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Posts posted by foeofthelance

  1. Just for the record, she came after me too. MiniImuChan or some such? possible vampire avy? Yeah, got the same offer to RP. Told her I only do the Sword and sorcery bits, and even then only with my friends. Which can get somewhat interesting.

    Did you know the best way to throw a succubus of her stride is for some one approach her who actually wants to fuck her? And just gets turned on when she talks dirty. biggrin.gif

  2. I say leave the history books alone. As far as I've ever been able to tell, the meaning of studying history is not to determine who was where when, but WHY.

    The country wasn't settled because the settlers were white, it was settled because everyone wanted to get rich quick, save for some of the english settlers, who were ticked off at being persecuted for their religious beliefs. In the process, they shoved most of the native tribes off to the side as being "savages".

    The Revolutionary War occured because Britain wanted reimbursement for a war we made them fight, and we wanted some say in how we had to pay. Neither side really listened, so a war broke out. Pretty much the same for the War of 1812.

    The Civil War was started because one side wanted to keep living in the past, one side wanted to embrace the future,and neither side bothered to ask the group they were fighting over, they simply assumed they were right.

    The Indian Wars took place because after a hundred plus years of living, people found they didn't have enough land, so they went and took it from those they could.

    World War I started because people are idiots.

    World War II started because people didn't remove the idiots who started World War I from power, and allowed said idiots to blame an innocent party for their pown actions.

    Vietnam and Korea were simply the results of the end of World War II.

    The modern War on Terrorism was the result of the Cold War, which was in turn the fault of the same causes of Vietnam and Korea.

    So whose fault is all this?

    Well, 100,000 years ago, man was born in Africa. Let's blame the blacks.

    Except, 10,000 years ago there was a major extinction event, and the survivors were all holed up in Australia. So let's blame those from the south Pacific.

    But, you know, 7,000 years ago the Egyptians created this little thing called "civilization", so I guess we're back to Africa. Ok, so it really is the black's fault. Well, except it could have started in the middle east somewhere, so let's blame the Arabs. Or, as some of us Republicans would like to say, and as Democrats like to believe we all like to say, (Hey, fair's fair.) "Let's Blame the Terrorists!"

    Except, well, about 5,000-6,000 years ago, Greeks decided they could do it better. Even worse, they deided to create a written language instead of pictographs, so I guess it's all the Greek's fault.

    But they fell apart and the Romans took over, so now it's alll the Italian's fault. On a different note, they're also responsible for the birth of England as a nation, so this make's several other thing's their fault.

    Marco Polo was also Italian, but golly gee, if those blasted Asians hadn't been such bastards and started their own civilization, there would have been no need for trade routes and such. So in the end, it's their fault.

    Except Columbus was Italian, and had Spanish backing, so I say we blame the Spanish and Italians. Bloody Spanish and Italians!

    Except they wouldn't have had any reason to explore the new world if the locals hadn't gone around digging up all that gold. So now it's all the Latino's fault.

    The problems after that can all be blamed on the French, and since this covers most of the late 1600s to early 1800s, I'm not going to go into any detail. So let's bash the French!

    So, all in all, we could say it's all the white man's fault. But that's not giving the black's the credit they're due. And of course, then we have to deal with the Asians and all the other various subcultures of the Islands, North, and Sotuh American continents. Hmmm. How to sum this up then?

    I know. Let's blame humanity. There, everyone happy?

  3. Actualy, that might just do the trick. When windows was reinstalled, it mentioned a partition with about 203 megs worth of info on it. Not sure what it was, I didn't touch it, just reformatted the main partitition. Can you ask your friend if there is anyway to access the partition from the desktop? Detailed instructions preferable.

    ::Humbley Bows Down In Honor Of Melody Fate::

  4. Originals is the worst section for reviews, because everybody is looking for something different. The one shots never really get reviewed, and the categories outside of erotica are almost never reviewed

    My story: The Cheerleaders

    Chapters: 70+

    Hits: 64000+

    Reviews: Little more then 200

    A story really needs lasting power and a fan base before getting reviews.

  5. I dunno. Is it cause the guy claims it was an accident, or because he was caught as a part of a beak up of a kiddy sex ring in Thailand? From what I've been reading, they have some pretty solid evidence against him already, including confessions of details, etc. But for now they're waiting confirmation on DNA testing for more concrete proof.

  6. Currently running Direct X 9.C which is I believe the most current. I may be wrong. I tried to get the computer to tell me using the DXdia trick, but all it gave me was unknown, using base system due to card error

  7. Yes the computer boots up. Other then the missing rivers it works fine. They don't affect anything other then my ability to play games on my computer. How do I know what's wrong? Games that worked before the crash won't work, citing video card problems.

    As for HP, when I initially contacted them with the problem, they tried running through a few things, but the technician told me that since the machine was a custom job (online I believe, I didn't order it, it was a birthday/college present) that there wasn't anything they could do.

    The only disk I have marked Restore has several files the computer couldn't open, and Linux set up files.

  8. Thanks, though this still hasn't been much help. The problem is that I can't find out what video card is installed inside my machine. When I contacted HP they said they couldn't help, as my machine was custom to order, instead of an off the shelf model. Thus, they apparently don't have any idea what they put in it. Which means I can't figure out which drivers to install for my machine. I tried the three disks that came with it. One was a media set up (which doesn't even work), one installs the printer, and the one marked Applications Restore, is of all things, a Linux setup disk as far as I can tell.

    Yes it is under warranty, as it will be only a year old on saturday. Unfortunately, I don't have the paperwork.

  9. For the sad fact of today: THis is more help then Hewlett Packard was. All i got from them was. "Buy this. Oh you already have it? Well we can't help you then because you got a custom to order Laptop, which means we don't know what we put in it. It could be made of wood and mud for all we know." NOTE: Not an exact quote, but just as good.

  10. Does anyone know how to get an HP Pavilion dv4000 to spill the info on whats in its guts? I need to reinstall a whole bunch of drivers, but don't know which video card I have inside of it to do so!

  11. Mine will be started, and hopefully finished soon. I was going to borrow some ideas from a friend of mine involving corkscrews.

    Unfortunately, I somehow managed to turn of my laptops's screen. And the only way I can think to fix it is by reinstalling windows to get rid of the settings. Even parallel commanding it with my home tower didn't help.

  12. Hahaha, nah thats alright. I think it was just the fact that after a while, tere was nothing left to the story, including a way to finish it. By this time I'd already discarded a terrorist plot, the return of Relevance, which even I couldn't explain, and a lesbian scene between two of the characters. Hell, the original ending had the main protagonist's younger brother shooitng the main antagonist, before he and the older brother ran off to the hospital for the birth of their friend's son.

    And these were all high school characters? Riiiight....

    Geh, but that's the start of another rant entirely. I think my biggest problem was not so much writers block, so much as having no more useful material. But the Greenville universe shall continue, especially since I've now cooked up a way for it to involve the Star Wars galaxy. biggrin.gif

  13. Geh. After a year of writing this story, I hate it. Absolutely positively fucking hate it. I might not have even finished writing it. For all I know I posted this rant as the final chapter, leaving my readers in perpetual limbo, each thinking a separate ending for the story itself. What can I say? Like all jokes, this one sucked because it went on too long. And that’s what it was after all, nothing but a joke. I’d originally been writing a Star Wars/Mechwarrior crossover during a week long vacation. My brother caught me writing it, and asked me to write what would later result in the Cheerleaders. At first it was simple. What if the three hottest girls from our local high school ended up with the three geekiest guys? What followed was the first few chapters, ending in the foursome between Ashley, Jim, Jen, and George. It wasn’t meant to go past that, but by then I had had several people asking for more, so I gave in. Somewhere along the line I got it into my head to give them a pet, and Kentai was born. Despite the one letter difference from the term for Japanese porn, he was actually based, if somewhat loosely, on the characters from the Disney film Brother Bear. I had been sitting in my doctor’s office reading a picture book of all things, being really that bored, and that’s where the inspiration came from.

    So where did all the characters come from? Well, I’d like to say they are all top of the line imaginary creatures. But in the end, that’s hardly true. Everyone in the story is based loosely of either myself, or off of people I know. Heck, Jason, Eileen, and Mitch are actually real people, though their names have been changed to protect the guilty. George, Jon, and Jim are based off different aspects of my own personality, while Phil is the form of my darker half took. Which is in the end, what seems to have doomed the characters as characters. Being only pieces of myself, they were never given the chance to be whole people. The heroes were never given flaws, while the bad guys had nothing to redeem themselves. The greatest example of this is the fight at the aquarium. In that fight, Jim is no better then Phil is, insisting things be done his way, and using violence to achieve it. Just because Jim is one of the main characters though, it comes off as being heroic and righteous, instead of simply overly aggressive and violent as I’d intended. The girls are even worse, because they are really nothing more then a variety of wet dreams. Out of all of them, the only two characters who come with any sense of realism are Rebecca and Max, but by the time I’d introduced them as characters it was too late to redeem the story.

    Sigh, ok. I’m going back to the story now, to try and see if I can possibly finish it in time for midnight.

    Ok, so I’m back. I’ve gotten some more of the end finished, though not enough to count really. At leas the whole Mitch/Andy thing will be resolved. Probably shouldn’t have turned on V for Vendetta. Oh well. Of all the things to be resolved it’s the simplest one of course. Dannie will get told off by Jon and Stef, while losing her little group of cronies at the same time. Yay for Angela getting an eleventh hour back bone! I’ve decided not to add anything for Jim, Ashley and Phil, as anything they do always seems to lead into something else. Oh well. They can just continue to harass each other. Oh and for anyone keeping score, Jon and Steph will end up naming their son Joshua, and lead a happily married life. Jim and Ashley will break up next year, while Jen and George split up after a few months at college, only to reunirte later at their tenth anniversary high school reunion. May acually turn that into a story later, though probably not. Ugh, forgive spelling here, Im not even going to try and edit this rant. For the story, again!

    Damn but I wish it would end. Seriously, after seventy some odd chapters and three hundred or four hundred pages of this, I want out. I can’t help but wonder if this is how professional writers feel when they get close to finishing the end of a book. If trying to get the last few pages together to finish the plot causes this many head aches for them, or if its just me. And don’t get me started on plots. Word for all the aspiring writers on the site: DON’T LET PORN AND PLOT MIX. JUST DON’T. Seriously. This never would have become such a problem if I hadn’t let ieas start creeping in, and had just left it as sex. And you know what? It’s all that stupid bear’s fault. If I hadn’t put Kentai in, none of this eber would have happenecd. He started it all, by posing the problem of how to get him back to Greenville. Curse you Kentai, CURSE YOU!! So of course naturally he’s also one of the three most popular characters in the entire mess, alongside Max and Rebecca as far as I can tell. Now granted, have I had some good ideas for plots? Yes I have. But some were better off being left to their own stories, while others I justdropped entirely. Seriously, what the hell was I thinking.

    As I sit here and write out this nice little rant (and an apology to those still reading it) I can’t help but remember something Jason mentioned to me after reading the whole kidnapping bit, where Daurie and Relevance have their little duel at the mountain top. After reading relevance get killed, he told me, and I quote, “Dude, you just killed all relevance in your story!” And to a certain degree he was right. After that it lost all meaning, just a dragged out story and over glorified sex scenes kept it going at that point. Im glad its done now. All seventy fucking chapters. Jeez, I was an idiot for trying for a chapter a week. Which is even more disturbing, because even though they weren’t posted once a week, I did it. 52 chapters, one for each week. Five chapters to begin. That’s sixty five left. Two for the 200 reviews. 63 unaccounted for. 6 chapters for the number of hits, even the ones left by me. That leaves 57 chapters of smut and plot to wade through, 285 pages of 12 font bullshit.

    There. I’ve finished it Everybody who deserved it got the happy ending that they had earned. All that’s left is to finish this little rant. Still reading? Poor you. Anyway, in a way, I’m glad that I wrote it. One year later, I’m a better writer, and have made a few new friends, both on the site and in real life as a result of the story. My girlfriend has actually looked forward to reading the latest chapters which is a good thing. And while having one of my friends yell across a crowded lecture hall right before a final that I’m a pervert, well, what else should I have expected from college. Of course, the mere mention of even wanting to drop keys around my friends is now totally off limits. But fortunately, it doesn’t come up all that often anyway. Will I miss writing this story? Not at all. Of the two stories I had begun, at least one opf them got finished. Poor Trelkoara. Maybe one day I will go back and write out the last two chapters. For now, I will stick to my Mechwarrior/Star Wars crossover, let the haunting Tale of Dreams of Death continue. Both of them will be the reverse, plots with a bit of sex thrown in where appropriate. I have a week to myself coming up soon, so maybe there will be much writing then.

    And yes, there will be the finishing orgy that was talked about between me Jason and Mitch. No, we wont be having an orgy, the characters will.

  14. Ha! While this might come in handy someday, doubt they'll do me much good. I can get fired for leaning against a counter. Or sitting. Or merely looking relaxed. Or standing oddly. Or not looking busy. Or having my hands in my pockets. Or...(fill in really stupid reason). I hate my job. Yay for two weeks notice tommorrow!

    TRY: I was serving as a wall support brace.

    INSTEAD OF: No sir, I wasn't leaning.

  15. Aye, it's gotten to the point that I won't watch adult swim anymore, simpley because I expect to see the original Japanese versions at some point in the future. The last time I tried, I turned on Gundam SEED and couldn't stop laughing at Kira's voice. Not that there was anything wrong with it, it just had too much cheerfulness in it. Watching the Japanese version, Kira doesn't try to hide his angst, he embraces it! The English VO had him sounding falsely cheerful, as if he didnt want his friends to know he was upset about killing people left and right. (Even though, altogehter, I think he only actually kills about ten people.)

  16. Go for it! Personally I think there's too muhc slash, but such is inevitable in a series with so much angst between its male leads.

    Most of the pairs you listed should make for an interesting reads. I'd have posted a het fic of my own by now, but it got erased when my laptop deleted itself. (I dropped my computer when it was off. Somehow this deleted the registry. huh.gif I'm no computer wiz, so deleted everything when reinstalling XP. Fortunately, the site had all my latest.)

    Side note: Have you seen Destiny Final Plus, the movie that ends SEED Destiny? It retcons the last two episodes, in a few minor ways, but in a few larger ones as well. Athrun, for example, is now present at the final showdown on the satellite.

  17. What's worse is after Storyjunkie mentioned that a teacher or other federal employee would use the term minor, that maybe some one's parent had found the site, read a few of the worse stories, and is now out there plotting. Hopefully it's a ridiculous idea. huh.gif

    I will now offer my opinion on the matter. Be warned, I ramble.

    When it comes to the minor stories, some are good, some are bad. I don't mean this in the way of the stlye of writing, I mean some are seriously depraved. Five and six year olds having relationships with 45 year olds? Those I never make it past the first few paragraphs, having been seriously squicked by it.

    The (And forgive for using the term!) tween years are more iffy. Ten and eleven are pushing it, but I have seen some girls devolop early. As far as I know, boys still aren't quite ready, so my suspension of disbelief ends up trying take a vacation and failing. But when written well, I make it to the end. Sometimes with a smile on my face.

    Older then that, (around fourteen) and the kids are sexually ready. Let's face it, the human form is not really meant to be around 100 years. Some make it, and thanks to modern medicine, we can expect it. Mother Nature hasn't caught on to this fact, and the ever so successful "Breed 'EM Young" strategy is still mandate biologically. Here they could be just as mature as an eighteen year old, or just as immature as a five year old. It's up to the mentality of the character in question. Sort of hard to descirbe really, So Dr. Foeofthelance hereby prescribes reading Robert Heinlein's To Sail Beyond the Sunset Deals with the topic rather well, including incestous relationships between experimenting teens.

    Does this site handle it well? Well some do, some don't. A good example of an author who deals with the topic well is Peter_Pan. He runs around the Originals Erotica/Sex category, and has a rather tasteful style. I thought Harper Valley was good, and am waiting for the seventh installment of Even in the Best Familys Others, and there's too many to really require an example, deal with it rather crudely, merely trying to exploit the age of the characters for an extra kick to their story. (Sorry Melody, never read your story, so I'm not trying to comment on it either way.)

    I myself have several stories where the characters are all under the age of legal consent, but are having sex amongst themselves, and not with adults. (Age of legal consent in the United States is tricky. Varies from state to state, youngest being fourteen, averaging around seventeen or eighteen. Internet is mandatory eighteen though.) But if the OP is seriously going to insist High School students don't experiment with and enjoy sex, then either they've fallen through some sort of timewarp from Never, or they're just bloody stupid.

    AT: My mother knows what I write. Sometimes she even edits. My brother knows what I write, and has even added a few requests. My friends know as well, and does my girlfriend. She's even asked for new chapters be emailed to her ahead of the rest of the world. biggrin.gif The only one who doesn't know, as far as I can tell, is my father, and even he may have some idea.

  18. I guess it really does depend on the crossovers. I've got two I'm working on, a Mechwarrior/Star Wars crossover, which only ignores timing of the two universes. (Star Wars took place in the past, Mechwarrior takes place several thousand years from now.) and a DBZ(GT)/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover based off a crack I made about Super Saiyajin Yugi.

    What makes or breaks it depends on the characters and how they react it to the worlds mixing. Take the BGZ/YGO crossover for example. The mix is done through Millenium magic, which canon already shows has the ability to cross world boundaries. It crosses DBZ by tapping into the cards during a duel. The YGO characters handle it rather well, because they've done it before, in the cyber realm and the monster realm. The DBZ characters thin they're all nuts. Making Yugi a super saiyajin would never work, but having them all confuse him for one because of the Pharoah's manifestations does. Kaiba treats it as a game world, an expects it to fit the patterns etc.

    The trick is making sure the characters fit they're personalities, not the world's personalities. In the above LOTR/HP fic, if Legolas is a student at Hogwarts, it fails. Because then he's no longer the Elven Archer Legolas, but a wizard that just happens to physically resemble that character. If instead Harry accidentally summmons him from a copy of the Return of the King, and Legolas proceeds to threaten Harry with an arrow to the skull fearing a Sauronish plot, then it is believeable, because he reacts in character.

  19. Yeah, cultural diffusion's a blast, especially when its unexplainable. Anyway, thanks for the help. Just means another one of my mini-quests continues.

    Orignals-Erotica/Sex-Cheerleaders updated.

    Originals-Horror/Thriller-Dreams of Death updated.

    Movies-Star Wars-Stars of Glory updated.

  20. I did? Huh, kudos to me then. tongue.gif Still, any links to a site that might have them lying around? This has bugged the hell out of me, especially since a six hour Evangelion forum at the last Anime convention came up. Long story short, some odd compariosns to Asuka and the original Red Riding Hood.

    Anyway, hopefully I'll get the next three chapters to three of my stories done today, as well as a fourth I might post here (Forum wise, not threadwise.)

  21. Huh. Didn't know I was that famous. Well, glad to be back.Now, can you tell me where I went?

    As for the porn, I don't pay attention to the dialogue. Half the time I mute it and listen to music. It's the physical details I'm paying more attention to.

    The real Grimm tales, I keep hearing about them. I keep trying to find them, but everything leads to either a censored version or a dead end. Sort of as if there was a conspiracy or something to keep me from finding them. Who knows, maybe my true destiny is foretold by Snow White, and this is how the forces of Darkness plan on keeping me from finding out.

    EDIT: Though apparently Storyjunkie remembers quite a bit about me. Now, does anyone know where Keith went?

  22. Aye as a virgin who writes for the site (and if I remember correctly, there was an old thread before the move, where there quite a number of us.) I will stand for those who have no experience. The answer is research and quite a bit of it. Video, text, even audio in certain places makes it easier to write the story. But I've been told that what I write is rather good. The last person to critique one of my chapters had only one complaint: She wanted me to use cock more in the story, rather then member, when describing penises. (Peni?) Granted, my earlier chapters are ridiculous (as my girl friend has pointed out repeatedly {And yes, I can be on the site legally. Surprised?}) but that's only to be expected.

    Oh, and can anyone point out where I can find the original Grimm fairy tales? I keep finding the censored ones.

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