAR like that sometimes. That's what I find so fascinating about them, and why I wrote this story the way I did. -
When It's Love Review Replies and Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in Het-Male/Female
I could overcome it if I found the character at all interesting. More seriously, though, something that far out of my usual play area would need for me to have a seriously compelling story hook. Maybe one day I'll have an epiphany for an X-23 story. Stranger things have happened - I had a dream a few months ago about Emma Frost that spurred me to put together an outline of an Emma-centered story in Evolution (which I know has been done a few times before, but I promise mine will be a unique take on the character). -
When It's Love Review Replies and Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in Het-Male/Female
No, but I've toyed w/ the idea of doing a follow-up to "March Madness" where either each of the couples (Sam/Dani, Tabby/Amara, Scott/Jean, Kurt/Kitty, Rogue/?, Rahne/?) got a scene. If Bobby and Jubes from that story ever did have a 3-way, it'd include Amara or maybe Rogue. -
Boulevard of Broken Dreams Review Replies & Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in General
For the purposes of this story, I've decided that Outer Moka's biggest personality flaw is her jealousy and possessive nature. Hopefully that's been apparent thus far; if not, spoiler alert! I think it makes an otherwise somewhat bland character more interesting, because it's such a contrast to her kindness and care for her friends - she loves them like sisters, but she doesn't want to share the man she loves with them. I think part of her naively thinks that ultimately the other girls will be okay with Tsukune choosing her. As for the cause of the nightmares, nothing in particular is causing them, since they're spread over the course of several weeks amongst the members of the harem. Rather, if anything is causing them, it's their latent fears bubbling to the surface. PS: Thanks for the support and for the suggestions, Dumpster! I don't know if I'll do any of those, specifically, but you never know how I might incorporate your ideas into what I do write. -
When It's Love Review Replies and Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in Het-Male/Female
Jubilee/Wolverine? Blech. I love Jubilee, but I really don't like Wolverine all that much. Bobby/Jubes, Amara/Tabby from Evolution... I seem to recall having used those pairings in a story not too long ago... (I know you read and enjoyed it. I'm joking.) Sorry that Rogue/Gambit isn't your cup of tea. Please don't feel obligated to read a story featuring a pairing you dislike just because I wrote it; I promise I won't be offended. -
Boulevard of Broken Dreams Review Replies & Discussion
DrunkenScotsman replied to DrunkenScotsman's topic in General
Thanks for the feedback! Regarding the "uncontrolled hunger" part, I think what I was aiming for was to draw the parallel between Kurumu and Moka - one of the original points of contention between them was (and continues to be, if jokingly) that they both only want Tsukune as a "snack," just in different ways. One could also say they both only want him for one of his bodily fluids - Moka for blood, Kurumu for semen. Given that one of her motivations is to repopulate her race, I thought it'd be pretty terrifying for Kurumu to have to eat the soul of the man she loves most, that she's put so much effort into having a relationship with, in order to procreate. I think I was trying to pit one of her fundamental motivations (procreation) against the other (romance). The whole thing w/ Ageha was to try to symbolize Kurumu's character growth; she's renounced the use of her succubus powers on Tsukune, even against her mother's wishes. Her fear, then, is of backsliding into the person she was before she met Tsukune, which Ageha had molded in her own image. She's afraid of destroying herself and what she has with Tsukune in favor of becoming the person that her mother wants her to be (that is, a "little Ageha"). If this seems wishy-washy, half-baked, or otherwise unsatisfying, I apologize; I'm trying to remember where my head was when I wrote this chapter several months ago. -
Opening thread. Link to story: http://xmen.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600091440