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Posts posted by foeofthelance

  1. Hey I'm a republican! I can do math quite fine thank you. After all, 2+2 still is equal to 5 right?

    <Ducks for cover behind the nearest convenient mountain.>

    Sadly my boss I and I were having the same conversation earlier today. He was curious about why the people we knew couldn't do the same basic math we do in our heads. I pointed out that it was because schools weren't teaching Math any more, they were teach Calculators instead.

    Fortunately, there are still some people running around out there who can do math. Though if you think the penny thing is bad, imagine the looks I get when I tell them how much I owe, including discounts and tax, before the computer does...

  2. Ok...so I'm going through the Baldur's Gate RPG, and I'm collecting the various stat altering tomes. So far so good. Grab and export...and then it hits me. Coordinators! (For those not familiar, Coordinators are genetically engineered folks from Gundam SEED/Destiny) I should do a game based around the various characters from Gundam SEED! And then it hit me...what classes should they be?!?

    The list is as follows...

    Kira- Paladin

    Lacus- Cleric &/ Mage

    Cagalli- Rogue

    Athrun- Fighter

    But that leaves two more characters for the party. So who should they be? Feel free to add any suggestion, from any anime, movie, book or other source. Just remember to give me a brief description of abilities, likely class, and anything else that might be useful...

    * This is here cause I didn't know if it belonged in games or anime or what. Sorry ahead of time.

  3. FUBAR- Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

    SNAFU- Situation Normal, All Fucked Up

    SOL- Shit Out of Luck

    Militaries of the world- Creatively coming up with fun and exciting ways to communicate everyday! Stop by your local base and learn the lingo soon, for who knows when it will change next!

  4. What the fuck? Is the entire hospital staff on crack or something?

    I am going to assume the woman is sane and rational. Therefore, following my train of logic, I think she would therefore be aware ahead of time if she had something as serious as a flesh eating bacteria. I doubt that is something you just wake up with. It requires contracting from some form of carrier.

    Therefore, it stands to reason that she most likely contracted it in the hospital.

    So who in the bloody blue blazes let someone with streptocaccus into a natal ward? How could there possibly be something capable of infecting her any where near her? Does the staff of that hospital understand the term "biohazard'?

    She has to sue them to find out what happened? Hell, they should be providing her with prostethics and physcial therapy of the highest caliber at their expense! And anyone associated with the ward during her stay should be looking for a new job. They obviously don't know how to keep a hospital.

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