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Everything posted by DemonsAngel

  1. That patience is a virtue CLEARLY never waited for a new toy to arrive. *nods* That is all. ^^
  2. Ok, normally I am not the kind of person that leaves a rant. But I need to. Recently I found a friend on FB that I haven't seen in 5 years. Turns out he has been living down the street with my ex-best friend. Now first off, I shall give you a bit of background. My former friend is male, I am female. I ended our friendship two Halloweens ago. I got really tired of him always being handsy with me, despite the fact that I told him not to touch me, and that he was treating me like shit. He made me feel really used. Then on Halloween we (me, Kevin (ex friend), his room mate Jeff and his then fiance D-chan (one of my 2 best female friends)) got together at his moms house along with a few others for a party. He was just pure awefull to me. Was rude saying he didnt like my costume when we picked him up from work. Even though me and D-chan wore exactly the same thing (double trouble dark fairys ^^ ). Then he ignored me the entire night and wouldnt even talk to me and tell me what was wrong when I tried to find out. So I called him out on it and told him I really didn't appreciate nor deserve to be treated that way and that if thats how he was going to be we were done. He wouldnt even help carry things out to the car when I had my hands FULL. Despite the fact that everyone else was helping too. I was real upset for the next week or so. Anyways, that was the end of what was a several year long friend ship. As for feeling used, when ever we did things that required money I always paid, I drove us everywhere since he didn't have a car or we walked. I tried very hard to do things he would want to though he always shot down what I wanted to do. Plus, everyone keeps telling me they suspect he is really gay and just wont admit and was using me as his last resort to prove he wasn't. Not to mention he knew I had a crush on him at one point and passed me up for a girl he had never even met on the other side of the country. (His loss by the way) ANYWAYS, on to my original topic, I asked the friend I found on FB if he knew why we stopped being friends and told him why. He told me that Kevin had been telling him that HE ended it cause I was leading him on and treating him like shit. (Please keep in mind that my friend, whom I love to death does not believe him and that I would NEVER lead someone on. That is just cruel and SO beneath me.) Now, on to my actual rant. First off: I NEVER lead him on. I let him know from the start that I was interested in him. After that he started doing things like hugging me and pulling me into his lap. Then he pushed me aside for some girl he never met. After about a year once he realized he couldn't have her he came back to me. We dated for two days. I ended because I was uncomfortable with it. Even after that he kept hugging me, which is fine, I like hugs, but kept doing things like pulling me onto his lap and not letting me up, randomly grabbing me etc, which I wasn't ok with and asked him time and again to stop. The ONLY time I ever treated him like shit on purpose (yes, I had my moments when in a bad mood and I always felt terrible later and apologized) was when he let my rat, who he was keeping at his place for me, get sick and NOT TELL ME. I found out when I went over to clean her cage. She had a HUGE abscess on her neck. I had to take her to the vet and she nearly lost her bottom teeth cause it rotted out the roots. I have had rats before. And they have gotten abscess's. When I confronted him about it he had the nerve to tell me that he saw her that morning and she was fine. They do NOT form that fast and I called him on it. For that I yelled at him and was cold for a while. But that was it. So yeah. The guy is a complete loser. I have been much happier without him these past two years. Yes, I still miss hanging out with him, but I know I am better off. END OF RANT Thank you for listening ==
  3. Ah yes, another case where the parents need to grow up and act their age. Gotta love it. Not. Anyways, just had to say I loved this rant lol. It's a shame we cant say these thing to the actual people they are meant for. Well, we can, and I usually do but that is because I tend to speak my mind more often then not anyways...^^;
  4. Yes. Who ever made the program spelled her name wrong.
  5. Anne Rice and P.G Wodehouse for me.
  6. Ok, first off I would just like to say that I love the new RTE. Makes things a lot simpler since I dont know codes and had to ask my friends and then find the ones that would actually work by trial and error. I am however having a minor problem with the font. When I use arial everything is find. But when I tried to change it to Times New Roman it went a bit wacky. I selected the font size I wanted and in the editor it showed it as a decent size. But when I went to check how it looked in the actual chapter it was SUPER tiny. So I went back and forth and worked on changing it. Even after selecting a size 16 font it was still very very small. Finally I switched back to Arial and the font was normal again. Not sure if this is a bug or if I am just not doing something right. So I figured I would mention it. Have a nice day, sorry to add to the list of problems and things to do.
  7. *glomps* Thank you! I hate coding lol
  8. DemonsAngel


    Wish I knew, that sounds hilarious!
  9. Lol, SK to the rescue again! How did I know you would be the one to answer? *hugs her brilliant buddy* Thanks.
  10. Ok, being a girl, I obviously have no experience with this so guys, does it actually hurt when you are unable to find a release like some people say? Or are you just left annoyed and unsatisfied? Basically, whats it like.
  11. Thank you for the awesome review! I am so glad you liked it! And yes, I know it was you. You are my hero! *hugs*

  12. Personally I would re-write it, but that's just me. If you don,t think its a big deal then you could just leave it. Why dont you try finishing the story first, then reading through and deciding from there if you want to re-write it?
  13. Though I haven't had to do this with my story (yet) I have noticed other stories who's description doesn't fit. I'm hoping I dont have to re-write mine any time soon. I rather like it the way it is lol. Or maybe I'm just lazy? Who knows ^^
  14. I rather enjoy both. When I am first starting a story I prefer to start out with plain old pen and paper. Unfortunetly I tend to press fairly hard and write so long I get blisters and my hand massivly cramps up. But after I get the first part down I type it out, start editing and then usualy progress from there via computer. Though I still tend to take notes on what I am writing via my spiral note book and pen which I always keep handy when working. When it comes to editing I also like to print out what I have, make notes and then change things on the computer. ^^
  15. Hey guys, I'm working on a story and have reached a block. I would really love to hear some of your opinions and insights on the story (which may also help me break out of this block.) Hope to hear from you! Title: Second Chances Author: Luminari Lilium Rating: Adult Summary:A chance encounter provides two strangers the second chance they need in life. But will they be able to put aside their differences and work together or kill each other trying? Feedback: Greatly Desired Spoilers: None URL:http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600093688 Thanks! Lumi
  16. Time for more rping! Maybe today I will get some actual writting done as well instead of just editing ^^

  17. *is working on her story and rping* Ah what a nice way to spend the day.

    1. Shadowknight12
    2. ApolloImperium


      I haven't RP'd in ages....

    3. BoredStraight


      I'm jealous! That sounds way more fun than working!

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