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Status Replies posted by Onihime

  1. Just joined, hooray!

    1. Onihime


      Welcome to AFF! Hope you enjoy your time with us!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. So we have to wait another fucking month to find out if my dad has cancer? God fucking damn it I hate doctors!

  3. So, yesterday life dealt me a shocking sucker-punch. My ex-mother-in-law got after her granddaughters (my girls) for the way they were playing with their brother (not related to the cow at all). My husband and I had no issue with how the three of them were playing... But the real slap in the face was that my daughters HID after she got after them.

    1. Onihime


      Needless to say we won't be spending anymore visits where that cow can have anything to do with them.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. Sadly it is my birthday tomorrow and I have nothing planned. Well I take that back, laundry is planned and possibly having to bake my own cake. At least it will be what i like.

    1. Onihime


      hopefully your birthday is better than you expect it to be.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. the week has been hell for me. monday there was a shootout in one of the near-by towns... and then a fire... tuesday hubby came home sick and was here all day wednesday. yesterday was okay but wanted to breathe.. and today, my son decides to trip over his own feet and hit his face on a sharp corner! i'm debating on taking him to the hospital to make sure he doesn't have a concussion

    1. Onihime


      kiddo's fine.. hubby's feeling better. but i seem to have slammed my head into something while i was sleeping. i went to scratch it earlier and was rewarded with intense pain. was fine before bed last night though...

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. had forgotten how poignant military funerals are ... my granddad, a bronze star veteran, was greeted at the cemetery by a full honor guard. It was even more touching when the lead officer stepped forward to inform the family that he had known my granddad from the railroad so long ago. There is some so very moving and touching at the sound of taps being played while the flag is so ceremoniously and reverently folded ...

  7. I think there's a few more photos in this album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=590614&id=793135230&l=374e5a086c since I last shared it...

  8. Best Valentines Day present EVER! I got the next two certificates towards becoming a Cardio Kickboxing instructor!

  9. Yay, it be Saturday and the royal pain in the ass is gone for the wHOLE day. I feel sorry for his girlfriend, hm let me take that back no i don't. Lol, odd yes I know but I would rather he keep the girlfriend and leave me alone. :: shrugs :: it's two days out of the week I dont' have to deal with him and someone else can handle him. All i care about when it comes to that little situation is that she not come here, which she's kept to considering she doens't know I eve...

    1. Onihime


      ohhh.. SK's got a marvelous idea there Sanura!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Riding high on Cloud 9 because Blue Eyes called from Basic... So good to hear his voice purring over the phone at me,,,,

  11. Yay, it be Saturday and the royal pain in the ass is gone for the wHOLE day. I feel sorry for his girlfriend, hm let me take that back no i don't. Lol, odd yes I know but I would rather he keep the girlfriend and leave me alone. :: shrugs :: it's two days out of the week I dont' have to deal with him and someone else can handle him. All i care about when it comes to that little situation is that she not come here, which she's kept to considering she doens't know I eve...

    1. Onihime


      you're a braver woman than me. if my hubby were fucking someone other than me, i'd kill both of them.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  12. My ten and a half month old son took his first steps within the last hour! So exciting! :D

    1. Onihime


      Keith: He's my third. Wasn't supposed to even be able to get pregnant, so he's extra special to me... But definitely my last. I don't want to risk having another little monster like him.

      BW: Thanks!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. My ten and a half month old son took his first steps within the last hour! So exciting! :D

    1. Onihime


      Definitely makes the crap from the past couple of days worth it.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Looking foward to two blissful days of not having to go to work or school.....

    1. Onihime


      I would love a day off from work. Being a parent means you don't get time off though. lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. It's snowing...again...

    1. Onihime


      YAY snow! We're supposed to be getting snow this weekend. Up to ten inches by Monday night.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. My birthday didn't turn out to be to bad! Due to some last minute plans I actually had a great time. So it turns out I was stressing and depressed about it for the last week for nothing....

  17. Ugh! My photo is showing up on my computer as the panda with the heart even though in my profile it shows what I've changed it to. Does anyone have any ideas why the change doesn't appear to be going through? It's the same with my avatar too, I've changed it but it shows me the three black roses.

    1. Onihime


      thanks for the tip DG! it worked like a charm. :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. I really hate being sick. I still got to wrap presents. Blah

    1. Onihime


      Hope you feel better soon!

  19. Ugh! My photo is showing up on my computer as the panda with the heart even though in my profile it shows what I've changed it to. Does anyone have any ideas why the change doesn't appear to be going through? It's the same with my avatar too, I've changed it but it shows me the three black roses.

  20. My Dad just demanded that I buy my step mother a christmas present. I thought buying presents was supposed to tell the people you love that you care about them. Not forcing you to buy something for someone who treats you like shit just to be fake nice....

    1. Onihime


      Good thinking Keith! ~offers hugs~ Sorry you're forced to buy a gift for someone you don't like and who doesn't like you as well Bored.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. swears that if one more person vents their frustrations on her she is going to beat them down and bury them in the cold, cold ground!

  22. I'm back from my unexpected hiatus! Laptop decided that it didn't want to function wirelessly anymore. Have gotten a new desktop so things should be good again!

    1. Onihime


      :( I'd send you mine. It still works, just have to use wired net. Which is how I'm going to be transferring all my bookmarks and stuff, hook it up to the net, pull up my list and then plug the desktop back into the net and go from there.
    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. I'm back from my unexpected hiatus! Laptop decided that it didn't want to function wirelessly anymore. Have gotten a new desktop so things should be good again!

    1. Onihime


      Yeah, luckily my grandparents decided I'd been a very good girl this year and sent a very nice gift. My hubby and I got twin computers. lol

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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