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Status Updates posted by Onihime

  1. Hope you're okay. Missed chatting with you last night.

  2. So, yesterday life dealt me a shocking sucker-punch. My ex-mother-in-law got after her granddaughters (my girls) for the way they were playing with their brother (not related to the cow at all). My husband and I had no issue with how the three of them were playing... But the real slap in the face was that my daughters HID after she got after them.

    1. Onihime


      Needless to say we won't be spending anymore visits where that cow can have anything to do with them.

    2. silverdragoness21


      Honey I'm sorry to hear that, i have a mother in law like that. We cut her off, she isn't part of our lives so i totally understand.

  3. the week has been hell for me. monday there was a shootout in one of the near-by towns... and then a fire... tuesday hubby came home sick and was here all day wednesday. yesterday was okay but wanted to breathe.. and today, my son decides to trip over his own feet and hit his face on a sharp corner! i'm debating on taking him to the hospital to make sure he doesn't have a concussion

    1. BronxWench


      How's the little guy doing?

    2. silverdragoness21


      Aw sweetheart, I'm sorry to hear that. I got three accident prone ones so I understand. I hope hubby feels better soon. Take the time to breath and I'll send you some stuff for reading enjoyment Possibly this afternoon.

    3. Onihime


      kiddo's fine.. hubby's feeling better. but i seem to have slammed my head into something while i was sleeping. i went to scratch it earlier and was rewarded with intense pain. was fine before bed last night though...

  4. I think there's a few more photos in this album http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=590614&id=793135230&l=374e5a086c since I last shared it...

    1. Onihime


      And here's pictures from the little guy's first birthday party...


    2. marley_station
    3. Onihime


      :) Glad you enjoyed the photos Marley!
  5. Having a very crappy month. Rather than bad mouth the person I'm most frustrated with right now, I'm just going to go to bed and cry myself to sleep.

  6. My ten and a half month old son took his first steps within the last hour! So exciting! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BronxWench


      Oni: Many congratulations! :D

    3. Onihime


      Keith: He's my third. Wasn't supposed to even be able to get pregnant, so he's extra special to me... But definitely my last. I don't want to risk having another little monster like him.

      BW: Thanks!

    4. ApolloImperium
  7. Got hot water in the kitchen again. But now there's a problem with the water going to the washing machine. I want out of this house. Thank heaven we're just renting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BoredStraight


      I hear that!! When I first moved into the house I rent all the electricity would shut off when I started the dryer... then the plumbing went. At least we don't get the repairman bills!

    3. kagome26isawsome
    4. ApolloImperium


      Oh noes! I hear that though...*snuggles*

  8. Ohhhh!!! Thanks so much for suggesting your Hook story to me! I'm loving it so much!

  9. So, I let Sanura read a very short character background that I'd written up for an online DnD campaign a few years ago. She liked the character well enough that she's going to include her in the sequel to "The Dragon's Might"! I'm super excited to see what she does with Teilau!

    1. BronxWench


      That is awesome! :D

    2. Shadowknight12


      Congratulations! Many of us would like our characters immortalised in such a way! :D

  10. Ugh! My photo is showing up on my computer as the panda with the heart even though in my profile it shows what I've changed it to. Does anyone have any ideas why the change doesn't appear to be going through? It's the same with my avatar too, I've changed it but it shows me the three black roses.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onihime


      Ah! Thanks for letting me know. :)

    3. DemonGoddess


      It's a browser history thing. That's why sometimes it may take awhile. Press ctrl+f5 and it will FORCE a refresh and show the new content.

    4. Onihime


      thanks for the tip DG! it worked like a charm. :)

  11. I'm back from my unexpected hiatus! Laptop decided that it didn't want to function wirelessly anymore. Have gotten a new desktop so things should be good again!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Onihime


      Yeah, luckily my grandparents decided I'd been a very good girl this year and sent a very nice gift. My hubby and I got twin computers. lol

    3. BoredStraight


      I'm jealous, my laptop is so slow it's not even worth using, so I can only surf the net at work :(

    4. Onihime


      :( I'd send you mine. It still works, just have to use wired net. Which is how I'm going to be transferring all my bookmarks and stuff, hook it up to the net, pull up my list and then plug the desktop back into the net and go from there.
  12. The answer to life is "42"!

    1. BronxWench


      Been listening to the mice again? :D

    2. Onihime


      And riding in pumpkins too! :P

    3. Shadowknight12


      6*7? Um, okay? I'm more of a 12 guy, myself.

  13. "Can no one provide me with a decent challenge?" Lu Bu in the Dynasty Warriors video game series. <3

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