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Posts posted by foeofthelance

  1. Title: Stars of Glory

    Author: reddragon

    Rating: Adult++

    Summary: Just got chapter seven up, and decided I should probably make the boards aware it even exists. tongue.gif Basically the folks from the Battletech/Mechwarrior universe make it to the Star Wars Universe, right around the same time as Hoth. Naturally things go a bit AU from there...

    There will OP, though I am trying to leave the canon relationships alone, if with a few new bits thrown in.

    Feedback: desired

    Fandom: Star Wars

    URL: http://movies.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600005233

  2. I write originals, and will freely admit to using character shields. It just seems right to me. This doesn't mean that I won't kill a character or two, but it does mean that their deaths tend to have a time, place, and meaning. A good example is one of the two stories I am working on. One of the characters is going to die, and because of the way things worked out knows not only when, but where and how as well. The rest I expect to always survive, so they will, even if it means monkeying with the rules.

    The other fic involves lots of space fights though, and since that is the one I am posting, there will be plenty of people with names going up in flames.

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